A Prime, a Wrecker, and a Scout

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Bumblebee's p.o.v

"Hey Bee...we have a mission to tend toooo." WheelJack whispered in my ear. I groaned and felt his arm leave my torso. :.:you know my ribs are fine right?:.: I asked signing. "Ya I know but well it's just kinda instinct." He whispered with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and started my way down the stairs. "Good Morning." Optimus said watching Ratchet type in coordinates. "Morning." WheelJack said. "We have a cybertronion signal but we can not read if it's Decepticon or Autobot." Optimus spoke again turning around to me and WheelJack. "It is only us due to the humans wanting to take the rest of the team to what they call a Zoo." Optimus spoke then looked at me. "Rafael did not wish to wake you so Smokescreen has went with him." Optimus said knowing my next question. I only nodded. "Are you three ready?" Ratchet asked turning to us then walking to open the bridge. "Ready." WheelJack jumped and got out his swords. We walked threw when the bridge opened. "Scrap!" WheelJack growled as Optimus was thrown to the side, I got out my gun and held it up ready to shoot any con to come at me. I then saw the taken down pod. "Well much bigger than I thought it would be." WheelJack laughed then kicked SoundWave from nowhere. I ran to the pod and climbed up it. I looked at the symbol and saw it was a cons. :.:oh no:.: I signed to myself. I then heard a laugh I turned around to see Shockwave. "My plan worked...there is no new cybertronion." Shockwave laughed. I looked at him and saw he had purple hair with dark read eyes. He had a chain going from inside his sleeve to his hand. Soundwave had a bandana covering his mouth it was the bottom of a skull where the jaw is. I growled and held up the gun. "Well look who has a gun how about you see mine." Shockwave chuckled and brought out a :.: machine gun:.: I signed going wide eyed. "WheelJack!" I heard Optimus yell, I looked to see WheelJack on the ground being electrocuted. I looked down at him and stopped and slowly put the gun down. "Oh him?" Shockwave asked looking at me with a cocked eyebrow. "Pathetic wrecker." He spat. I growled as I rose my gun and shot straight at him. It got him in the shoulder. "Ahhh you stupid little fragger!" He growled. I glared and started to slide down the pod. "Get back here!" He yelled as I reached the ground and started running towards WheelJack and SoundWave. I looked to Optimus and saw he was dealing with Megatron quite alright. When I reached SoundWave he looked over but not in time cause I kicked him across his side and he fell to the ground then slid away. I bent down to WheelJack and watched as he mumbled something before he went lights out. I shook him but he didn't wake up. Feeling for his pulse, I felt it was a little faster than usual. :.:scrap:.: I signed also to myself. Hearing a battle cry I turned to see Shockwave coming at me with one of WheelJack's own swords! I went wide eyed! I glanced at WheelJack and knew I wasn't gonna move him in time. Growling, I stood my ground. I waited until he reached me and started to bring it down. I then put my hands up and I felt the sword go right in the middle of my palms like if you put your hands together to clap. I growled then noticed in the background Optimus in the same pose as me and Megatron had done the same Shockwave had. I looked at him and he looked at me with a small glint of something in his human eye.

WheelJack's p.o.v

I flickered my eyes open and saw Bumblebee in front of me, he had caught my sword in the middle of his palms! I smirked then looked to find Optimus and saw he was doing the same as Bee. I was surprised but decided to get up. When there was no one watching I came up behind Bumblebee and punched Shockwave in the face. I smiled to myself. "Nice kid." I commented to Bee and he smiled. I then felt several little water dribbles I looked to the sky to see it was cloudy and water was coming down. "Greeaaatt." I mumbled sarcastically as I punched SoundWave. "You got SoundWave I'll take big guy." I told Bumblebee, he nodded. By the time we moved to hit our enemy it was poring down rain. "You are one annoying wrecker." Shockwave growled and punched me. The punch knocked me back into the mud. I growled and shook it off but he then threw me into the ground. I groaned and tried to get up but my vision was too blurry. "Scrap!" I yelled as I began rubbing my eyes.

Optimus Prime's p.o.v

Bumblebee was keeping up his fight when I saw WheelJack had been thrown to the ground and began to rub his eyes. "You are pathetic Prime you do none better than your so called team." Megatron hissed throwing an insult. I only shook it off and kept up my fight. Megatron had tried to throw a punch but I threw him into a rock and he was out cold. "Bumblebee look out!" I roared over the poring down rain. I then saw Bumblebee get knocked to the ground and punched multiple times, I started to run to him but was stopped by Shockwave who kicked me back. I heard a crack and watched as Shockwave howled in pain holding on to his arm. I saw a smirking WheelJack with a few cuts down him and a lot of mud. I caught sight of Bumblebee and got up. WheelJack followed me. "Bumblebee!" WheelJack yelled as the scout started to choke under SoundWave. I then see WheelJack push him off and get down into the mud and start rapidly punching him. "Don't ever mess with him!" WheelJack roared as he got off of him. I looked at Bumblebee and saw he was getting up. "Bumblebee are you stable?" I asked. :.:yes fine, Optimus:.: he sighed. I watched as he smiled. "Ratchet we need a bridge." I breathed threw my commlink on my jacket. Then our bridge appeared. I waited until WheelJack and Bumblebee had went in before I looked to Megatron who was waking up. He looked to me and growled. I then ran threw the bridge. "It's like running an orphanage!" Ratchet yelled pointing to the mud on us. He shut down the bridge and examined us. "What can we say...it's in our nature." WheelJack smirked. I smiled slightly when Ratchet threw a wrench at him and Bee. Ratchet hadn't missed. "Bumblebee how are you?" Ratchet asked hesitantly. :.:fine Ratchet:.: Bumblebee signed with a smile but I watched as he held his arm cradled it. "Bumblebee let me see your arm." Ratchet ordered walking to him and taking his arm in hand. He sighed going into the med bay and came back out with a wrap. He then took it and wrapped his arm. I watched as WheelJack smirked. I smiled but did not let any one know it.

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