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Bulkhead paced back and forth. The kids stood behind the couch as Bumblebee and Smokescreen occupied the couch itself. WheelJack stood against the yellow railing that overlooked the main room. The video game raging on the TV was one of the only noises in the base. 

"How are we going to bust some heads when we are in these flesh bags?" Bulkhead continued pacing, talking to himself. Smokescreen and Bumblebee were racing each other on the TV. They peered around the pacing man. After a loud crash, Smokescreen groaned as he leaned back into the couch. Bumblebee stood, pumping his fists into the air in triumph. The kids behind the couch who were watching intently, cheered along with the young scout. WheelJack chuckled at the scene. The middle aged man peered over the railing, looking at what Ratchet was doing to the relic. June had brought some tools over to help Ratchet get a closer look into the relic, hoping there was some way to get everyone back to normal. Soon. Miko made her way to WheelJack's side, peering over the railing. "How old do you think Ratchet is?" She asked Raf who turned up on her open side. 

"I would say about mid fifties?" Raf fixed his red framed glasses as he offered the guess. Miko silently agreed. Jack came up next to the three other humans. Smokescreen and Bumblebee having a rematch as Bulkhead finally sat down on the other end of the couch. Still off in a different world as he worried about how he was going to fight the cons. 

"What about Optimus." Jack asked as the Prime made his way to Ratchet. 

"I would say late twenties, like twenty-eight?" Raf suggested. Jack nodded in silent agreement. 

Miko pointed to Arcee who was still talking with June, the two women laughing about something unknown. "I think Arcee is like twenty-one." Raf and Jack merely nodded. 

"What about me?" The three originally humans turned to WheelJack.

"Mid thirties?" 

"That old?" The speckles of grey that glazed the mans hair was a giveaway. Miko turned to Bulkhead and tapped her pointer finger on her chin. 

"Bulk is about late twenties too I think." Bumblebee stood in triumph yet again and got in Smokescreen's face, waving his controller tauntingly. Smokescreen glared at the younger man and looked away. Raf laughed at Bumblebee who pointed at the TV, his car was sported with 'Winner!' flashing on the screen. 

Miko looked at Bumblebee, "based on the maturity and face, I think Bee is about seventeen?" 

"I think you're about right. Smokescreen might be nineteen. Bumblebee is younger than you isn't he?"

Smokescreen crossed his arms and glared again, he stood and looked away again. Jack snickered lightly at the two young men. Though, the antics were cut short when the elevator opened. Bumblebee stopped, Smokescreen was next to him, the man turning towards the elevator as well. Agent Fowler walked in and gasped at the sight of everyone. 

"Who in the God's name are these people? Prime!" He called. He watched everyone hesitantly. WheelJack glared at him before stepping forward, Fowler flashed his gun at his side, his hand hovering over the weapon. WheelJack chuckled as he reached for his katana. Bumblebee motioned for him to not try that. Fowler was now aiming the gun at the young scout. Bee put his arms up in defense. 

"Agent Fowler, no! It's the bots, they were turned human!" Optimus was up the steps, analyzing the scene in front of him. June was right behind him on the steps, he covered her in case Agent Fowler became rash. 

"I need proof that they really are the bots and also that I am not dreaming!" Miko looked at everyone and landed on Bumblebee. 

"Look, Bumblebee can't talk right? Well he can't either! He has a scar on his neck and everything," Miko tried. Bumblebee looked to her and gave a subtle 'really?' look before lifting his chin a little. The scarred skin was evident on the young man's neck. Agent Fowler lowered his weapon and looked to Optimus. 

"And are you Prime?" Optimus nodded. Fowler lowered his gun as his eyes glanced around the room. "I really need to understand what in the hell you bots have going on here. There are these humans robbing stores calling themselves the Decepticons. They are becoming a huge threat. And now I see that it might actually be the cons. Considering you are also in the same state." Jack turned and grabbed the remote to the tv. He changed HDMI's to cable. He fluttered through the channels before finding the news. The bottom of the screen already flashing 'Decepticons'. The Autobots watched the screen, the news lady talking as behind her showed a few stores torn apart. "Now, I have no idea why the cons decided that robbing stores was their new way to take over Cybertron and destroy Earth, but it could be to just get your attention." Optimus turned to Ratchet who had just made his way up the stairs, he hadn't cared to see Agent Fowler, especially now. 

"Where is this happening," Optimus asked. 

"New York," Agent Fowler confirmed. Miko whooped and smiled. 

"Time to bash some cons. Uh...what and where is New York," Bulkhead faltered. Jack groaned at the thought of the Autobots running around beating up the cons in New York. 

"They already left New York, who knows where they are going to strike next. I want you all to be alert. That's why I brought you all these." Fowler pulled out phones for everyone. "They have each others numbers in them. Mine and everyone else's is already labeled." The back of each phone had their names on them so he wouldn't get confused when handing them out. 

"Bulkhead, I need your phone number!" Miko screeched. Arcee looked to Jack and handed hers to him. 

"Go ahead, Jack. Just don't mess it up," Arcee smiled. Jack turned a little red as he accepted the cell phone. Bulkhead groaned as he held his stomach. 

"What's wrong, Bulk," Miko asked as she put a hand on his shoulder. 

"My stomach is making a funny noise," he explained. Bulkhead's stomach growled once more, earning a high pitched scream. WheelJack laughed out loud at the scream. 

"Bulkhead, you're just hungry. You get to eat human food! You are going to love cheeseburgers! Just you wait! I say we go to the mall so you can try all kinds of food!" Miko jumped excitedly, her eyes practically sparking at the idea. Raf rubbed the back of his neck as he looked to his guardian. 

"Um, I don't really know if that is a good idea. We don't have vehicles either," Raf mumbled the last part. Agent Fowler laughed. 

"Don't worry, son. I have the bots a little something." The tunnel sounded once more. Seven vehicles rolled into base. Each being what the bots were originally as vehicles. The kids 'wowed'. Fowler smiled pleased with himself. "When you have the top men in the game, you can find a few things pretty quickly." A solider got out of each one, coming up the stairs. Each one handed a key to the agent. Fowler looked at each key before handing it to each designated bot. "Go to the mall and grab some grub. Bring some back for Optimus and Ratchet. I feel like we have a lot to go through now that I can be face to face." Ratchet sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Oh wait, I almost forgot." A soldier stepped forward and handed him a bundle. He gave a wallet to each human, "there is an ID for each of you in there. And a card all linked to one account. That account is with the government."

Smokescreen opened his and looked at it, "how exactly do you already have these? And know all of this?" 

Fowler smiled, pleased with himself, "you are still aliens. You think the government doesn't already have a file on your human self? Try again. Now go one, you phone any of us if you see a con or for anything else. Good luck." 

Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Arcee, WheelJack, and Bulkhead all went down the stairs. WheelJack decided to just ride with Bulkhead. Arcee deciding to ride along with them along with Jack. 

"This is going to be SWEET!" Miko squealed in the passenger seat. Bulkhead was driving. WheelJack looked to Jack and Arcee who sat next to them in the back. 

"Do you think Bulk knows how to drive?" An abrupt press to the gas sent them forward. That answered for them. 

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