Not How I Thought It Would End

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Ratchet's p.o.v

"Come on this won't be like last time!" Miko whined in the main room. "No we are not going to the mall again." I grumbled as Optimus just watched us. "You guys have only had like Macaroni....and Bumblebee doesn't like it that much because he doesn't like cheese." Miko whined back I groaned, "Fine then...bring us other stuff." With a fake smile, I slumped my whole face and turned around. "Fine then I'll take Smokescreen and Bumblebee....and Bulkhead." She scoffed. "It's fine with me just be careful." Optimus called out and they got in their cars. Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Miko left. "You let them off that easy?" I asked turning around to Optimus. "Bulkhead is with them old friend." He answered. I noticed WheelJack and Arcee the only bots left except for me and Optimus. "If there is a will be you three." I said. "Rafael can man the bridge." Optimus replied calmly. "I hope you know what you are doing Optimus." I said and turned back around to my work.

Bulkhead's p.o.v

I sighed as Miko was talking almost gibberish about what we were gonna do at the mall while Smokescreen looked at me. We all rode in the same car so it would be easier. Miko and Bumblebee were in the back because they were the youngest. "What?" I asked Smokescreen, he tilted his head to the back and I told him to watch the road. I looked back and saw Miko going on and on then I noticed Bumblebee who was...dancing with head phones on? Raf had given him them to him and he plugged it into his phone. I chuckled whilst looking back to the road. "That's one way to keep it quiet." I laughed. I then pulled into a parking spot. We hopped out and followed Miko around the mall. "So which one you want to go to first?" Miko asked, we all agreed on one and was about to tell Miko until she blurted out, "how about that one?" She ran off towards it, Smokescreen and Bumblebee took off with her. I groaned and walked their way.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

We looked around and I found a bumblebee necklace. I looked at it then all of a sudden Miko ran threw the isle and grabbed it then took off. I raised an eyebrow and took off after her. "Hey Bee mind if I get it for ya?" She asked with a big smile. She stopped in front of me and Smokescreen walked to my side. "I don't want you to waste your money on me if you don't have to." I signed, she looked to Smokescreen who translated. "Oh but I want too." She smiled and ran off. I smiled at her. "See Bee...just because your silent doesn't mean we don't understand." Smokescreen smiled and ran off. I smiled and started walking around till I was pushed up against the closest wall with my two hands above my head. I looked to see...SoundWave he had a helmet on where I could only see myself like his bot form. I struggled but then a bird landed on his shoulder from a shelf and scratched my shirt which ripped it. SoundWave punched me in the gut and smashed my mid section over his knee it resulted me on the ground curled up in pain. He pulled me up but my shirt and punched me in the face but it all went black.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

Bulkhead was laughing at Miko who was laughing at herself in a fat mirror I laughed too. I looked around for Bee but didn't see him so I went looking for him. "Bumblebee...where are you?" I asked walking around the aisle, I saw something yellow around the corner but before I looked around it I saw this HOT chick. "Hey how are you?" I asked and she scoffed and walked away. I gawked, " I smell?" I sniffed my arm pits but no stench. I looked around the corner and found Bee. "Bee!" I gasped dropping to my knees by him, he was knocked out cold. I was about to yell for Bulkhead till I turned around and saw SoundWave! He had a hawk on his shoulder and what appeared to be Knockout beside him. Knockout smiled and he hit me with the bat, I fell to the ground, I was hit on the side and I started coughing. I looked to see there was some blood but not much. "Now your gonna see why they call me Knockout." Knockout laughed with a cocky smile. He hit me once more on the back of the head and before I knew it I was also consumed by nothing but darkness.

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