Chapter 21

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I was woken up by Emma, Chrissy, Jess and Alexis al screaming and jumping up and down on my bed and from the sounds I could hear from around the house the twins had been woken up in a similar way. Cautiously I opened one eye and peeked at the hyper girls who were currently bouncing up and down on the soft duvet covers.

“Is there a reason everyone’s jumping up and down on my bed?” I mumbled, rubbing the sleep away from eyes.

“We’re going to Vegas baby!” Alexis yelled at the top of lungs.

“Ha. Ha Ha. You guys are so funny. Thanks for waking me up” I sarcastically spat at the girls.

“No, we’re not joking!” Jess yelled and smiled at me, my eyes widened at her truthful expression.

“Yeah, my parents said we could all go” Chrissy stated snootily.


“The SOCAL crew!” Emma called out.

“And we’re staying at the Hard Rock Hotel, in the Presidential Suite!” Alexis squealed whilst continuing to jump up and down. Chrissy rolled her eyes at Alexis’ behaviour and strutted into my closet.

“Not to burst your bubble or anything” I began cautiously. “But, how are we going to pay for this?” I asked

“My parents!” Chrissy yelled through from my walk-in closet. “It’s a treat for being well behaved for a month” She finished. My eyes widened even more. A fully paid trip to Las Vegas for nine teens, staying in the best room at the best hotel was a treat for being well behaved for a month? That was just ridiculous, I didn’t even get treats for being good, but then again, since the accident I had been anything but good. It was then that I realised what rich and spoilt friends I had made, to me this trip was a trip of a life time; for them it was just a week-end away somewhere.

Chrissy strutted back out of my closet. “Right, I’ve packed everything you’ll be needing for our trip” She beamed around at all of our excited faces. “You’ll fit right in now that I’ve picked your outfits, so don’t worry” she finished. But worry I did; knowing Chrissy had picked my outfits, my stomach turned, I would probably end up looking like a prostitute!

“To the cars!” Emma and Jess cheered and led us out of the house. The boys had split themselves between the two cars, and they were all hooting and hollering about the upcoming trip. Apparently the seating arrangements had already been arranged as I was shoved into the seat between Tyler and Parker, and Emma and Jess were sat upfront in the SUV.

“How long’s the journey?” I asked assuming that they would know.

“About two and a half hours, it depends on the traffic” Emma replied.

“Depends who’s driving” Tyler muttered under his breath, but I’m fairly sure we all heard it. Jess was driving, but I’d never been in a car with her driving it before so I had no idea what sort of a driver she was. She started the engine and we pulled away from the house, ready for a long car journey ahead.

“So, do you still smoke?” Parker whispered to me.

“Yeah, how do you know?”

“Don’t you remember that time I saw you smoking and asked you to stop?” he asked, to which I shook my head. “Oh, well I thought you’d of stopped”

“I’m not addicted to them, they help me relax!” I protested. I hated it when people judged me for smoking; I get that it’s bad for you and all, but people like Parker didn’t understand the reasons behind why I did it. Nobody understood why I got so drunk, or why I smoked so much back in England, and nobody would understand it here; and if it went my way, I would never have to tell anyone about the accident, or the curious scar that ran across my ribcage, thankfully covered by my bra.

The whole journey was horrific; Tyler was annoying me the whole time, and Emma and Jess were singing along to the cheesy pop songs as loud as they could. It was safe to say upon arrival at The Strip my ears were ringing. But other than that The Strip was amazing, huge casinos loomed up, towering over our SUV and threatening us with the loss of all our money. We passed the Mini Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty and eventually we pulled up at the front of the Hard Rock Hotel with Chrissy’s SUV right behind us.

The valet’s opened our doors and carried our bags, Jess and Chrissy dumped the keys in the valet’s hand and we all strode inside. Chrissy left us in the lobby whilst she went to check in our rooms, soon she came back with nine key cards in her hand and a triumphant smile on her face.

“Mummy and Daddy booked the three best suites as an extra!” she squealed and pumped her fists in the air causing the group to break out in cheers and hollers.

“Let’s go then!” Matt yelled, Chrissy led the way and we all trotted along behind her, followed by the valets who were still carrying our designer luggage. We took the elevator and crammed ourselves into the small space like sardines. Finally the elevator reached the top floor where the best suites were and we all stumbled out, laughing with anticipation of the great weekend laid out before us.

We were all handed a key card and let ourselves into the various suites; we had told the valets to have the elevator locked at the top floor so that we could keep all of the doors open, so we were all technically in the same room.

“Right, we can check the suites out later, but let’s play poker!” Chrissy cheered, to which we all eagerly nodded. I picked up my luggage and followed the girls into one of the suites to get changed.

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