Fight and Leave

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Miko's p.o.v

When I had woken up from my terrible headache it was finally gone so I hopped of the cot and my wrist was hurting I saw a bandaid on my vain and where I had an IV before. "Hello Miko you doing better?" June asked. "Dude, of course I am." I said and walked to go find Bulkhead or Jack and Raf. lHey Bulk!" I yelled finally finding one of the people I was looking for.

Bulkhead's p.o.v

I saw Miko when I was talking to Jackie and smiled. "Hey." He said and I growled. "What's going on?" She asked apparently hearing my growl directed towards WheelJack. "Well, if you hadn't took her down that stupid rocky side you wouldn't have to worry about her!" WheelJack barked back. "Like you haven't put her in danger before too! Like when that predacon was after you she had to save your aft!" I growled back and soon everyone was watching, not knowing whether to stop it or let it go. "If you want to get technical you have put her in far more danger than I have ever! Like that time when she was under rock and you couldn't hold all of its weight and there were cons just tramping around! You had told her to go!" WheelJack yelled back and I saw out of the corner of my eye Jack and Raf take Miko up to the catwalk. "What have you done to stop her from getting into a mess of cons?!" I yelled back at him putting a finger on his chest. "FAR more than you have!" He yelled. "Keep telling yourself that maybe it'll come true!" I shot back. "I'M OUTTA HERE!" He yelled, ending the yelling match. He stomped away grabbing his newly cleaned sword on the way.

WheelJack's p.o.v

I grabbed my remote to the Jack Hammer which was now smaller thanks to a relic. I then turned around one last time and saw Bulkhead glaring daggers at me, I glared back then looked to a scared Bumblebee, I still glared. "Hope you figure out how to change us all back CALL ME WHEN YOU DO!" I shouted and growled, "And as for the rest of ya don't expect me to come back if I do it's only for that stupid cure!" I roared but took a good glare on everyone.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I looked as WheelJack walked out of base I looked to the ground and wondered why he had growled and glared at me. I looked at Bulkhead who was looking down but kept his angry face on he then stomped over to me. "Don't try and call him and if you do...don't expect me to not yell at him." Bulkhead said then walked to his berth room and slammed the door. "It's not your fault Bumblebee your fine this has happened many other times before." Ratchet said patting my shoulder. "Ok Ratchet, no problem." I signed and he nodded and went back to his work. "Ratchet's right...besides there wreckers," Smokescreen smiled. I smiled back and tagged him. "Your it." I signed and ran down the bases hall. "Oh no you don't Bee!" Smoky laughed as he chased me.

--------/----:In the sky....somewhere---

WheelJack's p.o.v

I put the Jack Hammer in hover for a minute and unbuckled. I growled as I hit the wall. "What's wrong with you WheelJack you yelled at YOUR FRIEND AND...and....!" I trailed off as I thought about what I did I stopped and started to tumble backwards, I then fell on the ground. "What's wrong with me?" I asked myself and let a tear run down my cheek. I felt the Jack Hammer move so I jumped up and wiped my tear away. I looked out the window to see what I hoped I never would see, "Cons".

----------------@ base-----------------

Ratchet's p.o.v

"KNOCK IT OFF!" I yelled what felt like the millionth time this hour. "Oh come on we are only pla...!" Smokescreen started to say but I cut him off then and there, "I DON'T WANT TO HERE IT....I SAID KNOCK IT OFF AND THATS FINALE!" I yelled, I watched as Smokescreen and Bumblebee looked down then just walked to there rooms. I let out a sigh and thought about what WheelJack did and what I did. "Poor young ones." I whispered. Then I heard footsteps come my way I looked up to see Bulkhead looking down. "I-I need Bumblebee real quick." Bulkhead stuttered looking up at me sadly. "Well I don't know if he would like to talk to you, me or WheelJack anymore." I scoffed but before he could answer the alarms went off. "Autobot's," Optimus called, walking into the main room and with everyone running from where they were. I looked up to Miko who had looked like she had been crying. I turned to Smokescreen and saw he had looked at me but hurried and shifted his gaze to the ground. I then put my gaze at the monitor. I caught sigh of the one Decepticon signal then what I never thought I would see was an incoming call. "Optimus." I gasped he walked over. "What is it old friend?" He asked I then gestured to the screen. "Megatron's calling." I said and he looked to it and sighed. He then hit answer, I scanned over the big screen seeing a smirking evil grin of Megatron. "Hello Prime,"Megatron greeted with a wicked smile. "What do you want Megatron?" Optimus questioned. "It is more like what you want." Megatron chuckled, he moved out of the way and what we saw made me look in horror. I saw WheelJack forced on his knees by Breakdown and his head was bleeding from a cut. "What do I need to give you for him?" Optimus spoke up breaking the silence. "I want you of course." He seethed and smiled looking at Bumblebee. I looked at him and he stood wide eyed. "Your probably wondering why I want you". Megatron said looking straight at Optimus. "The reason is, you are the only one to know where the allspark is located. The allspark is the only possible cure for these flesh bag bodies. This could help my team become cybertronions again and I know only you know where it is." Megatron seethed and he chuckled. "I think I have said too much but if you do not give yourself up, I will have Starscream shoot your beloved wrecker right here right now." Megatron laughed. We looked to Optimus for an answer but before he said anything WheelJack started to talk. "Don't give in Optimus...I-I was a jerk to you guys and I know shouldn't pay for m-my mistakes." WheelJack said before Breakdown kicked him in the back and he grunted when he hit the ground. "Aww what's your answer Prime?" Megatron asked impatiently. "Optimus." I spoke to get him to turn around. " I will give you this tracker," I assured, latching it on to his jacket. "I need you to be careful, don't loose it." I backed away and he nodded. We looked to the screen that held the dark warlords face, "Do not fear, we are here." Arcee whispered to Optimus. He nodded and Optimus then turned and walked forth to the screen, "We will trade."

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I looked at the screen after Optimus had made the choice and Megatron laughed. "Good we will send cordinates to you." Megatron agrees and I saw WheelJack in the background looking at me I looked at him and he looked down ashamed. I let out a sigh and felt a hand pull down on my jacket I looked to see Raf. "Bumblebee, please bring them both home. Be careful out there," Raf cried taking off his glasses to wipe his eyes then put them back on. I knelt down to his hight letting him hug me. I let my gaze fall on the people behind Raf. Arcee, Smokescreen, Bulkhead and Miko were all looking at Optimus sadly but had smiles. Optimus smiled back. I felt Raf let go so I did too. I ruffled his hair as I got back up and he smiled at me. I noticed his nose shine in the light of the base a little. I smiled and heard the ground bridge open. "Are you ready for this you two?" Ratchet asked and I nodded. "Bumblebee is your escort to make sure everything goes by smoothly. He's going to help the both of you get home." Said Ratchet. I nodded in agreement. Optimus walked to the bridge but I turned around as Optimus watched me wave to the others and they waved back. I turned back around and looked at Optimus. "Are you ready?" I signed. "Ready." He sighed with a slight smile. We walked through for a trade.

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