Chapter 6

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None of them said a thing about yesterday, but after that Natasha was so quiet and Steve worried about her. He was scared, to be honest, as he start to feel this feeling spreading through his chest every time he sees her. Yes, he used to be rude to her, but that attitude was a spontaneous response.  When he saw her under the moonlight, those beautiful gleaming eyes and fierce red hair, captivating in every way, all other thoughts was thrown out the window.

He was scared of making the same mistake. To be loved. He was scared that she'd leave him again and history repeats itself. He was scared he's not gonna be good enough for her. He was scared that kissing her the other day was a mistake.

He sighed and grabbed his phone, it was still early but he was sure she'd be up already, he decided to phone her.

"Hey, Nat?"
"Yeah? Oh I forgot to tell you I can't continue the interview today, I'm kinda sick."
"Oh.. Okay uhm. Hey maybe I can just come over? If you're okay with it."
"Uhh- sure if you want to, I'll text you the address."


Natasha's building was pretty fancy, marble walls, glass panes everywhere he looked, kinda similar to his. She must be really good at her job she could afford it there, don't forget the fact that she is a close friend of Tony Stark.

As she opened the door, her face was bare and pale, hair tied up in but several stands was sticking out. To be short, "Jeez, Natasha you look like-"

"Shit? Yeah I know."

"What happened?"

"Skipping dinner and going out in the wind, isn't a good pair, is it?" She said with a weak smirk.

"Stop that, Natasha. You're sick," he said and tugged her in the room and led her to the couch.

"You've taken meds?" She shook her head, "breakfast?" She shook her head again.

Steve decided to make her breakfast, hoping it'll make her feel better. She followed him into the kitchen and sat on one of the stools, watching him cook.

"I didn't know Steve Rogers can cook."

"Yeah? Well he's a great cook."

"You bet. Wait until he burns my kitchen." He chuckled at her.

"Your kitchen is in good hands, Natasha."
She smiled at him.

Somehow, all the impromptu events make better questions than her prepared questions. Like that one time Natasha was being a curious child, he ended up telling her about his breakup which also brings them to a coffee shop, therefore she finds out his kind of coffee. Or that one time Natasha showed up all of a sudden in his penthouse, she finds out Steve Rogers bathes longer than average women. This time, she didn't plan to be sick nor did he planned to come over, and yet she discovers something new about Steve "I'm a great cook" Rogers.

Soon, her plate of pancakes and berries are served. He sat in front of her and watched her as she ate. He finds it cute how she picked the berries before eating them, as if each berry would give a whole different taste.

"I don't usually eat pancakes."

"Why you don't like 'em?"

"I do it's great. It's just been so long since someone ever cooked for me, last was like, what? 4 or 5 years ago by my ex," she admitted, bitterness in her voice.

"Yeah? What happened to him?"

"He left."

Ouch. Steve made an 'O' with his mouth. Then silence overtook them again. Steve took the TV remote and turn it on. News of their appearance yesterday was on every channel. Every. Single. One. Natasha gave him a glare, she hated when people talked about her, and now the whole country is talking about her. Sweet.

Steve understood what she meant with that glare and turned the TV off, he decided to use this moment to talk about the day before.



"I wanna say sorry, for yesterday. I kissed you and uhm I don't want you to think of me the wrong way."

"Yeaah, me too. It just felt right at the moment but not after," she said.

"If you don't mind, why were you so afraid of the media, the paparazzi I mean."

"I don't wike them," she said playfully.

"No, Nat I'm serious, you can tell me."

She sighed as she starts recall her memories.
"It's because of him," she started.

"Your ex?" She nodded.

"In case you didn't know, I was a performer, a ballerina. I performed in theaters all over the city, occasionally abroad. It was my dream job since I was a kid. He supported me, he loved to see me dance, he'd come and watch all of my performance and brings me a bouquet of roses," she said smiling at the thought, but soon was replaced by a sad expression across her face,"Then, one time I had this very big performance, even the President came to watch. The press and the media was there. Everyone was watching me. After the show, he was about to take me to dinner, I don't know why but he had this sadness and something else on his face, but the paparazzi was blocking the way, we couldn't get out. Everywhere I looked, lights were flashing everywhere, people shouting and asking questions to me. Just like yesterday. And then the reporters came along, I was surrounded by people I don't know. I tried to patiently answer them and that was when I realized he's not there. He's-" she started to sob,"he's gone, he didn't even say a word, Steve. I waited for days, he didn't even called. I didn't know why he left, in a day that was very special to me. He left me a letter a week later, I didn't open it, I know it's just gonna hurt me even more. Everyday I die a little inside, remembering that feeling when the only one I loved leave. That's when I know love is just a fairytale, it's for children," she tried to contain her sob but the sadness is just too much to contain.

"Sorry," she said through sobs.

"Shhh, it's okay. C'mere, I got you, Natasha," he said as he walked to her and pulled her into a hug, her head tucked under his chin as she sobbed her heart out. I got you, he kept telling her, just like the day before.


Hello, new update!
I'm sorry if this is crappy, I'm having my mid exam right now so my mind is kinda messed up.
I hope you guys loved it, comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks guys, you're dabest 💕

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