Chapter 1

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The girl sighed as she took a sip of her juice pouch. She didn't know why she drank these, they tasted like shit. Right now, she was at the vampires orphanage. She was the only older kid there, everyone there was either 9 years old or younger, while she was 16. She was in one of the many vampire orphanages that were held to keep children safe, and in return, they gave their blood to the vampires that kept them safe there.

"(Nickname)-Onii!~" The girl averted her gaze down to see one of the children that she talked to.

She gave a warm smile at the litte girl. "Hello, Hotaru-Chan.."

"(Nickname)-Onii, Come play tag with us!" The little girl pleaded. (Name) happily replied yes and was pulled away towards an open field where there were other orphans that she knew playing tag.

"Yay! (Nickname)-Chan is here!" She heard a little voice shout. Soon enough there was a small group of children gathered around her. She smiled happily at them, taking every chance she could to talk with each of them.

"(Nickname)-Onii should be the tagger!~" One of the children shouted. The children happily replied with Yes's and cheers. Soon enough, the children spread out all around, and ran around, wanting (Name) to chase them.

(Name) let's out a small chuckle and laughs, beginning to run after them. She tagged one of them and laughed as she began running away from them.

This became repetitive for the rest of the game. But, as the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end. One of the children, Kyosuke, was running from Hotaru when he bumped into someone. He looked up and to his horror, there was a vampire standing there. Kyosuke let out a whimper as he stepped back, Hotaru cowering in fear behind him.

"(N-Nickname)-Onii!" Hotaru shouted in fear. (Name) immediately turned her head towards Hotaru's voice, and she saw the two looking up at a vampire. The vampire scowled at Kyosuke, and picked him up by the throat, strangling the small child.

It was as if time stopped, Hotaru was frozen in fear. (Name)'s eyes widened and she rushed over there as fast as she could, she pushed Hotaru behind her and ran over to Kyosuke and the vampire. "No! Let him go!" She shouted as she tried prying the vampire's hands off Kyosuke's neck.

"Okay, Okay~ That's enough.." A voice cooed and the vampire dropped Kyosuke, causing Kyosuke to cough and choke on air. (Name) immediately picked him up, wrapping his little arms around her neck and stroked his hair. She then glared at the vampire and then looked towards the voice. Her eyes widened, it was that noble. Ferid Bathory.

"Y-You're sick, trying to kill a child just because he bumped into you.."

"Aha~ (Name)-Chan, what a surprise to see our oldest orphan~ I bet your blood is delicious~ Mind if I have a bite?.." Ferid asked with a sick smirk as he walked towards her.

(Name) immediately stepped back towards the rest of the children who were cowering in fear behind her, some holding onto her leg, and some crying.

"Stay away." She glared at him, tightening her grip on Kyosuke as she held him in her arms. "You take my blood enough.."

"Aww, that's a shame~ But (Name), you do know the perks of you letting me take your blood right?~" He asks with a sadistic smirk. "Just keep that in mind~" Ferid purred and walked away, the other vampire trailing behind him.

(Name) knew he was right, if she let him take her blood, she could have anything she wanted, she pondered if it would be more safe for the children if she were to make that decision.

"Come on, guys, let's go back to our room, I'll make dinner, alright?" She asks them with a smile. They usually replied happily with yes's and cheering, but right now, they replied with silent nods. Minutes later, they had arrived back at their room, and they all sat at the table, while (Name) put Kyosuke to bed, since he had told her that he was tired. Once she finished putting Kyosuke to bed, she walked back to where everyone else was.

She saw that everyone looked sad, well, who wouldn't be? They just witnessed Kyosuke almost dying. She then thought of something.

"Hmm... Who wants curry for dinner?" She asks with a grin.

"Huh!? Curry! (Name)-Onii! You're making curry!?" A girl named Rin asked.

"Yup! Now who wants some?" The children's sad and fearful facades turned into happy and cheerful ones. The talking she always heard at the dinner table could be heard again. She smiled joyfully to herself and walked into the kitchen.

As she prepared dinner for the kids, what Ferid had said stayed in her mind. She frowned.

"Aww, that's a shame~ But (Name), you do know the perks of you letting me take your blood right?~" He asks with a sadistic smirk. "Just keep that in mind~" Ferid purred and walked away, the other vampire trailing behind him.

She had finally come to a decision. She was going to give Ferid her blood, she didn't care if it had consequences, if it meant that it guaranteed the kids she knew a better life, then she was all for it. Then it was settled.

Once she finished making dinner, she was eating at the table, feeling a little guilty about not telling the kids about her decision. But what other choice did she have? Kyosuke almost died today, she couldn't let it happen to any of the other kids either.

"(Nickname)-Onii!~ The curry is delicious!" Hotaru told (Name). Hotaru's comment snapped (Name) out of her trance.

"Oh! Thank you, Hotaru."

"Mmhmm!~" Hotaru replied.

After a few minutes, (Name) had finished her food along with everyone else. She had tucked everyone into bed and once she made sure they were all fast asleep, she was making her way out of her room.

She had successfully made it out of her room and began walking to the noble's castle. She wanted to walk back, and forget that she ever made this decision, but she was doing this for the kids. She gulped and made her way inside.

She looked around, as she walked, her footsteps echoed behind her. A drop of sweat rested on her cheek. "F-Ferid?.." She called his name looking around.

After a few minutes, she was ready to go back when she heard his sadistic voice. "Huh?~ (Name)-Chan?~ what are you doing here?~ aren't you suppose to be sleeping by now?.." He asked with a grin. (Name) averted her gaze over to the source of the voice. There stood Ferid as he walked out a set of double doors.

"You can take my blood..." She simply stated, trying to muster up some courage.

"Hmmm?~ just like that? But earlier, you wanted no part of it." He grinned.

"Well, I considered the kids' safety.. I'm not doing it because I changed my mind, I'm doing it because I care about my family."

Ferid chuckled and walked over to her, tipping her chin up. "You remind me so much of him, (Name)~"

Before she could process what he said, he bit into her neck.

The Two Knights and One Princess (Mika x Reader x Yuu)Where stories live. Discover now