Take and Leave

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Jack's p.o.v

I woke up and stared at my bedrooms ceiling I looked to see out my window and saw that it was cloudy. "Awwww Sunday's." I said smiling. I threw my blanket over and I heard my phone ringing. "Hello?" I asked putting it up to my ear. "Hey!" Miko yelled through the other side. "Ohhhh Miko what is it?" I groaned and fell backwards on to my bed. "Bumblebee is picking me and Raf up..we were wondering if you wanted Bumblebee to pick you up too?!" Miko exclaimed excitedly. "Sure..can you tell him?" I asked. "Ya!"She yelled and hung up. "Better get ready." I muttered to myself.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I yawned and rubbed my eyes but as I was stretching I felt something protectively over my torso but not hurting me I looked to see WheelJack's arm. I sighed and picked it up slowly and rolled off the couch onto my knees and put his arm back down. I watched as he mumbled something and then went quiet I laughed but then got up and put on my shoes and walked down stairs but I felt something buzz in my pocket I jumped but took it out I looked at it and it was a yellow flip phone. I've seen the kids with these they put them up to there ears and some one else is on the other end. I opened it and put it up to my ear....how was I going to speak? I thought to myself. ((Hey Bee I know you can't speak but can you come get me Raf and Jack? I don't want to disturb bulk and WheelJack but your a teen so you don't mind! I think but please do so))! Was all Miko said before she hung up. I smiled and shut my phone and put it in my pocket. I walked to my car and got the keys out of my pocket and hopped in and shut the door.  I started it and drove out. I looked around, I noticed that it was gonna rain soon. I was looking up at the sky went I felt something hit the back of the car. "Mph." I yelped in annoyance. I looked in the mirror and saw it was two con car's....why not clown cars I joked. Then one of them smashed into the back of the car again. 'I don't know how or if I am gonna make it threw this'! I thought as my eyes went wide when one of the cars sped up in front of me and stopped long ways I tried to make a quick turn but instead the car flipped and it kept flipping. I could feel metal cutting me and me being bruised and hurt. The last thing I saw was when the car flipped onto the desert floor before it all went black.

Ratchet's p.o.v

I sighed when I heard a car leave I got up and walked out of the med bay I looked to see that it was Bumblebee. "Hey Doc." WheelJack smirked while stretching and walking over to me. "Hello WheelJack." I said glaring. "Where did the kid go?" He asked looking at the cars. "I'm not sure." I answered. Then before we could say anything else my phone went off..Raf had showed me what it is and what it does. I took the phone out of my pocket and flipped it open. ((Hello))? I said. ((Is Bumblebee coming yet))? Miko's voice rang threw the phone. ((No)). I said confused. ((Well it's been a while..he was coming to pick us up so we could go to base)). Miko said going quieter. ((I don't know where he is but we can look)). I said. ((Just pick us up on your way but if you find anything stop)). She said and I sighed. ((Will do Miko)). I said and she hung up as did I. "Come on WheelJack." I said and he got in the ambulance with me. "That kid better be OK." WheelJack said as he buckled himself. I didn't say nothing I just drove out of base. We drove down the road but when we saw a yellow flipped over car I slowed down and when we reached it I stopped the car and put it in park and jumped out along with WheelJack. "Oh no." I whispered as I stared at the car eyes wide. I watched as WheelJack ran to the car and carefully looked in it but I watched as he froze and I heard him growl. "H-he's gone isn't he." I said and I watched as WheelJack got back up and yelled and kicked the car. "I hate the stupid cons...all they ever do is take!" WheelJack yelled again and I sighed. "What do they want with the kid..they took his voice..and now they took him..they took him!" WheelJack yelled and he punched the car and put another dent in it. I watched him as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. "WheelJack, Bumblebee will be ok." I whispered. "How do we know that?!" WheelJack yelled as his voice started to get hoarse. "WheelJack please...Bumblebee-." I was saying but was cut off when WheelJack yelled again and punched the car. He stayed still for a minute then I watched as a tear fell from the wrecker, the wrecker I had never seen cry. "WheelJack..get in the ambulance." I said looking at him sadly. I watched as he walked to the ambulance and I couldn't see his face but I knew he was trying as hard as he could to not breakdown and start crying or yelling...more. ((June)). I said putting my phone up to my ear. ((Hi Ratchet)). She said happily. ((I was wondering if you could....take the kids to base and...you might see me on the side of the road but don't stop but when you make it to base tell everyone to drive down the road..I know they will see me but stay at base with the kids and we will come back and discuss everything with you and..the kids)). I said turning around and looking into the ambulance where WheelJack is and I watched as he looked threw the window. ((Will do)). She said and hung up.

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