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Ratchet's p.o.v

"Arcee give me that." I said pointing to the IV in the med bay. "Here." She sighed and stepped back out of the way. "I'm gonna need blood,Raf can you please tell me something I can do to get some more blood for them?!" I asked starting to get a little panicky. "Just give them energon in the IV's it will be like blood and some of it will turn to human blood because it mixes with there DNA." Raf said still leaning over the railing watching me nervously and carefully. "Thank you, Rafael!" I exclaimed and did as told. "WheelJack get the energon." I said and he nodded and took off running. "Optimus call Nurse Darby and Agent Fowler." I ordered, he nodded and grabbed his phone and dialed up Nurse Darby first.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

Bumblebee smiled at me weakly as I got hooked up to the IV, I smiled back. "Glad..you survived Smoky." Bumblebee signed weakly and his hands flopped back down on the bed. "Of course I would and I knew you would too." I signed to him and he smiled. "I like when you sign to me...I don't feel left out." He answered this time lowering his hands and picking one back up so Ratchet could put his IV in. "No prob." I put my hands down and sighed as the drugs started to kick in and I dozed off. I felt my shirt being lifted up and I winced as I felt a finger touch my bloody wound. "Gah that HURTS!" I yelled threw gritted teeth and arching my back. "Sorry but it's gonna have to." Ratchet answered and before I passed out I heard two cars pull up. "I'm here!" I heard a feminine voice say then it was lights out.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

Smokescreen dozed off to sleep as I was starting to from pain and of course the drugs. "You'll be fine." Nurse Darby gently said and took off my jacket and shirt. She threw them away and I noticed a new pair of clothing on the chair next to the bed. "You were shot TWICE?!" Fowler yelled. I winced and he came over and looked at me. "This is outrageous! PRIME!" He kept yelling. He stomped over to Optimus and started yelling again. "Alright Bumblebee the bullets already fell out, all I really need to do is clean them up and wrap them then give you medicine when you wake up." June said softly and smiled, I smiled back. "Now rest I'll get the rest done and don't worry Ratchet has Smokescreen under control but I will also help and Ratchet will help you too." June notified me, I nodded and went to sleep.

Bulkhead's p.o.v

"Uh..." I started to say but Fowler kept yelling. "You think he's gonna calm down?" Arcee asked stepping up to my side. "Uh...I don't know." Was all my reply was. "Hey Bulk." WheelJack said stepping up to my other side to watch Fowler's outrage. "Agent Fowler please I-." Optimus tried to reason with him but Fowler kept it up. "Talk about going crazy." Arcee giggled and Miko jumped up on my back and I hoisted her up to where she could put her legs on my shoulders. She slouched her back and put her hands on top of my head on top of each other and set her chin on them. "How long do you think this one will last?" Miko grumbled. "Twelve minutes." Raf said. "Wanna bet?!" Jack said digging in his pocket then Raf and Miko did too. "I got three dollars on twenty minutes." Miko exclaimed. "I got two dollars on twelve minutes." Raf said happily. "I got four dollars on ten minutes." Jack said. "Here Jackie hold the money for the bet." Miko said and handed WheelJack her money so the other two did too. "Whoever wins will get nine dollars." Raf said but then stopped and tapped his chin. "Actually I'll add another to make it ten." He smiled and gave it to WheelJack who smiled and took it and held it. "Ill time it." Arcee said and started her timer on her phone. "FOWLER PLEASE WHAT?! CALM DOWN? ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Fowler roared and started throwing his arms in the air.

Arcee's p.o.v

"Jack's bet has three minutes left." I said and the kids nodded looking back at Fowler. "Now tell ME WHAT YOUR gonna do about those CONS!" Fowler yelled then stopped taking in some air fast. "Well Jack it loo-." WheelJack was saying holding out them money but cringed when Fowler yelled again. "Never mind." He sighed and turned to watch some more. "Agent Fowler what the Decepticons did was bad we know this especially WheelJack." Optimus calmly stated making a quick glance over to the med bay then to WheelJack who nodded. "Jack lost, Raf there is one minute left for you." I stated and they all nodded. "Fine." Fowler said and him and Optimus walked off talking. "Raf wins." I said, WheelJack gave him the money and Raf cheered in victory. "Dang it." Miko whined. "Sorry Miko." Raf said. "No prob you won fair and square." Miko said with a smile and I watched as she slid off of Bulkhead's back. She walked off and the other two followed, prolly to play video games. "I wish us and the cons could get over something like that easier." I sighed as I watched after them then as I saw them starting to play video games I looked back to the other two. "Ya I wish." Bulkhead scoffed and WheelJack nodded. "Me too. Nothing with those dirty little brats are easy or easier." WheelJack scoffed. "Not getting over injuries are as easy as it seems either." Ratchet said coming up behind us with a short sigh. "How are they?" WheelJack was the first to ask turning around. "They are fine but....Smokescreen took a few pretty hard hits and Bumblebee's second gun shot hit....hit his spark." Ratchet said looking down. "What does that mean?" I asked look no at him fear fully. "If I find a cure to this. Bumblebee may not be able to function in bot form. Bumblebee has a high chance of not being able to go back to being a Cybertronian." Ratchet shuddered and looked at us sadly. "I have already informed Optimus of this and he and Agent Fowler are working on it." Ratchet said and looked up sadly. "I don't know what to do." He whispered and fell to his knees looking down. "I'm useless." He whispered again and we all knelt down with him. "Ratchet you aren't useless, Bumblebee will be fine he has made it through so much I know he won't stop now." I assured. Ratchet looked up with a smile and nodded. "We promise." Bulkhead added. "He'll be fine Doc...Smokescreen too." WheelJack added in but, this time Ratchet didn't scold WheelJack.

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