Shopping For Cons

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Raf walked next to Bumblebee through the mall. The big group was walking slower compared to most of the other groups in the mall. The Autobots taking in every single shop and detail of the building. They hadn't been in another building made for their own size in years. It was foreign to experience things like this anymore. Miko stopped the group in a lounging area and turned to them all. 

"I think we need to split up into some group so we can go where we want and not draw so much attention to ourselves. Bulkhead and WheelJack, you come with me. Arcee and Smokescreen, you go with Jack. Dang, I didn't plan this out good enough. I guess Raf and Bumblebee are by themselves," Miko shrugged. Raf looked up at Bee, his eyebrow raised in slight concern. Bumblebee couldn't even talk. They were all unarmed, their weapons left behind hidden in their vehicles. 

WheelJack stepped forward, waving his hands in front of him, "No. I need to go with them at least. Bumblebee is without a voice which leaves them a little more vulnerable, no offense kid. And Raf is small, also no offense kid." Raf and Bumblebee looked at each other again this time just to shrug at each other, then looking back at the older man. Miko pouted but silently agreed as the groups split up. 

Raf pointed at each store, explaining what each one held within it. Bumblebee was looking around in amazement at each one. WheelJack was just looking at every single human warily. "Where do you guys want to go?" Raf was still in front of WheelJack and Bumblebee, the two older men walking behind him for safety. Bumblebee signed to him, forgetting the younger boy couldn't see him. But, Raf chose the store he wanted to go into anyway. WheelJack met eyes with Bumblebee, the younger man just giving a reassuring smile. A pang of guilt shot through WheelJack even though the loss of the scouts voice had nothing to do with him. When we entered the store, they were met with Bulkhead and Miko. Bulkhead was wielding a purse and scarf. WheelJack busted out laughing, Bumblebee doing the same only silently. Bulkhead groaned at the embarrassment. WheelJack pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of it. Miko giggled but followed suite. 

"I wanted to see if they were cute on," Miko shrugged as she helped put them back. Bulkhead sighed as he looked away from his companions. Before Bulkhead could open his mouth, a man started yelling in the store. 

"EVERYBODY ON THE GROUND NOW!" The cashier held her hands up as the gun was aimed at her. Two more men were aiming guns at the crowd, everyone ducking except for the Autobots. Miko and Raf were already on the ground. One man was wearing a red leather jacket, a black shirt underneath, black pants, red shoes, and perfectly kept dark brown hair. The other man had a blue-grey jacket on, a black shirt underneath, black pants, dirty blonde hair, and dark blue shoes. The brown haired man was slighty shorter than the other. He held two guns instead of one like his counterpart. 

"You three down on the ground or we shoot the lady behind the counter!" WheelJack glared. Bulkhead clutched the purse harder, ready to fight the two men. The dirty blonde one looked familiar in a way. 

"Wait, you in the yellow, speak," the shorter one hollered. Most of the other civilians glanced at the scene. Bumblebee's heart raced, he knew who those people were now. It was Knockout and Breakdown no doubt. WheelJack and Bulkhead growled. They both knew. 

"Ah, Bumblebee, WheelJack and Bulkhead. What a nice surprise. Lord Megatron will be pleased to know that you are also in this state. We were hoping so," Knockout chuckled, his gun aimed at the three men. Knockout took a shot, the gun going off. People screamed and covered their heads on the ground. The cashier even ducked. WheelJack managed to duck in time, the bullet hitting the glass window of the store, the bullet getting stuck in it and splintering the glass. Bulkhead chucked the purse at Breakdown who's gun flew out of his hand and clattered to the ground. Bumblebee shoved a rack of clothes into Knockout who was now smashed in between the from counter and the said rack. His gun also hit the ground. 

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