We Dont loose Teammates That Easy

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Bumblebee's p.o.v

I looked at the location of base that Ratchet had sent me. I looked at it and saw I was really close. "Bumblebee I need you to land on the helipad and be careful!" Ratchet said and I knew he was frantic. :;Don't..Cali..worry bab...I'll be there for you..be there...fine ". The radio blurted as I flipped through the channels. I had a shot hit the propellers and I watched as two flung off. 'Scrap'! I thought as my eyes went wide and I tried to gain control but that wasn't gonna work. :;I'm going...lack..down:;! The radio spoke. "Bumblebee! The team sees you...you!" It said but the radio broke. "Oh no'! I thought. I went frantic I hurried and did the only idea I had, I just hope it wouldn't backfire.

I punched the glass out of the copters front window and crawled on top of it. I saw the cons in there ships and I watched as one pulled up beside mine and started shooting! I ran and jumped on it and my shoes slid. I almost fell but I held on to the edge of the ship but couldn't pull myself up! I looked down and my eyes went even wider...yes it's now possible. I tried holding on but instead I slid off. I was falling, I watched the cons try and shoot at me and I heard my helicopter crash!
     "BUMBLEBEE!" I heard a yell I looked to see a bridge below me. I smiled wide but watched as a lazer from a deception ship grazed my shoulder. I yelled out and I actually yelled out. I even heard my own voice I tried not to cry but tears started to come and I felt myself go through the bridge but I didn't stay awake long enough to find out if I was ok.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

I was on top of base along with WheelJack,Bulkhead and Arcee while Optimus and Ratchet were at the command center. I watched as Bumblebee went through the ground bridge and so we ran down into base. I watched as blood had stained the floor and Ratchet was working on Bumblebee in the med bay and quickly. I started to go in but June stopped me and WheelJack. "Bee!" I yelled but I saw he was unconscious and June ran over. Optimus took us into the main room. I watched as Raf and the other two were sitting with their knees up to there chest sadly. "Optimus, we have to go in there," WheelJack tried to argue but Optimus ignored it and told us to sit down. We heard a heart monitor flat line. "Bumblebee!" We yelled and Optimus held is back along with Bulkhead. "No NO BUMBLEBEE!" We heard Ratchet yell. "BEE!" I yelled I watched as Ratchet tried to do C.P.R on him but it wasn't working I cried out. "No." I whispered. I watched as WheelJack was trying not to cry and punch someone. Then I heard a faint beep come back. I sighed but fell to the floor. I dropped to my knees and punched the ground. "H-he's awake." Ratchet spoke walking to us. I looked at him to see he was crying slightly but it was dried up tears. "EVERYONE," June yelled and we ran in there. There he was...Bumblebee sitting up and winding in intense pain. I noticed he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. I pushed past everyone and hugged him but was careful of his torso and shoulder injury,I cried into his shoulder and he did the same. "Youngling's." Ratchet said shaking his head. "You know you care." Bumblebee spoke my eyes widened and I jumped back out of his arms and started at him. "Bumblebee." Ratchet said softly. "I-I." Bumblebee stuttered and WheelJack jumped into his arms and hugged Bumblebee tight. "Your gonna go far kid." WheelJack said. I smiled. "Wait you were shot with a cybertronion....blast and it would have surged threw your body." Ratchet said and Bumblebee shrugged and smiled. Then WheelJack let go and laughed. "We still have ya here so...I'm good," WheelJack cracked a smile. Bumblebee laughed. "Wanna play video games?" I asked and Bumblebee pointed to his shoulder and I nodded, "Wanna dance?" I asked. "Frag my shoulder lets dance," Bumblebee said hopping of the cot. "Bumble-." Ratchet was saying but Optimus set a hand on his shoulder. I smile and ran off. The kids followed us in there.

Miko's p.o.v

I grabbed my guitar and played it and Raf, Smokescreen, and Bumblebee did the robot while Jack sat on the side lines and watched. I looked too see the rest of the team. Walking over to us so, I played louder and watched as they did the robot faster and I laughed.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I smiled and kept dancing then Raf ran up to the catwalk but I didn't stop dancing. I watched him and he got his laptop and ran back down the catwalk and unplugged Miko's guitar. "Hey," She whined and put down her guitar. Raf plugged in his laptop in and played a song. (/Play Music video up top/)! "WheelJack made me think of this song, It may have bad language but it's amazing,0 He yelled and it started playing. "Wait this is :Your gonna go far kid," Milo squealed. Smokescreen danced to it and pulled in Raf and Miko who danced with us. I ran and pulled in WheelJack who danced along with us. We laughed and danced. I knew these guys don't loose teammates that easily.

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