Chapter 19

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Thursday. Never a good day. I slowly and sullenly got out of bed. Stomping over to my bathroom I showered and got dressed in another girly outfit; worryingly I was beginning to get used to wearing them. After grabbing my bag and books I plodded downstairs and grabbed my coffee that was waiting for me on the counter. Leaving the house with my coffee in my hand I slid into the car and drove off to school.

I pulled into the school parking lot at a high speed, the twin turbo engines roaring away and the sound echoed around. I stepped out of the car and strode into school, earning lots of stares; I’d never come to school portraying so much anger or annoyance. I wasn’t even sure why I was in a bad mood, sometimes I got like this, it had only started happening since the accident.

Upon reaching my locker, I was met by the crew, Chrissy went to speak, but was silenced by Matt who was stood behind me.

“Don’t. She’s not in a good mood today”. The crew nodded and waited for me to get my maths books. After I’d grabbed my morning’s books I led everyone down the corridor; Tyler soon matched my pace.

“What’s up with you” he sneered down at me.

“Just in a bad mood” I sneered and thankfully he didn’t have to reply as I turned off the main corridor to go to my homeroom class, which I spent on my phone and glaring at anyone who even looked at me.

The bell rang signalling first period, I quickly left homeroom and walked to my sociology class. Walking through the halls I didn’t greet or acknowledge any one I knew; I just kept my head down. Upon arrival at my class I sat in the seat furthest away from the teacher, and sadly Tyler came and sat next to me.

“Do you want to skip?” he asked me. I didn’t respond; instead I focused on the teacher and she passionately paced around the classroom, waffling on about the crimes of the modern century. I felt a poke on my arm. And another. And another; they were getting increasingly annoying so I turned and sent Tyler my best glare.

“Don’t ignore me!” he hissed.

“Fine, I’ll skip. Happy now?” I spat at him, whilst he smiled and nodded at me, clearly pleased with my answer.

Eventually class was over, so we left the classroom and went out to the parking lot.

“Getting on?” Tyler asked, gesturing to his bike.

“Well, if I do, my skirt will blow up, so no thanks” I spat at him. Tyler held his hands up in defence and widened his eyes as though my statement wounded him.

“Who says that’s a bad thing?” he joked with a smile, addressing the back of me as I walked to my car.

“I’ll meet you at the house!” I called out to him once I was comfortably seated in the car. Tyler nodded in acknowledgment to my statement. I shot off out of the parking lot, flooring the gas pedal and sped off down the road.

I got back t the house before Tyler, so I went inside but made sure to leave the door open. I hadn’t been surfing in a while, so what better to do than go surfing?

I wrote a quick note and left it tacked to the door, telling Tyler we were going surfing and that he could borrow ones of the twins’ board shorts. After writing the note, I went upstairs and changed into my swim wear. I left my hair down and hopped down the stairs; I was suddenly in a good mood now that we were going surfing.

I waited for about five minutes in the kitchen until Tyler appeared.

“Let’s go!” I chirped and jogged off down the garden to the surfing shed. Throwing the doors open, I stepped inside and spotted my board straight away.

“Pick a board” I instructed Tyler who was somewhere behind me, he grunted in response and I heard him wandering around behind me, trying to pick a board. He soon chose one, and we carried them down onto the beach and began to methodically rub wax onto them. Thankfully we finished this boring task quickly, so I tucked my board under my arm and ran down to the water’s edge.

Diving into the cool, calm water, I felt all of my random anger drain away. Surfacing I called out “let’s have a competition!” So we did.

For what felt like all day Tyler and I surfed, constantly trying to see who could do the best jumps, turns and tubes. After about two hours of non-stop surfing we called it a day and sat on our boards in the ocean, soaking up the sun.

“I think” I began. “That we should do a prank” I finished with a smirk on my face. “Any ideas?” I asked, turning to look at Tyler. I couldn’t help but notice how perfect he looked just then; the sun was behind him, shining around his wet, tousled hair and shadowing his strong, masculine face; he looked almost angelic.

“Stink bombs?”

“Too obvious”

“Spray paint?”

“Too many consequences”

“Water buckets over doors?”

“Too fourth grade”

“Glue on door handles?”

“Too much work”

“Scary Masks?”

“Too easy”

“Turning the sprinklers on?”

“Too stupid”

“Well you think of one then!” Tyler burst, after shooting down all of his ideas, I assumed he would be slightly annoyed with me.

“I have an idea!” I exclaimed. A smile uncurled itself on my face and I began to hatch up a plan so evil, even The Evil Doctor Doofenschmertz from Phineas and Ferb wouldn’t have thought of it.

A/N: hiiiiiii, comment, vote and share :) x

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