Chapter 10

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(Name) gazed at herself as she looked into the mirror. She donned the imperial demon army uniform. She was wearing a women's uniform. She didn't really like the skirt.. as it was a little "too" short. She smiled weakly as she pulled it down a little.

"Curse this goddamn skirt.." She mumbled to herself as she struggled to pull it down some more.

"Need any help?.." She heard a masculine voice ask in a joking way.

She whipped her head around to see Yuu leaning against the wall with a smug grin dancing on his lips. Oh how she wanted to slap that smug grin off his face. She gave him a scowl and turned her head back to the mirror in front of her. "Nope." She replied. After Yuu had told her that he loved her, the two instantly hit it off. Of course, (Name) was stubborn at times when showing her affections, but Yuu did not mind it one bit.

He walked up to her and stood beside her, watching her struggle. "What? The skirt's too short?" He asked with a grin and laughed.

"Well obviously." She glared daggers at him and sighed exasperatedly.

"I think you look cute."

"Your opinion doesn't matter." She says while blushing a little at what he said.

He put his hand over his heart as if saying his heart broke. "You broke my heart, (Name)." He cooed dramatically.

She had finally gotten her skirt a little longer but not by much. Guren had assigned their squad a mission and (Name) was trying her uniform on for the first time. They were to meet the rest of the squad in ten minutes outside of where they had all stayed.

She crossed her arms. "Are all the skirts this short?" She asked.

"Nope just yours."

"What?!" She asked in shock darting her head towards him.

"Pfft, I'm just joking (Name). You should of seen the look on your face though!" He laughed.

"Idiot.." She muttered. Her eyes widened when she was suddenly pinned against the wall.

"What was that?~" Yuu asked grinning at her beat red face.

"Yuu, come on. We gotta go." (Name) glared up at him.

"Not until you tell me what you said."

"Okay, fine! I said you were an idiot! Now let me go, we have to meet everyone outside." She answered.

Yuu chuckled and kissed her cheek, before letting go of her. "You won't get away with that, I'll get you back later."

The girl rolled her eyes and walked out the door with Yuu trailing behind her. (Name) had told the kids that she was going on an important mission yesterday and that they couldn't go with her. So she pleaded and begged for Guren to take care of the kids. It took will for that man to actually say yes.

The two had finally made it out to see the rest of their squad outside waiting for them.

"Geez, what took you guys so long?" Mistuba asked clearly annoyed.

"I was helping (Name) get dressed." Yuu replied nonchalantly, causing Shinoa to get a massive nosebleed.

"Eh?! That's not what happened! Someone get Shinoa-Chan a tissue!" (Name) quickly said giving Shinoa a tissue.

"You ass." Kimizuki scowled smacking him in the back of the head.

"Oi! Why you..." Yuu growled about to get out his sword when Yoichi stopped them.

"Guys! T-This isn't the time!"

"He's right, we don't have time for this. Come on." Mitsuba added. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and they began their walk to the location of their mission. Guren had assigned them the task of clearing out vampires that were planning to attack Shinjuku's 5th street intersection. It couldn't have been worse. What their squad didn't know, was that Ferid's special forces were the ones attacking.

The Two Knights and One Princess (Mika x Reader x Yuu)Where stories live. Discover now