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WheelJack's p.o.v

I was the one to get out of the car first. I jumped out and ran to Bumblebee and Smokescreen. "BEE? Smokescreen?!" I yelled and felt Bumblebee's pulse. "No,no, no!" I was starting to panic, I felt for Smokescreen's pulse, "Oh god." I punched the concrete. "WheelJack are they...?" Ratchet asked I stood and looked at him tears threatening to fall. "Th-There gone." I confirmed, he gasped along with everyone else I felt as Raf ran past me and Jack along with Miko. "No Bee Smoky." They cried I only looked down. "Arcee, Bulkhead grab the kids they don't need to see this." Ratchet said and they nodded and grabbed them, Bulkhead getting Miko and Raf. Arcee taking Jack back. "Take them back to base Bulkhead we will meet you there later." Optimus said and he walked to the car along with Arcee who had put Jack in the car and she walked back to us. "What do we do now?" Arcee asked not making eye contact with anyone. "We take them to base and...have them a funeral." Ratchet said quietly I walked over to Bumblebee and Smokescreen. "Why did it have to be them?" I asked. "WheelJack they fought hard....they did better than anyone of us could have ever done." Optimus said and I only shook that comment off. "I'm gonna find out which con exactly did this and take him down even if that means me dying in the process." I growled. "WheelJack that's suicide." Ratchet scoffed. "The cons are gonna wish they had committed suicide." I shot back and sat down with the two young ones. "They made it this far who couldn't they make it farther?" I asked and started to let tears fall. "Why couldn't they have made it?" I whispered. "No one could have...m-made it...this f-far but they m-made it further than...any of us ever would." Bulkhead stuttered and I heard him sniffle behind me so I turned around and saw him with red eyes. "Bulkhead...." I said but couldn't finish as Arcee broke down she sobbed uncontrollably and fell to her knees. "Why t-them?!" She wailed. I only looked back to them and punched the ground. I felt a rain drop hit my shoulder but I paid no attention to it. "WHY?!" I yelled and punched the ground again but this time it cracked and I yelled. I looked at Ratchet and saw he was crying but trying hard to hold it back but was failing miserably. "Ratchet there is n-no point in hiding it." I said and he let it go and let out a cry of hurt. "I didn't even fix h-his voice box." He cried and I sniffles and wiped my eyes with my sleeves. I then looked to Optimus who was looking down sadly and I don't know if he was crying cause it was now pouring down rain. "I'M GONNA FIND YOU CONS!!!" I yelled and my voice broke at the end and I fell to the ground and cried harder if that were possible.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

I heard a lot of yells as I felt wet I couldn't move cause I felt numb all over. "Why you guys?" I heard a whisper and I heard bunches of cries I opened my eyes the best I could and saw Bumblebee not breathing, I started to panic I sat up the best I could. "G-guys!" WheelJack said, I looked at him and he looked like he had been crying. "Why- why were you c-cryin?" I asked hoarsely. "Smoky!" He yelled and hugged me tight then I felt another hug I looked to see Arcee and a pat on the head who was Ratchet. "What happened to B-Bee?" I asked and they got off of me. "H-he's gone Smokescreen." Optimus said stepping forward. "W-what?" I asked with eyes of disbelief. "No not B-...Bee." I said feeling tears well up in my eyes. "I...were sorry Smokescreen." Ratchet said. I set my eyes on Bee and crawled over to him. "No Bee...I will live with guilt for the rest of my life since you took that bullet for me and didn't make it." I whispered to him. I saw him twitch and I stopped what was about to come out of my mouth. Then all of a sudden Bumblebee's eyes shot open and he took a big woof of air and breathed it back out sitting up but laying back down. "Smoky....are we dead?" He asked using sign language. "No Bee." I said and hugged him then let go with a smile. Then WheelJack came running to us and he slid on his knees on the watered earth ground and grabbed Bee in a hug. "Don't do that again." He cried hugging him tighter and Bee cringed. "Uh WheelJack I think your hurting him."and with that WheelJack hurried and put him down checking him over. "Ratchet he's been shot...twice." WheelJack said picking him up and then I felt someone pick me up I looked to see Ratchet I smiled slightly and Ratchet returned it. "Good to have ya back young in." He said and I smiled wider. "Thought you was getting rid of me that easy?" I asked and laughed a little Ratchet smiled and put me in with Bumblebee in the ambulance.

Ratchet's p.o.v

I watched as Arcee took the front and drove all the way to base to get the med bay set up as I drove there speeding up as well. "What would we do without those two young ones?" I asked looking at Optimus who tagged along with me on the way here and he smiled. "I do not know old friend they have much to learn yet but I hope death is not one of them." Optimus replied and I nodded in agreement. "Agreed." I said and he smiled.


Sorry for it being so short but the next chapter will be better I promise!!! IT WILL HOPEFULLY BE Ecstatic!

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