Not Her

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Ratchet's p.o.v

I heard a noise when I was stitching up a wound on WheelJack's knee I growled. "What happened now?!" I yelled turning around to see Bulkhead stomping towards me with Miko in hands. "We were ambushed at the zoo I tried to move her but I was to late." Bulkhead told us quickly. Arcee and Smokescreen with Jack and Raf walked up to us sadly. "I'll see what I can do." I muttered and took her fast. I hooked her up to an IV and put a breathing mask on her. "Come on Miko." I whispered, checking her for any wounds.

Arcee's p.o.v

I looked at WheelJack and saw he was looking at his knee so I followed his gaze and gasped. "What happened to your knee?" I asked looking at it. "Fight." He said nonchalantly with a wide smile. "It's a new battle scar." He added and chuckled looking at it. "Oh my primes that's all you pay attention to?" I asked shooting him a glare. "No, it depends
On the size of it too." He whined as I face palmed. "Whatever," I mumbled. I decided to walk over to Optimus to tell him what went down at the zoo.

Bulkhead's p.o.v

"Jacky what if Miko doesn't make it?!" I panicked, worried while pacing back and fourth. "She'll make it Bulk she's one of the toughest girls I am have ever met." WheelJack assured, setting a hand on my shoulder which made me stop. I looked at him, I smiled with a nod. "Ill never forgive myself if I loose her though." I sniffled. "You won't have to worry about that." He assured back. I nodded once more.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I looked at the wrap Ratchet put on my arm and glared at it. :.:I don't like this:.: I signed to myself I then coughed and sighed. "Hey Bee." Said Raf smiling as he took a seat next to me on the couch. :.:hey Raffy boy:.: I signed to him then ruffled his hair. I then coughed more and louder. "Bee are you feeling OK?" Raf asked feeling my forehead but he quickly retracted his hand away. "Bee your burning up." He gasped. I coughed in answer, confused. "Come on." He took my hand then started taking me down the stairs. We reached the med bay and I saw Ratchet finishing stitching up WheelJack. "Ratchet! Bumblebee is burning up." Raf exclaimed to the medic who stopped his work and looked at me. He then felt my forehead. "Oh Bumblebee." Ratchet sighed. "I don't think your ever gonna make through a human body." Ratchet groaned in annoyance. WheelJack laughed at that.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

I looked to Bee who looked terrible i sighed then yawned. "Smokescreen I believe you require some rest young one." Optimus said looking down at me. "Will do big guy." I agreed with a smile and walked to my berth room. Yawning twice on the way there "oh how i would love some shut eye." I opened the door and closed it. I then got straight to bed.


Sorry for such a short chapter guys but I'm trying to think of something to happen in this story!!!! Hope you understand!!

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