Chapter 30

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With the intern gone, Natasha was finally content. Her work, had caused Natasha to quickly become infamous of being a 'cheater', not just in the office but outside too, now that people knows her name. Not that she didn't have thick skin, she'd been called far, far worse before, but she'd been hurt enough by Steve and now he's not the only one.

Soon enough, Steve found how the media was portraying her in so many different ways, many of which in a negative way. He felt bad, guilty mostly. He was the one who put her in this position.

A package arrived at her place later during that day, wrapped in a simple brown paper, tied in strings. A tiny note entangled to it.


I'm sorry. Hope you're doing fine.


The note read, written in signature Steve's handwriting neat and italic and slightly cursive. She couldn't help but give a little smile but quickly reversed her lips into a tight straight line, as if someone could see her. She began to unwrap the paper and before she could fully unveil what's inside, she could see a hint of red acrylic paint and right then she knew what it was.

The Redhead.

The painting of her Steve refused to sell because 'Natasha is worth more than anything'. Now its hers, and she felt a smile crept up her face no matter how bad she felt before. The thought of it was heartwarming and sweet that Steve was willing to give something he holds dear so much to her.

He hoped his gift was enough, to show her how sorry he was for his mistakes. Sorry that his choice had cost her a wounded heart.

A casual text from a friend reminded him otherwise, that it was not enough.

Sam Wilson
Whoa, did she really cheat on you, man? Unbelievable.

Steve sighed, people have been asking him the same and made him all the more guilty for putting her in such a bad position.

Phil walked in the room with his usual folder of papers when Steve spoke up, "Release a statement to the press."

Phil looked at him with wrinkled brows, "Statement? What statement?"

"Natasha Romanoff is not a cheater. We're still together," Steve said without hesitation and Coulson was honestly taken aback by his decision.

"I thought you guys were through," Coulson said.

"We maybe over, but as long as the people know we're a thing they wouldn't dare label her or tear her reputation down. She'll be under my protection, they'll know that if they mess with her they mess with me too," Steve said firmly, determination in his eyes.

Phil hesitated before he spoke up, "You might wanna think again, boss. This will scrap all your chances of dating again."

"Then so be it," As long as Natasha's unharmed.


Natasha was about to walk to her office when Steve's car pulled up in front of the building.

"Get in," he said, and although she gifted her a precious present she's still hurt of his actions, she rolled her eyes and walked away, ignoring him thoroughly.

"Get in Romanoff," Steve said sternly and Natasha glared at him,"Please. I'm not forcing you anything, I'm trying to help you," he added, this time softer.

"I'll be late for work," she simply replied with a poker face.

"That's where I'm taking you," he said and she hesitantly complied and got in.

There was an eery silence between them before she spoke, "Thanks, for the gift. You didn't need to."

Funny how things between them had always been easy before, and now it's hard to even see each other face to face.

"I'm sorry," he said once more as he looked her way, but she was looking straight ahead.

"I told you I forgive you," Natasha replied,"Isn't that enough?"

Steve sighed and drove on, he saw no point in arguing with Nat again. Not anymore.

"What's with driving me to work?" Natasha asked after a while.

"I read what they wrote about you, all those lies about you because they somehow know we're through. Coulson will release a statement denying those lies. I hurt you once, I'm not letting them hurt you because of me," Steve said honestly and Natasha wondered how can someone be so kind after all they've been through.

"What's the statement?"

"That you're not a cheater, that we're still together," he said reluctantly, afraid that she'll think this idea was so stupid and unnecessary.

"That's a lie," Natasha quipped and Steve sighed and stopped the car.

"I know. But if it takes me to lie to keep you out from the labels they gave you, then I'll do it," I'd do anything for you.

"No, Steve this isn't a good idea. If you release that statement, you'll probably ruin the chance-"

"Of dating again, yeah I know," Steve said softly as he stared at her, this time she was looking his way too, "What's the point of dating when the woman I love has left me?"

"Steve... Now you have all the right to get back with Peggy," Natasha finally softened, although it hurt her to even think of it.

"She's not the one I love," he shook his head as he search her eyes once more. They were through, she reminded herself and so she remain silent, not sure of what to say to him.

"That doesn't matter, as long as she's alright then I'll be alright," he said after she couldnt come up with words to say.

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