Chapter 2

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The next morning, (Name) sits up in her bed and hisses in pain. She touched her neck, and her eyes widened remembering last night. She had gave her blood to Ferid, in return she got better food than she was giving the kids before.

She sat up and stretched, deciding to make the kids breakfast. She stands up, and walks into the kitchen, pulling out the bags of food Ferid had gave her and began cooking.

One of the kids, Hotaru, was awoken by the sweet smell of food. Food? In the morning? She was excited. The little girl got up from her bed and walked out to where the kitchen was.

"(Name)-Onii?... What are you doing...?" The little girl asked while rubbing her eyes. (Name) averted her eyes towards Hotaru and she gives a warm smile.

"I'm making breakfast, Hotaru-Chan."

"Breakfast?" The little girl asks rubbing her eyes.

"Yes, now go sit at the table and wait so I can give it to you." (Name) laughed. Hotaru sleepily replied with an okay and walked over to the table. The amazing aroma of breakfast soon woke everyone up. They all filed into the kitchen area, wondering what that amazing smell was.

"Everyone! (Nickname)-Onii is making breakfast!" Hotaru happily declared. Everyone cheered and sat down at a table, it caused (Name) to smile. She was glad that she could make the kids happy, but she could never tell them what she did.

Once she finished breakfast, she gave everyone a plate, and sat down at the table with them.

"(Name)-Chan! It's so delicious!" Rin stated.

"Yeah! You're the bestest chef ever!" Kyosuke added. (Name) laughed, she really loved her family, she didn't know what she would do without them. Even though, they were all kids.

Hotaru was sitting next to (Name), examining her neck, seeing that a mark was there.

"(Nickname)-Onii... What's on your neck?" Hotaru asked softly. (Name)'s eyes widened, she totally forgot to cover up the bite on her neck this morning.

"Oh, Hotaru-Chan. I must of slept the wrong way last night, it must of left that mark." She lied. Hotaru silently nodded, continuing to eat her food along with the other children.

(Name) wished she hadn't lied to Hotaru, she really did, but what other choice did she have? If she didn't make this decision, they wouldn't even be eating right now. So she didn't regret it, although her neck was in pain.

A few hours later, (Name) was watching the kids play in the field, they were their happy selves again, it was almost like yesterday never happened. But, the only thing on her mind right now, was last night. It replayed like a tape recorder in her mind.

"You can take my blood..." She simply stated, trying to muster up some courage.

"Hmmm?~ just like that? But earlier, you wanted no part of it." He grinned.

"Well, I considered the kids' safety.. I'm not doing it because I changed my mind, I'm doing it because I care about my family."

Ferid chuckled and walked over to her, tipping her chin up. "You remind me so much of him, (Name)~"

Before she could process what he said, he bit into her neck. This pain she felt, was nothing like anything she's ever experienced. Why didn't she just turn back?.. Why did she have to be selfless? And care about people more than she did herself.

Ferid pulled away in shock. "(Name), your blood.." He stated in shock, his mouth twisted into a smirk. "It's so delicious~ I could live off it for all eternity if I could..." He cooed in her ear, and bit into her neck once again.

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