Chapter 9

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It had been almost a week since the humans and Yuu had taken (Name) and Mikaela couldn't bear the loneliness. His wounds had full healed, except the loneliness he felt. This was the loneliness he felt when he was turned into a vampire, he felt like he'd never see Yuu again. But here he was, after years of not seeing Yuu, he finally does. Except he takes away what was most important to him.


Mikaela was planning to find (Name) and they could run away together, leaving behind everything, the vampires and humans, without a care in the world. So that she could finally be safe.

Mikaela was walking out of his room. It was past midnight and it was as dark as a black cat's pelt. Thankfully, since he was a vampire, he could see.

He was almost out the door when he heard voices. It sounded like Ferid's... and Krul's?.. He couldn't help but be curious so he leaned against the corner of the wall. Leaning in to the conversation.

"-ou lost another one?!"

"Oh trust me, my queen, I'm almost as livid as you are~"

"We lost one all those years ago, and you told me, that you would not lose another one again. Now, here we are." She spat, her tone laced with venom.

"And we will get her back, And if we don't, you can blow my brains out as much as you want, sound like a deal?~"

Mikaela raised his brow as he thought. What the hell? What were they talking about? He shook his head. He couldn't focus on anything else but (Name) right now. He walked away from their conversation, not hearing a fatal point in their conversation.


The blonde had made it out of the orphanage after a while of walking through the darkness. As Mikaela gazed at his surroundings, he couldn't believe how much the world had changed. It had only seemed like yesterday, he was welcoming Yuu into the Hyakuya orphanage. Welcoming him into the family. Now, it was all just a blur wandering among these disheveled pieces of what the world used to be.

A tear managed to slip past his cheek and dropped onto the ground. No, he had to be strong, and this time he would be strong enough to protect what was dear to him.

"I will definitely save you, (Name)." He mumbled, beginning to walk forward, almost as if he had left behind what he had used to be.


"No! Stop it! Stop it! PLEASE! Stop!" (Name) pleaded. But it was only spurred by her begging even more.

You want me to stop?.. Aren't you the one doing this?..

"NO! It's not me! You're just the demon aren't you?.. Please! Stop hurting them!" She cried. (Name) was completely terrified. In front of her, lied the bodies of her children, and herself, with a grin twisted on her lips. Black veins raced across her cheek and coursed around her neck. catch on fast..aha, you're a smart girl..

"Stop it! PLEASE! St-" She was interrupted when the scene changed and she was facing a girl. She had short auburn hair that reached her shoulders, fluorescent green eyes, and was wearing a black dress.

"Hm.. I see you have some fire in you... Alright, I'll be your demon. My name is Yakunan. It'll be fun from now on."

(Name) woke up and breathed heavily. In her hand, lay two dual swords that glowed a green line in the middle. She felt arms wrap around her and her face immediately heated up at the sudden contact.

"You did it!" She heard Yuu say happily with a grin. She laughed a little and stood back up, bitting her lip. She wasn't happy with what she saw back there, not at all. After days had past, she had decided to accept Guren's offer in joining the Moon Demon Company. After a few days of going to school, she was finally ready, at least she thought she was, to sign a contract with a demon.

Yuu saw that look of sadness in her face, and his stomach wrenched in pain. He would find out what the hell made her sad like this. He put his arm around her shoulder and began walking her back to her room.

"Yuu..?" She asked since he was silent.


She got no response in return. Once the two had made it to her room, he walked her inside, closing the door behind them.

"Yuu, what are you-" She was cut off when he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him. Her face heating up by the second.

"What's wrong, (Name)? Please don't say you're fine, you looked like you were about to cry back there." He pleaded.

The girl's eyes began to well up in tears as she buried her head into the raven-head's chest. "I-It was horrible... Y-Yuu... T-The demon... S-She... S-She.." Her voice trailed off.

It broke Yuu's heart to see her like this. (Name) was too beautiful to cry. He tightened his grip on her, trying to give her some reassurance that he was here for her.

"S-She was disguised as me... a-and... s-she showed me... k-killing the kids.. h-hotaru.. a-and k-kyosuke... a-and... a-and-" She was interrupted when he tipped her chin up so she could face him.

"I know... I know it's hard. Demons are evil beings that you have to be careful around. You can't give in to them, or otherwise they'll take over your body. I know you're strong enough to do that. You're stronger than I could ever be," He told her, wiping away her tears with his thumb. "And I know, you're a good person."

"So please, don't cry. You're to pretty to cry."

"Y-Yuu.." Her voice trailed off in shock as her face heated up.

He leaned over to her and pressed his lips onto hers, causing the girl's eyes to widen. Yuu was kissing her..? His lips felt warm against her own. She slowly began kissing back, their lips moving in perfect sync. Yuu pulled away from her and his face heated up. "S-Sorry! It was in the heat of the moment.. and uh um.. God I'm-"

He was interrupted when he felt her lips on his again and pulled away. "Y-You don't need to apologize.." She muttered looking away with blush painted on her cheeks.

He smiled a little and brought her into his arms. "God this is long overdue..." He muttered as he looked down at her.

"(Name).. I love you."

Guys I'm so sorry for the long wait! ><
High school sucks and I had really bad writer's block!
But here's another chappie!
Hope you enjoy!

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