What it Seems

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Ratchet's p.o.v

I had to drive to the store and get supplies for my work. I got out of the car and walked into the store the girl
Behind the counter smiled and said "afternoon sir". She smiled after, I just grumbled and went down the bolts isle
I was looking threw and found not anything as to what I wanted I sighed and grumbled to the door I went back to the car and saw a note on the seat. "What in Primus name"? I said and opened it it read: Dear,dumb Autobot there is something we need to discuss that you may remember but not what you like and will do harm to you and friends but if you do as said noting shall happen. I need you to give me the relic that has turned us all into what we are now which is these human flesh bags! If not done there will be a effect! From, Knockout I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "He can't do nothing to me". I whispered and crumbled the note and tossed it into the car I was about to get in until I heard a voice I turned around to see "Knockout, Breakdown"? I asked looking at them wide eyed. "Well we see you decided not to do as said huh doc". Breakdown smirked. "Don't call me DOC"! I yelled. "Well then let's get this over with". Knockout laughed and Breakdown laughed and held me against the ambulance. "STOP WHAT ARE YOU.."! I was yelling but was cut off when Knockout took out a vial of ..."Synthetic Energon". I said and my breath starter to shake making my eyes go wide and start wiggling to break free. "Indeed doctor". Knockout said smiling and stuck it in me and let it all in. I started to get dizzy and I fell to the ground the last thing I heard was knockout saying "put him in the ambulance he'll wake up and drive back but then he'll become a burden". Knockout laughed and I heard there footsteps come towards me but then it went dark. I woke up to a headache passing threw but soon vanished I felt different. "I feel amazing"! I said standing up and looking at my hands I smiled and got in the car and started and driving off real fast. I made it to base and came to a screeching halt and I heard someone fall. "Moron"! I yelled.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I was halfway asleep when I heard a car screech to a halt which made me jump and fall off the couch I winced in pain and yelled silently in pain. Then when I was trying to get up I heard Ratchet scoff "Moron"! He yelled and slammed the door shut. I got up slowly and yelled again when I finally made it up I looked down off the railing and saw Ratchet walking to the rec room. I raised a eyebrow I saw Optimus at the control panel and WheelJack and Smokescreen were already in the rec room sparring. I sighed and slowly went down the stairs and when I set my foot on the ground. "AUTOBOTS"! Optimus yelled. I cringed and looked at him  and walked over and watched as everyone came from different rooms and I watched as Ratchet beat everyone to me and Optimus I looked at him and everyone else was frazzled but shook it off when Optimus spoke again. "There is a homing beacon in Idaho by the abounded place called 'City of Rocks'. He looked at everyone and his eyes fell on me I looked at him and smiled he gave a small one back but only a small one. "Bulkhead....June told me that you need to start using your arm more now since it has healed nicely...I will need your assistance along with the rest of you except for Ratchet and Bumblebee". Optimus said. "What"? Ratchet asked. I looked at him shocked and he was glaring at Optimus.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

Wait a minute Ratchet questioned Optimus Prime's....orders. I looked at Optimus who only looked blankly like at the medic. I looked at Ratchet and saw that he was more...well more more young like in the rec room he was practicing the nunchuck's! I mean......how would Ratchet be doing that I thought he would make a weapon with string tied around one end of two wrenches and use those as nunchuck's! I watched as Optimus then sighed. "So your making me stay here with a teenager who can't even SPEAK"! Ratchet raised his voice. I then drifted my gaze to Bumblebee who looked at Ratchet saddened and looked down I watched as he sighed and put his hands in his pockets and walked to the rec room. "Ratchet what is your deal"? Arcee asked looking at Ratchet. "Nothing leave me here I have better things to do". Ratchet hissed. "We will talk when we have made it back". Optimus said and Ratchet opened the ground bridge. "AUTOBOTS TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT"! Optimus yelled and we did as told and went threw the bridge and watched as it closed behind us. "We're in a tunnel". WheelJack sighed. "Ha but not just an...". I was dating but cut off when I heard a terrible screech. "Predacon". Arcee hissed and got her guns out along with the rest of us.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

When u entered the rec room I heard the ground bridge close and I sighed bit then felt myself be pinned to the ground I had my eyes wide I looked to see Ratchet and he was smiling mischievously. "So Bumblebee wanna spar"? Ratchet asked me tightening his grip and I yelped. "Actually I vote....we play rag doll". He said smiling wider and an image flashed threw my head of Megatron smiling like that. Ratchet wasn't Megatron but he sure has that smile like him but right now I don't know if he is Ratchet. Oh how I wish I could speak.  I then felt Ratchet get off me and throw me against the wall I yelled in pain and felt my ribs burn. Of course there was no noise because of well.......you know. I trembled trying to get up and I finally succeeded. I looked at Ratchet and saw him coming towards me I sat up and started backing up on my butt scooting back until my back reached the wall. I looked into Ratchet's eyes and when I did I saw that they were green. Wait a sec he's been...diagnosed with....synthetic energon.

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