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The base was silent, for once. The now human Autobots were snoozing in various places, all those except for Optimus and Ratchet. The two were still discussing what to do about their situation. Ratchet continued working on it, grumbling as he did so. 

"Old friend, please, do not blame yourself for something that has been out of your own control. Anyone's control," Optimus rested a hand on the older man's shoulder. The grey haired man grunted and sighed as he sat down a pair of bottlenose pliers. 

Ratchet met eyes with the younger, taller man, "Optimus, I can't fix these types of things when I am also in the same predicament. As a medic, that is something we all understand. If I'm injured, I can hardly help anyone else. And turning human has taken a toll on me. Aging is different in these bodies. My joints are wiring, they are fatigued muscles. It hurts to work on this, but I have to. We cannot stay like this forever. The Decepticons are going to bring on a war to these lifeforms, and I will not stand by in this flesh bag and let it happen." Optimus kept eye contact the entire time the field medic explained his issue. The Prime gripped the older man's shoulder tighter. 

"Ratchet, you know just as well as I do that no one here thinks you are failing us. You are doing everything in your power, and that is all that we can ask. You are more than your age." Ratchet smiled slightly at the man's words. 

"Thank you, Optimus." The Prime nodded before walking off down the halls. Probably to reminisce on being tall. 

Ratchet decided to take a break and check on the two who decided to get themselves injured not even twenty-four hours into being human. Ratchet made his way up the stairs where everyone was sleeping. The kids, Smokescree, Arcee, and Bulkhead were sleeping around the couch. Blankets and pillows littered the floor. The kids insisted on bringing whatever bedding items they could find for their new human turned friends. Ratchet smiled to himself. Though, where was WheelJack? He went around the couch, knowing he had told Bumblebee to sleep on it due to his injured ribs. Ratchet chuckled lightly to himself at the scene before him. WheelJack had Bumblebee facing his chest. One arm over his side. Ratchet took out his phone and snagged a picture. Blackmail was always handy. He shook Bumblebee slightly. The young scout groggily opened his bright blue eyes. Ratchet greeted the man with smile, "Bumblebee, I would like to take a look at your ribs." Bumblebee nodded before turning to the slight snorer to his side. He turned a little red. 

"Miko told you to not let the bed bugs bite, but look what you did," Ratchet snickered as he went to Bulkhead up. Bumblebee glared slightly as he slipped from the old wreckers grasp. Bulkhead groaned as he looked at who had woken him up. 

"No way, Ratch. I can't move." Miko was holding onto his arm like her life depended on it. His bandage on his shoulder peaking slightly from underneath the sleeve of his t-shirt. Ratchet glared as warning. Bulkhead sighed as he wiggled his arm from her grasp, Miko rolled to the other side. Bulkhead let out a puff of relief before looking to Bumblebee who was slipping from WheelJack's grasp. 

"Aw how sweet, Jackie slept with Bee." Bumblebee glared at Bulkhead and signed a couple of words to him. "I know he treats you like a brother, I'm just teasing. Jackie just won't admit this so I need a picture." 

Ratchet waved a finger at him, "already have one. Now to the med bay. Chop chop." Bulkhead groaned. Bumblebee gave Ratchet a weird look before following the two down the stairs and to the med bay. 

After a quick check for the two men, Smokescreen had made his way down. Everyone else at the top beginning to stir and talk to each other. Bumblebee was getting his ribs wrapped up when Smokescreen asked, "you wanna race again Bee?" Bumblebee nodded in excitement. Ratchet finally finished with him but told him to not mess around. They passed WheelJack on the stairs who was till wiping away the sleep in his eyes. 

"Mornin' Sunshine," the older wrecker said as he passed Ratchet. Ratchet coughed in response, the wrecker looked to the older man who had his phone out, a picture on the screen. WheelJack leaned in a little closer to make out the image. He peered around the phone to glare at Ratchet. 

"Don't call me that."

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