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Ratchet's p.o.v

I struggled to get everything on track to help Miko i knew i had to get ahold of June and fast she definitely knows more about the human body than I ever will. "WheelJack call June, I will need her assistance in this problem." I told WheelJack, he nodded and got June on the phone. I theard her from the other line say she was on her way. "she's comin' Doc." WheelJack said grunting as he moved his leg. "now, now don't rip the stitches." I grumbled to him and he sighed.

Bulkhead's p.o.v

"She'll be fine Bulk you just need to calm down." Acree said trying to comfort me. "But what if she doesn't? How will I live with myself?!" I asked letting a tear slide down my cheek and onto the fabric of my camouflaged army pants. :.:she won't....i've been threw it many of times...Miko won't leave you Bulk:.: Bumblebee assured with a small smile. Nodding, I hugged him softly. Although I'm not one to do so. I just wish that car never ever hit that rock I told her it was too bumpy! I got up out of rage and growled and flipped over a table. "BULK!" Arcee scolded. I started screaming, "It was my fault i knew it was a bad idea to go on that stupid drive!" The table hit the wall. I grabbed some sort of tool and threw it against the wall I hit. "BULKHEAD! I needed that!" Ratchet shouted with his hands in fists and glaring. That's when I messed up and I said things that I never thought would ever come out of my mouth, "WHAT WERE YOU GONNA USE IT FOR?! Not to fix up Miko not to fix the war and certainly not to fix Bumblebee's voice box!" The room had silenced. So, I went to my room and slammed the door. I then realized what I had said. I sighed and leaned against my door.

WheelJack's p.o.v

I watched as Bulkhead stomped to his room and slammed the door shut after the words. I knew it was his pain for Miko talking. He was starting to blame himself. I looked around the room and noticed Ratchet looking at his hands then put them down sadly. "I-I could've done better." Ratchet whispered and we all knew those words from anywhere. "Ratchet." Raf had started but Arcee stopped him. "It's not time to bring words of pain...we have someone else in deep pain." Arcee said gesturing to Miko. I noticed Bumblebee who was looking at Ratchet but the Doc didn't bare to look at him. Then a car screeched to a halt. "I came as fast as I could." June exclaimed as she jumped out of the car but slowed down noticing our slumped postures. "Am I already too late?" She whispered. "N-No of course not." Ratchet ushered her to walk into the med bay.

Optimus's p.o.v

I watched from the side lines in the hallway where no one could see me. "Humans mean more to my team than I ever would have began with." I whispered to myself with a smile. "How would we ever part with the young humans." I said to myself again. I then went to the top of base and watch the sunset and found a young one, Bumblebee with his legs crossed sitting at the edge. "Bumblebee." I spoke softly. He jumped and almost slid but backed up real fast. "I am sorry I did not wish to startle you Bumblebee." I said apologetically. :.:It's ok I'm just a little jumpy:.: he answered with a smile. :.:what brings you up here:.: he asked turning back to the sunset. "I felt the need for some fresh air." I answered, taking a deep breath then slowly letting it out. He did the same, I chuckled a bit. "I know you don't like when the voice box incident gets to Ratchet." I started. He let out a sigh and shook his head. I put a hand on his shoulder, and looked him in his eyes. "Listen Bumblebee, Ratchet has always regretted that day and I know you don't want him to but....others always have their regrets or their everyday pain." I told him and he nodded and smiled. I smiled looking back and went back into base.

Miko's p.o.v

"Ow god i have a terrible head ache." I whined and rubbed my eyes then head. "Where is Bulkhead?" I questioned looking around to see Ratchet and June looking at me. "Miko you feeling alright what hurts?" June asked me first, sitting me up so I could lean against the wall behind me. "My head hurts thats all." I answered as I rubbed it again. "It's ok we have medicine for it...its not a school night I will call your parents and tell them that you are staying the night with me." Raf said walking up. "I'll just say that you are having fun with my sister's." Raf assured walking away to go talk on the phone. I smiled. "now get some rest you will be fine in the morning," Ratchet grouched, I nodded with a yawn.

Raf's p.o.v

I got off the phone with my parents and Miko's. "I said i was staying he night with you Mrs.Darby." I exclaimed and June nodded, "that's fine with me we will all just stay here tonight." I heard Smokescreen, "WOOHOO! Did you hear that Bumblebee?!" Smokescreen yelled and hugged Bee who laughed. "This is gonna be the longest night of my life cycle." Ratchet groaned. "Jack make popcorn!" I excitedly ranted, then realized there wasn't a microwave. "Hang on let me grab the invisible microwave and put our invisible popcorn in it then pretend to hear a pop pop pop." Jack laughed along with me. "Come on lets go up to the couch." Smokescreen yelled. WheelJack, Bumblebee, Me, Jack, and Smokescreen all one to he couch and sleeping bed "what to watch," Jack said scanning through our many few movies. "oh how about Ninja Turtles Out Of The Shadows its the newest one,"Smokescreen said with excitement. Bumblebee was shaking his head fast. "I think Bumblebee and Smokescreen will kill to watch it so go ahead and put it in." I laughed and Jack did so.

June's p.o.v

"So why was everyone so glum when I entered base?" I asked finally getting it out of my mouth. "Bulkhead had gotten really upset and said some things that I bet he wish he didn't." Ratchet answered putting back the head ache medicine. "So, he took the Miko thing hard then I assume." I stated out of the obvious. "roughly," was Ratchet's response.

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