Chapter 23

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With a slight brush of her hands against his and a short gaze into her brown eyes could take him all the way back. Back to where there was them.

Senior High, 10 years ago

He decided to skip his class. He knows, it's very unlikely for him to do so. He needed some break from all those bullies that relentlessly shower him with mockeries and sentences he'd rather not hear. He loved drawing, even when he was still a scrawny, awkward teenager. An easy target for the bullies.

So here he is, under a giant tree in the courtyard, hoping he's hidden from the prying eyes of the bullies and from the watchful eyes of teachers that'll definitely send him to detention for skipping class.

Scribbling angrily on his sketchpad, rough strokes of graphite on paper the only sound filling the silent whispers of the winds, he startled and actually jumped when a voice spoke to him.

"Don't you have a class to go to?" she said with an incredibly attractive accent.

"Uh, yes. I'm sorry, Ma'am," he said as he dusted off the dirt from his pants before looking up to see her face, "Oh, you're Peggy- no, Maggie, right?"

Her red tinted lips tugged up into a small smile, "I'm glad you know me," she said, and damn he could tell he's looking like tomato right now, those lips, that smile, that hair that turns slightly red when it catches the bright sunlight. She looks amazingly better up close, "It's Margaret, people call me Maggie but Peggy sounds fine to me. There's too much Maggies in this school anyways."

"How can I not? You're the student body president," he replied,"so, are you going to report me, Peggy? I-I mean Maggie," he stuttered and she laughed at his nervousness.

"Why are you so nervous?"

"Because, I'm talking to such a beautiful girl," he said frankly, his hand reaching up to his hair as he ducked his head down to hide his blush. She was too, cheeks red as she bit her lip.

"I'm not, in fact I am skipping a class too," she said and he actually gasped at her confession. Never did he thought that, Margaret Carter, the school president, is skipping her class, "To do a catchup test that is, in the library," oh. "I finished early, I thought I'd spend some time being a little bit bad and wait until fifth bell rings to get into my next class."

The wind blew her hair across her face and he thought she looked exquisite, even in dark jeans and a long sleeved shirt, "I need to go grab something in my locker, see you around?"

"Definitely," he said and gave her a smile as she walked away.

Then attraction works its way. They smiled at each other in hallways, then she knew his name, remembered his classes, then it started into something more as they ate lunch together and he started walking her home.

His friends, his very few friends encouraged him to go for it, he definitely had a thing for Peggy, the name only he calls her. So a few months after their first encounter, Steve decided to man up and ask her out.

To his surprise, she said yes!

They were sweethearts, what they had was innocent, sweet, but it was true. With Peggy always by his presence, he started growing up way faster, both physically and mentally, he could say. Bullies don't touch him anymore, Steve was bulking up and they fear him.

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