Never Stops

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Bumblebee's p.o.v

"NO!" I heard a yell that made me jump up but, wish it hadn't. "ow." i mouthed and looked over to my left side to see another hospital bed and a sweaty and hyperventilating Smokescreen. He looked around frantically till his eyes landed on me. "Bee, is that you over there?" Smoky asked, I smiled and took off the blanket I was about to walk over till i saw something in my arm, an IV. I rolled my eyes and saw the pole the IV was hooked on and rolled it over to Smokescreen i had grunted and shifted uncomfortably on the way but I did so. "Sorry Bee, I just had a nightmare about....the nemesis and...Megatron and all that..stuff." He trailed off as he looked at my bandaged form. "Im fine, you know." I signed and he sighed and shook his head "no your not." He whispered. I scrunched my face up in total confusion, "what do you mean?" I signed. "I mean that you are not ok. I heard them talking when they thought I had fallen asleep..Bumblebee,...when Ratchet does find the cure to this." he then gestured to me and himself. "That you may not change back but, if you were most likely wouldn't make it." Smokescreen looked at me sadly as i took in the harsh news. "I..." I had started to say but couldn't finish as the lights turned on and i whipped around but again, wish i hadn't. "OW!" i mouthed again. "What are you doing up Bumblebee?" Ratchet asked and i looked at him nervously. "Talking to Smokescreen." I signed and he face palmed. It was like on of his most favorite things to do that he had learned from the humans. "You are still healing and you know it." he whisper shouted. I sighed and signed again. "What do you mean you want to know the truth?" Ratchet asked looking a little uneasy. "You know exactly what I mean." I signed back and he sighed again. "There is not hiding anything from you, is there?" Ratchet said as he walked over and Smokescreen watched him. "Fine everything Smokescreen had probably told you is in fact true but me, Agent Fowler, and Optimus all worked it out i promise you ad if our plan backfires and you have to stay human so will we." Ratchet smiled. I looked and him then down "I don't want you guys to have to take the down fall because of me." I signed and he smirked. "There is no down fall, Bumblebee." Ratchet clarified and turned to a computer. "it is 6:00 a.m, the others will be up shortly." he said then as he started typing away i heard a yawn that i know perfectly well. "Morning, Doc." WheelJack joked. "Don't call me doc." Ratchet mumbled. "What? I couldn't here you." WheelJack smiled at me and Smokescreen. "I TOLD YOU DON'T CALL ME DOC!" he yelled with a growl. Then I heard a giant clutter and someone scream and I smiled. "good morning Arcee and Bulkhead." I signed and Smokescreen snickered.

Arcee's p.o.v

I had gotten up with a small yawn and walked over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Jack had taught me when I went over to his house. I grabbed what they call toothpaste and put some on the brush and put it in my mouth and started brushing my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom after putting deodorant on and grabbed my usual clothes and put my pants on then left to the bathroom and spit in the sink and turned on to wash it out along with my toothbrush. "Now where is my shirt?"I asked myself and looked around then spotted it in the closet on a hanger and threw the hanger on my pallet. I fished putting on my shirt and grabbed my pack of gum off the dresser and put a piece in my mouth then something didn't.....taste right i scrunched my nose and then my mouth suddenly became real hot! "HOT!" i yelled and spit my gum out then ran around, I then ran to the sink and started the water and drank it and swoosh it around in my mouth. When the taste head faded anger rose. "BUMBLEBEE, SMOKESCREEN!" I yelled and stormed out of the room and heard a fall and then knew it was Bulkhead but I still stormed out!

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