You Don't Fail Ever

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Bumblebee's p.o.v

I thought about when Arcee and how she stormed in here earlier yelling about me and Smoky doing a prank but now when it was Bulkhead who did I only laughed harder! "Dude you should have seen yourself!" Smokescreen yelled laughing as hard as possible. "I swear if you two weren't too broken for a beat down I would have given you one," Bulkhead yelled and got in his car along with Arcee as they took a run to the grocery store. I then felt a pain in my spark and stopped breathing I looked around and held my chest in pain. "RATCHET!" Smokescreen yelled and I saw him jump off the cot and tried to soothe me. "Smokescreen!" Ratchet yelled in alarm and moved Smokescreen out of the way and I watched as Ratchet told Smokescreen to look away and he looked at him scared and did and I did myself as Ratchet opened my chest. I hiccuped even. I felt something move around my spark and arched my back. "WHEELJACK HOLD HIM DOWN!" Ratchet shouted and I let a tear run down my cheek. "Okay!" Ratchet yelled and it all stopped. "The plan worked." Ratchet breathed and caught his breath. "What was that?" WheelJack was the first to ask and he had his hand on my chest. "I had to move his spark to the right angle in his spark chamber it had been moved out if harms way when the bullet pierced through, the spark had trouble moving back into place." Ratchet announced in matter of fact tone. "I'm hungry." I signed and they nodded. "They should be back soon." WheelJack said and patted my head and Smokescreen smiled but winced in pain. "Lay back down." Ratchet said and Smokescreen nodded I sighed and sat up. "Bumblebee you better lay down too." Ratchet said.

WheelJack's p.o.v

I watched as Bumblebee shook his head as in he didn't want to. "Why not?" Ratchet asked. "I-I just can't." Bumblebee signed. "What do ya mean?" Ratchet asked concerned. "I just don't feel comfortable I need to move energetic!" Bumblebee smiled and jumped up and took out the IV. "I should have known." Ratchet face palmed as Bumblebee put on his grey shirt and jumped around Smokescreen's bed and Smokescreen hopped up too. "What's going on?" I asked as Bumblebee zoomed past me. "They heal faster WheelJack with all of that energon running threw there veins they heal a lot faster,faster than us apparently because they should only be walking around but instead they are bouncing off the walls!" Ratchet yelled and they both stopped and walked over. " I haven't...felt like...that in ...forever." Smokescreen huffed and puffed. "Good riddance!" Ratchet yelled and stomped to the med bay. "Your wound is still healing and the stitches can not be ripped but they are good enough to go back out to the fight." Ratchet said and the two nodded. Then he turned back to his work. "Soooo what are we going to do now?" I asked and they both smiled.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

When WheelJack came back with paint and a bag of water balloons I knew he was gonna have fun! "Have some fu-." I was gonna say but an alarm so rudely interrupted me. "Scrap." WheelJack muttered and Bumblebee shoved the planking stuff in his berth room. "Guess we will just have to do it later on." Bumblebee signed and we nodded and ran to the main room where Optimus, Arcee, Ratchet, and Bulkhead were. "When did you guys get back?" I asked. "Like two minutes ago there are still groceries in the trunk." Arcee said. "It's.....M.E.C.H," Ratchet said with a glare. "This is gonna be hard." Bulkhead said looking at himself. "Indeed." Optimus said clearly in deep thought. "Guess we'll just have to use tactics." Arcee muttered and sighed. "Let's....," Optimus was saying but stopped. "It's fine Optimus we can just walk through." Arcee said and he nodded as we started our way through. We entered into a place that looked like..."A energon mine?" Bulkhead questioned. "What would M.E.C.H want with an energon mine exactly?" Bumblebee signed. "I'm not sure." Optimus said and something sent waves of shivers down my spine. "GUYS!" Arcee yelled as something pulled her into the dark. "Arcee!" Optimus yelled and then the ground started to shake. "It's a trap!" I yelled. "YOU THINK!" WheelJack yelled and fell down. "We need to find Arcee and get out of here!" Optimus yelled over the noise. "Sounds like a plan." I said and we ran to where Arcee was taken then we heard her yell. "There!" Bulkhead pointed and we saw Arcee holding her side and Cilus yelling.

Bulkhead's p.o.v

"Optimus get your gun and shoot!" I yelled and he nodded running towards Cilus and shot at his knee and snagged him he fell to the dirt and Bumblebee threw the gun to Smokescreen who caught it and covered Bumblebee as he carried Arcee. (Ratchet we need a ground bridge stat!) Optimus reported and a ground bridge opened but not by us it was behind us where all the rubble was falling as the ground shook harder. "Scrap!" WheelJack snarled. " grab Smokescreen, I have Arcee." Optimus said and we nodded and ran threw the rubble it was our way to stick together threw times like these. We made it threw the bridge and we all got down except for Arcee who needed medical attention and fast as her wound started bleeding more. "Get me energon, I'm gonna need blood too." Ratchet said as he ripped Arcee's shirt where the wound was and we all backed away as WheelJack came back with an IV bag full of blood and energon. "Here ya go Doc." WheelJack said and Ratchet growled taking the resources away and getting to work. "You think she'll be ok?" I asked to no one in particular. "This is Arcee we are are talking about, she'll be fine." Bumblebee signed.

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