Healing or...

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Bumblebee's p.o.v

After Smokescreen and I finished up a game. I was walking to the main room when Ratchet ran at me. "Bumblebee come with me." He said I looked at him with an eyebrow raised in confusion. "I have to tell you something very important." He said casting his view downwards but I started walking to the med bay and he followed. "So what do you wanna tell me?" I signed and Ratchet looked at me and I saw Bulkhead, June, and WheelJack in the med bay too. "You...there is more damage than I thought." Ratchet said looking at me. "What?" I signed. "Breakdown broke your rib where...it could stab the heart any minute. June is taking you to get surgery and it will heal quite fast because you are a cybertronion." Ratchet said I looked down thinking then looked back up. I looked around the room and saw that only WheelJack was looking straight at me. "You'll be able to come back as soon as your done but you will need rest. I'll tell them that you will heal properly so you don't have to stay for about a week and they would probably figure out that you aren't exactly human in that time frame." June assured walking to me and putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I looked to her and she gave a smile I nodded and she patted my shoulder and got our her keys to her car. I looked at the others and they smiled I smiled and waved. "I think I'm gonna go with you two." Ratchet spoke up and I stopped in my tracks. He walked past me and got in the front seat. I glared as he smiled so I got in the back seat. We drove out, I sighed and starred out the window. "I know this is so sudden Bumblebee but, it has to be done as soon as possible." I looked at Ratchet and nodded with a smile. He looked at me for a bit before turning back around.

Ratchet's p.o.v

As I waited in the waiting area I watched as some little kids played in the toys section and they were laughing. A kid about Bumblebee's age was playing with them. The kid had black spiked up hair with dark brown eyes. The kid was playing with a police car and was pretending to crash into one of the kids' car and the little girl was laughing about it. I smiled slightly. I sighed and thought about Bumblebee. 'I hope he's doing ok'. I thought as I started bouncing my knee impatiently. I knew it was gonna take longer than known but that's that. "Hey Ratchet." June was walking to me and took the seat next to me. "How's he doin?" I asked looking at her. She broke into a wide smile. "Just fine, he will wake up soon then we will be able to take him back but...very carefully we don't want to rip his stitches." She cautioned. "Understood." I nodded looking back to the kids playing. "I knew you had a soft spot." June put a hand on my shoulder and looked me with a smile. "What are you talking about?" I asked looking at her and she gave me a knowing look. "Ok, ok you got me." I sighed then chuckled. "It's easy to have a soft spot for our scout it really is." I reasoned then I watched as Bumblebee walked down the hall with a doctor. "Mrs. Darby I hope you know what you are doing. His stitches are still trying to keep it together and he will need lots of rest." The man ordered. Bumblebee rolled his eyes. "Your guys's son is very nice...good luck." The man said again and I felt myself go red. I looked at Bumblebee who was trying real hard to keep in a laugh. "Have a nice day and...never mind." The man said and walked down the hall. "Ok let's go home." June sighed.

Arcee's p.o.v

I watched as Smokescreen laughed at Jack who was glaring at him because there was an cracked egg on his head. "T-that is t-the grea-grea..!" Smokescreen tried to choke out but failed as he fell backwards and kept laughing. "Well I think I should have just stayed after school." Jack said sighing and trying to get the egg out of his hair. "Hello Optimus." I said. He nodded and looked at the scene before him. "What have I missed in my absence?" He asked and looked at Smokescreen calmly. "Miko dropped an egg on Jack's head and well Smokescreen thought it was the best thing since sliced bread." I sighed and shook my head then before anything else could happen a car came in through the tunnel. I looked as it stopped then Bumblebee came out of the car looking fairly tired. He yawned to prove my theory as he started to trip over himself. WheelJack ran to him and caught him, "Be careful with him WheelJack he just got done with surgery." Ratchet warned as he and June both stepped out of the vehicle. And like that Bumblebee was asleep in WheelJack's arms. WheelJack held him bridal style as he looked at him with a smile. "Why is he so tired?" Smokescreen worried. "He is gonna be that tired. He just got done with surgery. Surgery is a very tyering process." June said. Ratchet's added, "it's also very long." Smokescreen slumped then glanced at Jack and laughed again. "He'll wake up later on." assured June. WheelJack walked away and up the stairs to lay him on the couch for his nap.

Bulkhead's p.o.v

I smiled as Jackie took Bumblebee to the couch. "Hey bulk how's the shoulder?" Miko said jumping in my face I smiled and answered, "nicely". Miko smiled wide. Before I knew it she threw an egg at my face. I sighed as she laughed and skipped away. "Miko!" I yelled. I heard her laugh loudly. I noticed as Raf came around the corner with egg all over his glasses. "Got you too?" Raf asked and I nodded.

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