Turning Human

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Bumblebee's P.O.V

"Bumblebee hurry up," Bulkhead yelled as I raced down the desert, I was back up. I revved my engine as I floored it, the team near. As soon as I reached them, I transformed. 

"On your left," I enclosed my servo to a fist and smashed it against a con that was aiming for Bulkhead. My green teammate gave me a curt nod before continuing to bust helms. 

WheeJack whipped around to see me at his backstruts. He wasn't good about watching out for himself.  "Bout time," he grumbled. I rolled my optics as I came to be one on one with another Decepticon.  

Optimus roared as he threw a con aside, "Autobot's secure the relic!" Smokescreen was seen out of the corner of my optic. I watched as he dove for the relic. Knockout had just dropped it due to Arcee landing a ped to his faceplate. 

"Raf, we need a ground bridge!" I called through the comm link. My beeps bringing attention to another con. He managed to get on kick in before I tore his arm towards me, punching his lights out. Ratchet looked at him as he cut through a con, he was making sure I got through to Raf. His question was answered as our bridge appeared next to us. 

"Thank you Rafael," Optimus said over the comm link. Smokescreen took off to the bridge, we began following him. Optimus shot once more before being the last through. We continued to run through, but Smokescreen yelped as the relic made a noise and zapped him. 

"Ratchet! What in the Unicron is that!" Smokescreen shouted, rubbing his servo. Ratchet inspected the relic only for it to zap everyone. The electric current ran through my systems, pain erupted through my body. The bridge turned off and we looked to see we were at base but further from the kids in the bridgeway. 

"W-Who are you? Where are the bots?" I looked up to see Jack holding a pipe. He was aiming it at someone. A human? Where had they come from? I looked over to see everyone around me was human. Where was everybot? I looked down to my servos. My eyes widened. Those weren't servos. Those were hands. I leaned back on my legs. I could feel the flesh beneath the clothes I wore.  

"It's me, kid," the voice was gruff. I looked at the man who stood. That was for sure WheelJack. He had brown hair that was slightly tinted grey. A cut on his lip gave away the fact that it was for sure Jackie. He wore a black shirt underneath a red, white, and green coat. Jeans hugged his legs, boots covered his feet. 

"WheelJack?" Miko asked. She put her hands on his face, feeling it. He chuckled but grabbed her hands to put them down. 

"Ratchet, what the hell is this?" He demanded. Ratchet grunted as he stood. Ratchet had grey hair that was longer but in a braid as Miko called it. he had a white coat with red strips on it here and there. A white shirt was underneath. Though, he wore what seems to be scrubs as pants. 

"I am guessing it was that stupid relic." I turned to look at the relic we had fought the cons for. It had turned our size. Smokescreen was standing, holding the object. Smokescreen had light brown hair, a blue jacket with streaks of yellow on with a white shirt on underneath, blue and white tennis shoes, and jeans. He was young, maybe even Jack's age. I stood and looked at everyone else who was examining themselves. Arcee groaned next to me, I helped her stand all the way up. Her longer brown hair was back in a ponytail. She wore black leggings, a dark navy blue shirt, and pink with a mixture of white shoes. She wore a necklace, a ruby was the pendant. She met my eyes, her blue ones shining back at me, a swirl of purple in them. It was definitely Arcee. 

"Bulkhead!" Miko cheered as she reached the wrecker. I turned to see Bulkhead, he was still inspecting himself. Bulkhead had black hair, was a little heftier, he wore an army green jacket, black shirt, army green pants, and boots. Optimus made his way to Ratchet who was inspecting the relic that Smokescreen held. Our leader had brown hair, wore a blue and red jacket, a black shirt underneath, jeans, and some kind of work boots. 

