Chapter 18

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Kimizuki and Yoichi then pushed Yuu to the ground before he could get a stab at (Name). The raven-head struggled underneath their grasp.

"W-What's happening to him?!" (Name) asked as she ran over to the two to help them.

"I.. I don't know! Goddamn it Yuu!" Kimizuki shouted, trying as hard as he could to restrain him. (Name) looked frantic as she struggled to restrain Yuu as well.

"Please Yuu! Stop! I know you're in there! Please, come back to us!" (Name) shouted as tears began pricking the corner of her eyes. After a while of Yuu yelling and kicking and screaming, he had finally calmed down and closed his eyes. His body lay limp as his wing then began fading and his eye no longer bleeding and no longer dark. Kimizuki let out a sigh of relief.

"God damn. Finally." He exclaimed, wiping beads of sweat from off his forehead as he stood up from his kneeling position, as did Yoichi. (Name) remained in her kneeling position besides Yuu, a concerned expression on the girl's face.

"W-What happened to him?.. Why was he like that?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"(Name).. that happened to you as well.. we all have no idea what happened to him and you.." Yoichi responded. (Name)'s eyes widened. She became like Yuu? She would have remembered something like that happening, wouldn't she?

"Why can't I remember that happening?.. It's almost like it never happened.." (Name) asked herself.

"Well, we better get back to headquarters and report to Lieutenant Colonel Guren."

"Yeah, let's go."

Mika stepped onto the sand after getting off the boat. He looked up at the huge headquarters with his diamond blue eyes. It was probably filled with humans in there.

"Well, we're here Mika~ are you ready?" Ferid asked grinning from ear to ear. The blonde gave a silent nod in response and drew out his red sword.

"Take my blood." Mika whispered and the sword glowed red as crimson thorns wrapped around his hand. The blonde then began making his way to the building, Ferid following behind him.

"Let's see your demon, Mika." Ferid whispered to himself in a dark and menacing tone.

The two made it inside the building, walking inside one of the humans had spotted them.

"Vampires!" He shouted and pulled a nearby switch on the wall, an alarm sounding and more soldiers began running over, carrying weapons.

"Aw man~ this isn't fair at all, two against almost a thousand of you. The odds are uneven~ What do you have to say about that, Mika-kun?~" Ferid asked, turning his head to look at the blonde. To the noble's shock, a dark cloud of smoke began surrounding Mika, and his eyes glowed red.

"I could care less, that just means more fun for me~" Mika's voice now demonic in response.

"Ah~ So this is what my queen was talking about~" Ferid cooed to himself.

The soldiers put on nervous facial expressions and stepped back a little.

"A-A demon?!" One asked aloud.

"What the hell?!" Another shouted.

The blonde demon chuckled and grinned a twisted grin. "Don't worry, I'll make this nice and quick for you~" He cooed at them. And in a flash, Mika ran at the soldiers, slicing and stabbing each of them. Almost like dominoes, the soldiers fell.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" A soldier shouted loudly as a mass of soldiers began running in the opposite direction.

"Hah... running away~ drink more blood.." Mika whispered between breaths. Mika, going at an even faster pace, caught up to the mass of soldiers and swung at them. Some even daring to put up a fight and shoot and stab at the blonde. Mika was shot a few times and stabbed, but it showed no effect on him as he sliced through the huge mass. Cutting it down to at least three people left. The blonde was about to kill the three, when he began to feel an agonizing pain course throughout his body. Letting out a bloodcurdling yell, Mika dropped to the ground on his knees. His sword falling to the ground and making a clanging sound.

"AGH!" The now-vampire, clutched his chest as blood began pouring from the wounds. His eyes no longer glowed bright red and cloud of smoke gone. He then felt himself grow dizzy and his vision fade into blurriness. In seconds, Mika fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"I-Is he dead..?" One of the three soldiers asked as they looked down at the collapsed blonde.

"Go check dumbass!" The second soldier responded, pushing the first soldier towards Mika's collapsed form. The second soldier gulped before walking slowly towards Mika's body. With his foot, he carefully nudged Mika's body over so his back was flat on the ground. Mika was still breathing.

"Guys, he's not dead... I think he's just passed out.." The second soldier exclaimed aloud to the two other soldiers.

"Well then, let's get it over with and kill this son of a bitch! He's killed almost all of our soldiers anyway.." The third soldier growled. He looked around the walls that were splattered with crimson, dead bodies everywhere, even some body parts thrown about everywhere. "God damn.." He mumbled.

"No wait! We should bring him back! A vampire turning into a demon that quick.. and being able to turn back.. we have to bring him back!" The second soldier told the third. The third looked at Mika's body scowling before sighing.

"Fine. Let's get to the ships." The third said and walked off. The first and second nodded at each other before picking up Mika and putting his arms around their shoulders, they made their way to the docks.

Ah! Sorry for the confusion if any of you were
I by accidentally clicked publish while I
Was working on the chapter!
So this time I actually published it.. heh!
Sorry for the confusion!

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