Chapter 31

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Natasha soon realized that Steve's released statement, made in an attempt to keep Natasha from harm, had actually hindered not only Steve but her too from dating. Not that it actually matters now, perhaps she'll be enjoying the single life now more than ever.

Though they never see each other again, the public actually believed Steve's words, he's always been honest after all. To the public, at least.

And so the two had never seen each other again in the past one month. Tony's party was just around the corner and Steve was reluctant to go, the only reason he had to go was to see Natasha. It's enough for him, to see her from afar, but that wouldn't be possible, people would be expecting them to stick together during the party, staring from afar would just re-destroy Steve's effort of shielding Natasha from nasty 'cheating' rumors. Natasha was reluctant too, what if Steve brought someone else to the party? Peggy perhaps? And she was so determined not to relive that horrible day in Paris. Again.

Tony can be very persuasive at times. They agreed to come, not sure whether it was because of Tony's persuasion or the pure ache of missing each other.

Steve sat on a bar stool, a drink in hand although he knew the booze won't do much to him. Sitting alone as he occasionally sipped on his glass, Tony on the other side of the room, welcoming guests in his designer made suit, microphone in hand as the crowds started cheering as the music blasted in the background. He could see some familiar faces, though they all seem to be occupied with someone else. Girls swarm him like bees, but he sweetly declined their company, he's not in the mood for them. Not when his mind is thinking of someone else.

That's when she walked in, her red hair curled and flowed beautifully down her shoulders, it had grown longer than before and it made her all the more exquisite. He could see the hint of lip gloss and the slight dab of blush, and he wondered why he even bothered leaving her (technically) for Peggy instead.

He thought, This is it, he'll walk up to her and he hoped they'll reconcile. He doesn't mind even if they ended up as friends for now. He just needs to be close and now she's within reach.

Or so he thought.

Speaking of distances, they might only be a dance floor away but she was unavailable. She came with a man. Another man. Ha! Karma's a bitch.

Quickly turning away, backing Natasha and whoever her company was he could saw him clearly, his ruffled curly hair and glasses in a dark gray suit, he wasn't being mean but her company looks way older. He couldn't find a kind way to say this but, he didn't expect her to move on with that guy.

All he wanted to do was disappear, that seemed like a better idea than watch Nat partying and having fun with someone that wasn't him which hurts more than he thought would. But it seemed like that day was a very unlucky day because Tony, a quite tipsy Tony bumped into him as he made a beeline towards the exit.

"Party's right there, old man," the billionaire said as he pointed towards the crowd.

"Actually Tony, I'm calling it a night," Steve replied to his friend as he gave him a little smile before leaving.

"No, you're not leaving. The party has just started!"

"But I-"

"Hey you two," Tony said to two security guards by the door,"don't let Mr. Goodypants here leave," and with that Tony left as Steve sighed and went back to his previous stool, hoping Natasha was having the time of her life to even notice.

An hour or so and a couple of drinks later, the bartender dressed in the standard black and white attire and a bow tie looked at him as he shook some drinks and dipped tiny umbrellas into drinks, "Rough day?" He asked Steve apologetically.

"Rough year," Steve replied honestly. The bartender offered him another drink and Steve slid his glass forward towards him. The party became wilder, more people came crowding in and so Steve walked out to the balcony, where he could be alone in the chilly wind.

"Looks like you could use some company," a voice said as he downed his glass of drink, leaning onto the metal railings of the tower. As the sound of clicking heels became louder, he looked over his shoulder to find Natasha, a smirk on her lips.

"Looks like you've found my replacement really quickly," he said bitterly and he regretted it immediately as he looked at the flicker of surprise across her features.

As she stood beside him, facing the skyline she snorted, "Your replacement? Surely there wouldn't  be one," giving a bitter smile afterwards, causing him to look to the side and meet her eyes.

Steve stared at her for a second or two, maybe even longer, trying to pin point what exactly did she meant because what he thought she meant made his heart content as warmth spread through his chest. She could see him visibly holding his breath as he looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"Look Steve... I was wrong. Leaving you was a mistake," she started,"I started thinking what every day would be like with you. I realized you've been the only person that has ever made me happy, truly happy. I thought I'd lost you to Peggy but.. you told me otherwise and I've been telling myself not to trust you again but I'm failing miserably."

"I thought I lost you the moment you walked in with that guy, I knew I lost you when you left me in Paris but I was hoping I could try and win you back. I guess I hoped for nothing," he replied honestly.

"You didn't."

"Then tell me I'm not replaced, Natasha, and let's end this right away because I can't fucking live with the fact that you're not there with me. I love you, Natasha. I'll always will," he said as his eyes starts to well up with tears and she'd never seen him so broken before.

Then, she realized the pain she had cost him and regretted her mistake, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said as she pulled him in closer into a hug, "I should've never left. I love you too, Steve, and I won't make the same mistake," she said, relieved that she finally gets to say the words she wanted, "I hope you forgive me," she added, staring into his blue eyes as her hands found his and laced them together.

"I do," he said as he finally shed a single tear, this is finally over. So he dipped his head and gently pressed his lips to hers, and he's never missed anything like he missed this. Her hands found its way to her hair and they wished this could go on forever but then a loud sound erupt from inside and people were cheering and so they broke apart.

"Happy new year," Steve said breathlessly and she only took it as a cue to kiss him again.

"I'll put it in mind to thank Stark for convincing me to come, or not we wouldn't have had this moment," she said lightly and he smiled brightly as he finally held her close again.

At that moment, everything was perfect.

Hello! I've been very late at updates and I'm terribly sorry! I hope you guys understand :)

How's the chapter? Do give your reviews!

much love.xx

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