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WheelJack's p.o.v

"Keep moving."!Breakdown growled as I was being shoved threw a ground bridge. When they had finally got me to go through, I noticed Prime who was willing to put himself in my position. I saw the look on Bumblebee's face, it was telling me that he was happy to see me and that he wasn't ready for what was to happen in about the next 5 minutes. "So...you kept your promise didn't you Prime." Megatron seethed walking threw the Decepticons ground bridge. "To keep one of my family members alive...of course I did Megatron," Prime shot back. "Then shall we trade?" Megatron inquired with his pointy teeth showing. "Bumblebee." Prime said. Optimus walked to me. He looked at me, he smiled and I gave him a confused look but when he punched Breakdown who stumbled back with the force. I smiled back, I hurried to my feet then grabbed Bee and made a break for it. "Tell Ratchet to shut the bridge!" I yelled and Optimus nodded and called Ratchet, Bumblebee went threw first then I turned around and saw the one and only Megatron running at us. I smiled and went through along with Prime and the bridge closed just as Megatron was about to make it through. "So I guess Optimus made his own plan?" Ratchet smiled. Bumblebee looked at Ratchet then Optimus and smiled. "It was a brave decision and I'm glad you took the opportunity." Ratchet said giving the slightest smile.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I watched as Optimus took off his no needed tracker. "The next time you ever pull something like that though, don't expect me to go along with it," Arcee glared at Optimus, ending it with a grin. "Oh yeah, Bulkhead," WheelJack started then walked up to him, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier." WheelJack rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh come here!" Bulkhead smiled, he picked WheelJack up in a big hug and squeezed him to death...almost. I snickered along with Smokescreen. There was no Miko at the moment nor Jack, June, or Raf because they went back home after the fight. I then watched as Bulkhead set WheelJack down. The next thing I knew I was wrapped in my own hug I then hugged him back as tight as I could. "I'm also sorry for doing what I did little brother." WheelJack whispered. I smiled into the hug and when he let me go I looked at him then Smokescreen threw an egg at WheelJack. "You've been pranked!" He yelled and laughed. WheelJack growled and threw a rock off the ground at him. "Ow!"
Smokescreen whined. "I am not saying sorry to you about that." WheelJack laughed along with everyone else except of course Ratchet and Optimus. "I'm going to get this cleaned up." WheelJack said gesturing to the egg all over him so he walked to the showers. "PRIME!" A voice yelled we looked up to the catwalk and saw agent fowler going down the stairs. "Yes agent fowler," Optimus replied calmly.

WheelJack's p.o.v

I had already taken my clothes off and set them in the water with me. I sighed and started to clean them with soap I sighed when I dropped my shirt I picked it up and scrubbed it I then hung them over the shower and cleaned myself. When I was done I grabbed my towel and stepped out I saw some clothes that were exactly the same as the ones that were wet I picked them up and smiled when I saw a flash of yellow pass the door. "Hey Bee...come here". I said and then the door creeked open to revealed and egged Bumblebee he smiled nervously and he had a pair of his clothes ready for after his shower. "It's all yours".I said and he smiled. He then walked over to the shower and just hopped in then started to throw his clothes over the top I laughed and he threw his pants out far enough to hit me in the face because they did. "Your lucky your in a shower kid". I growled and I could tell he was laughing. I smiled and put my clothes on and walked out.

Arcee's p.o.v

Optimus and Agent Fowler were discussing there problem when suddenly I watched as Smokescreen was laughing at Bulkhead because he tripped over his shoelaces that he had tied together and he fell backwards but the stairs were right behind him and he fell down them. "Smokescreen"! I yelled and when he landed at the bottom he groaned and clutched his arm. "Ratchet"! I yelled and he came running over. Then I watched as two boys came running from the bathroom but Bumblebee did not have a shirt on even though it was in his hands then WheelJack ran to the side of Smokescreen and sighed. "WheelJack do you mind taking him into the med bay in need to give him an X-ray on his arm...it could be broken falling down those metal steps". Ratchet sighed and WheelJack only nodded and picked up a wincing Smokescreen. I laughed when Bumblebee sighed as he finally made it over. "Nice abs Bee". I said before walking off and I looked back to see he was blushing and I giggled.

Bulkhead's p.o.v

I came down the steps when I saw Arcee tell Bumblebee that he had nice abs and I chuckled when he blushed and she giggled. "Young love". I said walking past and he jumped. "Put that shirt on or you'll have plenty of teens on ya". I joked and Bumblebee put on his shirt but not his jacket and well just to say he had some pretty good muscles for a teen. "Stalker much"? Bumblebee sighed and laughed silently. "Ya sure". I chuckled and he playfully punched me.

Ratchet's p.o.v

I was finished with X-rays I gave a sigh and looked at a glum Smokescreen. "Your arm is only sprang". I smiled slightly and he let out a long breath of relief. "I will wrap it just so it heals right but you will be able to use it but please just don't use it too much". I said as I grabbed the wrap and started to wrap it I saw him wince every now and then but he didn't whine. "Your free to go". I said and he smiled and jumped off the cot and walked into the main room. "That kid is never gonna run down". WheelJack said as he followed. "Nope". I said and put my stuff away.

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