"Bumblebee!" Raf called out for me. I smiled as I turned to him. He looked me in the eyes and I could see the hint of my reflection in his glasses. My hair was blonde and shaggy, I had on a black shirt, yellow and black jacket, jeans, and yellow and black shoes. I noted that everyone had blue eyes. I opened my mouth only to start coughing at trying to speak at all. I held my throat. "Bee, are you okay?" I felt another pair of hands on me rather than just Raf's. 

"Bumblebee, let me have a look at you, okay?" Ratchet's blue eyes met mine. His face was a lot to take in. This was Ratchet. Not a strange human. I relaxed and let go of my throat. His eyes went wide as he inspected it. I tried talking again only to cough again and leaning over. That hurt all the way to my chest. Ratchet held on to me. "Do not try to talk, Bumblebee. This isn't like being a Cybertronian. Humans do not have voice modulators. They communicate differently." 

I crossed my arms before moving my hands in a couple of different ways. Ratchet nodded, but immediately realized he shouldn't have known what that just was. Hell, I didn't know what I just did. I was frustrated and wanted to communicate. "It's sign language. It is how people who are deaf or do not have the ability to talk communicate. You must just know it because you know Bumblebee when he talks in a different code. I don't know how else to explain it," Raf explained, glancing at everyone that was listening. Optimus stepped forward, giving me a once over. 

"Bumblebee, without means of communication that can alert us, I want you to be around someone at all times. It is dangerous otherwise." I nodded at the order, knowing he was right but wishing he wasn't. Smokescreen put a hand on my shoulder, the contact being foreign. His hands didn't feel the same, but that smile he gave me did. I was comforted in my friend. I smiled back at him. I however did actually have a smile. 

WheelJack's P.O.V

I sighed as I looked at the kid, his young face crumpled as he realized he couldn't talk. He could only move his hands to tell us crap. It was enough to get my blood boiling. We were never going to catch a break. We made our way to the bottom of the stairs, Ratchet looking up to where his communications were. No way were we going to be able to reach it. Ratchet sighed as he looked to Raf. 

"I think you are going to teach my how to use that device of yours."

Raf's smile couldn't get much bigger as Raf made his way up the stairs. Just as Ratchet made his way to follow, a car was coming in to the base. I pulled out my katanas, I looked to them in my hands, I didn't even know I had those still. Everyone had guns drawn. Smokescreen had one, Bee had two, Arcee had two, Bulkhead had a hammer like Breakdown, Optimus had a gun but a knife tucked to his side, and Ratchet had two sais. Everyone looked at their weapons in unison, surprise also evident in their features. What kind of twisted joke was this day. The car came to halt at the entrance. It was Mrs. Darby. She got out of her car to stare at us all. 

"Where are the Autobots and who are you guys?"

"Mrs. Darby, it is us. A relic abruptly had us take on human life forms," Optimus explained, lowering his weapon before putting it away. Everyone followed his lead. Bulkhead plopped his hammer to the ground, not wanting to hold it any longer. Holding it was just threatening in itself. Though, he did have a gun on his hip like most. I put my katanas away. 

"Oh my goodness," She turned off her car and came over to us. Her eyes landed on Ratchet. 

"Ratchet?" The older man just waved her off before following Raf up the steps to his tech. I chuckled, the grumpy old man already knew she was surprised at how old he was. 

"Mrs. Darby, I hate to ask you of this, but I fear we may need your assistance. We are new to these...bodies. I am not entirely sure Ratchet may know much about them. And I have a feeling the Decepticons may have had our same fate." Optimus looked to her in need. 

"Of course, Optimus. I will help any way that I can."

The Prime seemed pleased with the answer as he also made his way up to Ratchet and Raf. Bumblebee followed. Arcee went to June and talked with her about up keeping with the woman body. Even though we were in a war, Arcee was always a healthy and clean female. I looked at Bulkhead who shrugged at me. I looked for our lob ball. As my eyes landed on it, I sighed. It was huge.

"Well, I thought today couldn't get any worse." Bulkhead sighed beside me as his eyes also landed on our lob ball. 

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