Ups and Downs

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Ratchet's p.o.v

I fell in the ground blacked out for a moment.

     I woke up. I looked around as a slight headache started to form in my temple. I got up and looked down trying to shake off the feeling but saw a knocked out and bloody Smokescreen on the ground. I noticed a black eye and his leg looked like it had been...c-cut. My breathing hitched. I looked at my hands and they had some blood on them and there was a pocket knife by him. W-wait that looks like my pocket knife. "Smokescreen!" I gasped. I tried shaking him. I checked him and checked his pulse on his wrist. "Oh no." I muttered his pulse is slower than usual. "I need to get you to the med bay now!" I shouted, frantically and picked him up. I hurried to the med bay and hooked him up to an IV in him and cleaned out the wound. "Needle and thread needle and thread." I said frantically and found some sitting on the cot where June had stitched up Bulkhead's wound. I grabbed it and tied thread on one end then stuck it threw. It was a small cut but deep enough for stitches. I finished and used my teeth too finish it off. I then took the needle and thread and put it away in the med kit. Looking at Smokescreen I noticed that he was flickering his eye lids open.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

I then watched as Ratchet looked at me and growle. He lunged at me! He hit me in the eye I howled in pain! Then, I heard a knife flip open. I had only one eye open, I looked at him and saw he had his white and red (or orange) knife out he growled, again. "Here is your payment rookie!" He seethed and put the knife to my leg but I held him back but he was much stronger. He only got me cut a bit but I could feel it was deep. I yelled in pain once more. Ratchet then took it deeper! I felt tears streaming down my cheeks, I then blacked out but heard a thud right before and the knife leave my leg.

I fluttered my eyes open and saw a figure above me. It was blurred but I flickered my eyes making the figure focus on me. I looked to see Ratchet! I looked deep into his eyes and they were filled with worries and sorrow. Yet, they were not there green they were his kind self blue, I smiled slightly. "I-I am sorry Smokescreen... for my actions I-i could....not control then at the time." Ratchet stuttered not daring to look into my eyes with his. I lifted my hand and he looked at me. I put my hand on his shoulder. He smiled. I said, "you know that I know that Ratchet." I then smiled and drifted back to sleep.

Ratchet's p.o.v

I looked at Smokescreen and smiled he never ever wont forgive you. ;,;Ratchet,come in Ratchet;,; came a voice from te computer I went over. ;,;I'm here Optimus;,; I spoke back and waited for an answer ;,;we need a bridge;,; he answered and I heard the wreckers cheer in the background. It has appeared to be that they have gotten to the beacon before the Decepticons have.

Arcee's p.o.v

I smiled as I watched the wreckers talk about there success. Then I watched as our ground bridge appeared. "Let's go put this thing up!" Bulk yelled and rumbled through. I rolled my eyes and walked through behind all the wreckers. I then saw them stop at Ratchet he was looking down like he was ashamed. "Come on Ratchet tell us what's up?" Bulkhead asked. "I-I was not myself the Decepticons had injected me w-with d-dark synthetic energon." He said and looked downwards. I gasped. I heard the ground bridge shut down and saw Optimus by my side looking at Ratchet. Optimus was listening carefully to everything he had said. "Where is Smokescreen ?" Bumblebee asked from the catwalk. I looked at Ratcget and he sighed. "The bay." He said but I heard that tone of voice only once from Ratchet and that was when Ratchet had broke the news to us about Bumblebees voice box. WheelJack ran to there while the rest of us stayed back and waited to here anything. "Ratchet what happened?!" Bulkhead yelled and growled. Ratchet sighed. "I-I happened." He said disappointed. We all gasped. "What happened?!" Bulkhead shouted, stomping then getting in Ratchet's face. "I wasn't in control of myself Bulkhead, if I was I wouldn't have put Smokescreen half way on his death bed!" Ratchet yelled back and Bulkhead growled. Ratchet glared daggers into Bulkheads eyes.

Smokescreens p.o.v

I woke up to shouting and growling I sat up and saw the IV stuck in my vain. :.:right I remember what happened..poor Ratchet:.: I then heard a cough, I wiped around and saw Bumblebee behind me. I looked at him and smiled I hugged him he smiled and hugged me back. "Bulkhead and Ratchet are fighting." Arcee sighed looking down sadly. I got up and ripped out the IV I looked to see my pants were stitched back up. So I growled and when out. I saw that only the by standers noticed me not the two fighting and I growled which got there attention. "Smokescreen!" They both said one happy and the other in disbelief. Bulkhead hugged me tight and I let him. Then when he let go I smiled. "What are you two doing?" I asked and they looked down. "Fighting we suppose." Bulkhead sighed. I glared, "does a team fight?" I asked. "Yes." Ratchet said. "then this is normal....but you shouldn't be fighting like this!" I sighed again and they both nodded. "We know." They said at the same time. "good now hug." I ordered and walked away and over to Bumblebee who gave him a high five. I watched as they hugged and said there apologies. :.:now that's how you win a war...and how family works threw all there ups and downs even if we are now turned into a different species:.: Bumblebee signed with a smile.

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