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Ratchet's p.o.v

"Bumblebee." I whispered and he stopped to look at me from his work he was helping me with, everyone else had went to bed and it was 11:37. "But, I found this." He said and I took the data pad from him, looking it over my eyes went wide. "Bumblebee! You found the cure." I said and looked to him only to find he was asleep. "young in," I whispered and put a blanket over him and I took the data pad to finish it up. I wonder what will happen after we have been cured, what about the cons, we would be able to pick them up and throw them around like little rag dolls. Looking at Bumblebee who shuffled himself to me after dropping the blanket on the ground held out his arm. "I could use it on myself," I said taking the needle further away from him, "Ratchet you know you have to make more of it as a human." Bumblebee signed and moved his arm closer to me and looked me in the eyes. I let out a sigh as I grabbed a wipe and wiped a part of his arm then took his arm sticking the needle in it as her winced. "Bee." I said as i took the needle out then he fell on his hands and knees clearly in pain. "Bumblebee!" I yelled and the base lights turned on and everyone came out of there rooms. "What's going on?!" WheelJack yelled as he ran to Bee.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I felt pain coursing all threw me then blue lights appeared around me, "Ratchet!" WheelJack yelled then I felt myself become taller. "It worked." Arcee gasped as she held on to her bandaged side. "Ya it did." I buzzed smiling the best i could standing tall I looked down, "Wow, you guys are small." I whirred with a few buzzes of laughter. "Don't get use to it Bumblebee." Bulkhead chuckled. "Ya, but it does feel nice to be taller than all you guys well except Arcee i'm about the same height as you as an Autobot." I beeped and buzzed looking down at them. "Hey, Bumblebee since your so tall now can you grab my data pad from up on the tall console." Ratchet grumbled and as i grabbed it the alarm went off. "I didn't do it!" I whirred surprised. "i know its the cons,...Oh no." Ratchet whispered the last part. "What?" I asked knowing everyones question. "The cons got the cure before we did and they are bots now." He growled typing fast. "Bumblebee i'm sorry to tell you, but your gonna have to go alone." He said looking at me. "I don't think that is the right answer, Ratchet." Optimus said sternly. "And why not, Optimus we have no other choice." Ratchet argued and Optimus sighed nodding. "I assume this is the only way, Bumblebee can you handle it?" Optimus asked i nodded. "Only until I can get more of the cure done then I will send more of you to help him, Bumblebee do your best to buy us time." Ratchet said, Inodded as he opened the bridge. "You do have Megatron to deal with all you have to do is be fast, i will keep in check if you need a bridge fast." Ratchet notified me and i smiled looking at Smokescreen who signed the word 'pranks' to me and i nodded running through. As soon as i got threw Breakdown was in front of me and I threw my antennas up as he hit me to the dirt and I had to shake off he dizziness and run! "Well, if it isn't the bug. What happened, were you the test subject for the cure, so i assume you are now waiting till the others have been cured." Megatron chuckled taking out his cannon. I hate it when he know everything, especially when he's right about every little detail sometimes i wonder if he has a crystal ball or something. :.:Bumblebee, Optimus is gonna be there shortly:.: Ratchet's voice came threw and I felt a vent go threw me thanking the primes as i ran for my life.

Optimus's p.o.v

:.:Good thing, cause I've already seen Breakdown and Megatron:.: Bumblebee's beeps and whirrs sounded threw the some link in base as everyone listened in I was getting ready to be cured to help Bumblebee. "Keep stalling!" Smokescreen yelled and Bumblebee buzzed back. :.:Ratchet could ya hurry cause I don't think i can run this time!:.: Bumblebee whirred and buzzed scared like. "Bumblebee what is it?" Ratchet growled mixing two things together in a weird cup. :.:RATCHET! HELP!:.: Bumblebee shrieked as the comm link became static. "BUMBLEBEE!" WheelJack and Ratchet yelled. "Done!" Ratchet yelled putting the cure into a needle and wiping my arm then sticking the needle in me and letting it course threw me. "Gah." I breathed wincing in terrible pain then a blue light came around me and i felt myself grow. "The bridge is open." Ratchet said and i stood with a nod. Running threw to meet a Bumblebee who was trying to shoot the con that was swinging punches at him whilst atop of him. I took one shot and the con fell off of him and Bumblebee dropped his hands to his sides and letting his head drop on the ground in relief. "Are you okay, old friend?" I asked helping him up. "N-no." He stuttered as he gripped his leg almost falling. "It's okay I will help you." I said as i took his arm and leaning down so he could reach around my neck and he started his way through the bridge with me but i was pulled back and Bumblebee fell back with me and he whimpered in pain as we both tried getting up. "Die CON!" A yell came from in front of us and we watched as WheelJack jumped over us from the bridge and sliced threw the con. "DECEPTICONS! RETREAT!" Megatron roared and they all took off.

WheelJack's p.o.v

"You two good?" I asked pulling Bumblebee up as Optimus already got up but as i let go of Bumblebee he fell forwards and i caught him. "Woah now kid." I said draping his arm over my my neck cables and holding him up. "let's go." Optimus said and we walked through the ground bridge. Seeing that everyone was back to their normal selves made me smirk. "Take him to the med bay so i can check his ped." Ratchet sighed and i nodded and saw a car come threw the tunnels. "Hi guys!" The kids jumped out of the car and looked at us all and i laid Bee down on the berth. "You guys are back to normal?" Raf asked looking at us with a slight smile. "Yes, but I did something to help us blend in when needed." Ratchet's voice came and he walked in tapping a button on this weird bracelet thing he had on then he became a human and still had a bracelet thingy on and then turned back. "I made one for all of you, except for you four down there." Ratchet smirked. "WheelJack i need assistance with Bumblebee, his ped is out of place." Ratchet grumbled and i followed. "Bumblebee you'll be just fine after this but it will be very painful. "k." he said clearly very tired of everything that had happened. "After this you can go to sleep." Ratchet said and grabbed his bed as i put a servo on his chassis. "on three. 1,3!" Ratchet said then turned it and Bumblebee jolted and shrieked but soon laid down relaxed falling asleep after a smile. "Finally that's over." I said standing up looking at Bumblebee. "But do we know if it's all over?" I and Ratchet looked at each other and back down to Bumblebee then to the team, not knowing this could be the last time we see each other.

The End

Or Is It, till next time!

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