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Bumblebee's p.o.v

"NOOOO"! I woke up and yelled silently I looked around and saw I was still on the couch with WheelJack and I didn't have any cuts or burns and......didn't have a voice. I sighed I looked at my torso and sighed again. I looked to WheelJack who was looking at me sadly. "What's the matter kid?" He asked quietly. "I looked at him and signed {I had a dream that I got my voice back. I'm guessing it wasn't real}. I looked down and WheelJack put a hand on my shoulder. "It's ok kid....don't be sad just go back ta sleep." WheelJack whispered. I looked at him and he ruffled my hair. I smiled and lay down he put an protective arm over my body and pulled me close and I cuddled into him. "Good night." WheelJack whispered. "Little bro." He said and I smiled wide. I thought about my dream and thought and thought and thought and thought....but nothing seemed to be fake! I sighed and opened my eyes I was still on the couch. I yawned. This is reality Bumblebee now stop thinking about it.....your in reality..not a dream. I thought in my head. I couldn't do it no more I fell asleep with a...what humans call a headache.

Ratchet's p.o.v

'BEEEP BEEP BEEEEP BE' my alarm clock was going off but instead I just threw a wrench at it. "Stupid thing!" I grumbled. I got up and put on my shirt. I walked out and heard quite whispers I looked up at the catwalk and saw Bumblebee and WheelJack sitting up but I didn't say anything just listened and watched as they talked it through and went back to sleep. "Your not gonna get much more time to sleep." I said. "We know!" WheelJack grumbled. {I'll get up}. Bumblebee signed and got up but winced. "Bumblebee." I started sternly which made Bumblebee stop in his tracks. "Go to the med bay." I ordered and watched as WheelJack scrambled to his feet and helped Bumblebee down the stairs. WheelJack let Bee be on his way to the med bay. "WheelJack come here..for a minute." I sighed and Bumblebee looked confused but shrugged it off then walked to the med bay. "Why do you feel you need to be around Bumblebee..a lot?" I asked and WheelJack looked at me like I spoke a foreign language. "I don't know..I guess maybe because I just feel the need too..he's the smallest of the team so I feel the need to protect him more.. I also think of him as a brother." He said but mumbled the last part and I have a slight smile and chuckle. "Go get Bulkhead for me I need to look at his wound, it needs to be cleaned." I said and WheelJack hesitated and didn't say a word and did as told. I laughed to myself and walked to the med bay to patch up the scout real quick before everyone else would wake.

WheelJack's p.o.v

I went down the row of doors. Last night was the first night Bulkhead had got to sleep in his room instead of on a cot. I sighed and knocked on his door. Agent Fowler had insisted that we have beds but we denied but he sent us some anyway. He gave us four and they were for Arcee,Optimus,Ratchet and Bulkhead. While Smokescreen, me, and Bumblebee slept where ever which we were cool with cause Miko had lend Smokescreen one of her sleeping bags. He carries it wherever he wants to sleep. He normally sleeps by the couch but last night he decided to sleep in his own berth room. "Who is it?" Came a groggily voice, I chuckled a bit. "It's WheelJack." My voice said back and the door opened to reveal a no panted or shirted Bulkhead. "Bulk put some clothes on!"
I jumped, turning away. "What....OH?!" Bulkhead said as he looked at himself slowly but soon realized and went wide awake and slammed the door shut. I laughed and hollered "Hurry up Doc is waiting!" I then turned around but cringed when I heard a different holler. "DON'T CALL ME DOC!" Ratchet yelled. I rolled my eyes and walked into the main room.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

I looked around from my sleep..oh man I had the strangest dream that I became a warrior and not a rookie but it wasn't real. "Scrap! I hate reality!" I groaned and fell back. "OW!" I yelled and sat back up holding my head. I forgot this was only a sleeping bag. I hurried and threw the sleeping bag to the corner. I got dressed and opened the door I walked to the med bay. When I cleared the door I noticed Bumblebee wincing when Ratchet poked his torso. Ratchet looked worried and more than I have seen him ever I looked at Ratchet sadly he turned around to grab the wrap but saw me and saw my face he sighed. He wrapped it around his torso. Softly and carefully. I walked in and sat down on a cot and swung my feet. I watched as Bee winced again. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Jeez Ratchet you always have to wake me up this early?" Bulkhead whined as he walked to the med bay. "I wouldn't be able to think as well when there are a lot of people talking all at once which is what they always do...especially now."
Ratchet answered and I jumped off the cot and Bulkhead came and sat on it. "So..the kids ribs getting better?" WheelJack asked walkin in. "Y-ya....." Ratchet hesitated to say. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "Alright Bumblebee you are good to go." Ratchet pushed and Bumblebee smiled cheerfully and got off the cot. "Wanna go play?" I asked. He nodded and we ran off.

Ratchet's p.o.v

I watched after the two young ones but was turned back around when Bulkhead had asked "Ratchet I heard your tone of voice. What's wrong?" Bulkhead asked I looked at him and sighed. "B-Bumblebee...has something else to worry about." Ratchet had hesitated to say I looked at him and to WheelJack who had a face of glass. "What, what's the matter with him?" WheelJack asked frantically. "Breakdown must have done more damage than...I had thought." Ratchet said. "Like what?" I asked and Ratchet pulled up my sleeve and took off my bandage then started to clean it. "Ratchet...what damage had Breakdown caused?" I asked again. Ratchet sighed in defeat. "His rib that is closest to the heart is broke and if touched or even punched or smacked in the right place.....the bone can stab the heart which would kill...Bumblebee." He said as he shook when he kept cleaning my wound. I looked at him and saw he was struggling not to yell or shed one tear. I thought about a solution. "What about if we have June take him to the hospital to have surgery?" I asked Ratchet stopped and looked at me. "Of course!" He yelled and smiled wide.

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