Chapter 19

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Hello my lovely readers!
I just wanted to say one thing before the chapter begins!
So I was reading through the comments
And a lot of people were talking about how
Yuichiro's last name is Amane in the earlier chapters?
I'm super sorry about that! I'm also sorry for not addressing this earlier. I made this story in eighth grade I believe? Has it been that long? Lol I don't know! I wasn't exactly the best writer back then! But I feel like I've gotten better! If anything is confusing to you PLEASE let me know so I can explain it to you or I can edit the story a bit more if necessary! I'm sorry if this story doesn't necessarily pertain to the anime! I wanted to make Yuichiro's last name Amane because he doesn't remember the Hyakuya Sect that was experimenting on him (they erased his memory of the experimentation), and Mikaela's last name is Hyakuya because he was told about everything from Ferid and Krul. Does that make sense? Lol I hope it does!
When I first started writing this, I just wrote it for a friend and I didn't expect it to be this long and become so popular.. So I had to come up with a storyline for all of this for you guys! And now I believe the end of this should be soon in the near future... But don't worry!~ I have came up with a new story for after this story ends! Along with a bonus story! Again I am sorry about that! But without further a do
Here is chapter 19!~

Mika's head was pounding. Like thunder rumbling in a storm. The blonde groggily opened his eyes and managed to stand up. He had sharp pains everywhere, but it looked like he was bandaged up by someone. He looked around at his surroundings. He was in some sort of wooden cell.. "What the hell...?" He asked himself looking around. "How did I get here..?" He was about to walk over to the door when he felt a tug on his arms and the sound of chains rattling. The blonde gasped and looked behind him, his arms were bound in chains.

Oh that was fucking great.

"Up I see?.." Mika heard a voice. He then looked towards the source to see a wooden door with steel bars in the window. And a man staring at him with a smug scowl on his face.

"Who are you?" Mika asked scowling.

"That's not important. Anyways, we'll be there soon." The man responded, about to walk away.

"Wait! Why am I here?! Where the hell are we going?" Mika shouted at the man. The man stopped and chuckled.

"You really don't know?" The man asked with a scowl and then looked back through the barred window. "You killed almost all of our soldiers. Me and two others are the only ones left." And with that, the man left Mika, who was feeling quite confused at the moment.

He killed an entire army of soldiers? No, that couldn't be possible. The last thing he remembered was walking inside the building with Ferid. Then everything became dark. Could it have anything to do with the dream he he had? Mika pondered about it for a while before he felt a huge bumb, which made him lose his balance and fall to the ground, the blonde groaning in pain.

Mika then began to hear footsteps coming to his door, and the door opened, revealing three men, including the one from before. "Well we're here." The first soldier looked to second who was beside him. "Uncuff the chains and bind his hand." He commanded. The second soldier nodded.

Maybe Mika could pull out his sword and kill these three when he was uncuffed from the chains. He then looked down at his belt where he usually kept his sword and his eyes widened to realize that it wasn't there.

Goddammit, these assholes must have it. The second soldier pulled Mika up harshly, the blonde almost falling to the ground again. He felt the chains that were cuffed to his wrists fall off after the soldier uncuffed him and he let out a sigh of relief. Those chains were tight as hell. He was about to rub his wrist when the soldier grabbed his wrists in a stone-like hold and brought them together in the back of him. Mika winced as rope was tied tight, binding his wrists together from behind him. "Start walking." The first soldier commanded.

Mika followed his command, and walked out of the cell and made a left as he was told. He was shocked to see so many other cells here. Nobody of course was in them Was this in the building where the experimentation took place?

"Make a right." Mika was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard yet another command came out of the soldier's mouth. The blonde then made a right to see an open door leading to outside? Once he made it outside, he was shocked to see he was on a ship that had traveled back where he was before, when he was leaving for the human's headquarters with Ferid. Speaking of Ferid, where the hell was he? Mika went in with him didn't he?

"There should be a plank on the side of the boat, walk onto it." Another command. Mika sighed annoyed and found the plank and walked on it. He landed onto the ground with a small jump. The three soldiers following after him.

"Where are we going?" Mika asked once again, since he didn't get an answer the first time.

"Keep moving." The man ordered, completely ignoring Mika's question. Mika tsked before complying with his orders and shaking his head as he walked.

After what seemed like hours of walking, Mika began to see something in the distance. It was the headquarters for the moon demon company. (Name) and Yuu were in there. This could not be good..

(Name) sat on a chair that was beside Yuu's bed. Yuu was still unconscious from before and the girl was concerned about him. He was unconscious for hours and she stayed by his side until he woke up.

"Yuu? Are you okay?" (Name) asked taking his hand in hers. Yuu gave (Name) a look of confusion.

"What are we doing here..? Weren't we just on a mission that Lieutenant Colonel Guren gave us?" He asked groggily. (Name) was shocked. He didn't remember turning into that... thing either.

"Yuu, during that mission, something happened to you. It was really scary.. You grew this some sort of black wing on your back and your left eye was really dark. It was bleeding." She responded. Yuu put on a shocked expression as well.

"(Name) that happened to you as well." He told her.

"I know, Yoichi told me." (Name) sighed looking down. Yuu gave (Name) a frown and then scowled as he attempted to get up. "I'm going to go ask Guren what is wrong and why that happened to you." He said determined. (Name)'s eyes widened before she pushed Yuu gently down into his lying form.

"No! You have to rest. If anything I should go. I'll be back soon." (Name) told him, kissing his forehead and before the raven-head could protest, she walked out the door.

The Two Knights and One Princess (Mika x Reader x Yuu)Where stories live. Discover now