Chapter 3

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(Name)'s hands shook as her hand drew closer to the knob of the door. She felt her heart beat faster and faster as seconds past. She was about to put her hand on the knob went she felt Mikaela grab her hand.



She didn't respond. She just stood there, pondering if any of this, was really worth it. Surprisingly, It didn't take long enough for her to make up her mind.

"I....I cant do it..." She murmured.

"Come on then, (Name), let's go back, I'll walk you back to your room... And then w-"

"No, Mikaela! You don't understand!..." She interrupted, looking back at him. Her eyes glazed over like newly cut glass, tears brimmed at the corner of her (Eye Color) orbs.

"I-I'll never be strong enough to protect my family... t-this is the only way... I-I want to be stronger.... I have to do this... I-" She was cut off when she felt a pair of strong arms pick her up, and began carrying her in the opposite direction.



The blonde vampire didn't say a word as he carried the petite girl back to her room. The silence was almost disturbing in a way. Frightening. His eyes glared daggers in front of his path as he walked. The two found themselves at (Name)'s front door to her room. He set her down in front of her door and looked back down at her.

"Don't ever think, that you're not strong enough to do something. Because you are stronger, than I could ever be. My family died, because I wasn't strong enough to protect them. It was my fault that they died. And I've been mad at myself, ever since," He finally stated. "Please, don't give your blood to Ferid anymore."

She couldn't believe it. Behind Mikaela's kind and gentle facade, he was truly hurting on the inside.


"(Nickname)-Onii?..." A little voice asked in a sleepy voice. (Name)'s eyes widened when she looked down to see Hotaru standing there rubbing her eyes.

"Hotaru-Chan... what are you doing up?.." (Name) asks smiling weakly as she picks the little girl.

Hotaru looks at (Name) and then back at Mikaela. "(Nickname)-Onii... why is there a vampire here?.." She asks a bit frightened as she holds on tighter to (Name).

"It's okay, Hotaru, he's a nice vampire.." (Name) told Hotaru with a smile dancing on her lips.

"Nice..?" Hotaru asks as she gazed at Mikaela.

"Hello, Hotaru... I'm Mikaela..." Mikaela introduced himself with a soft smile.

The little girl smiled. "Hi Mika-Chan!" Hotaru's response made (Name) laugh and Mika blush faintly.

"Mika-Chan?... that's a first.." Mikaela replied with a chuckle.

"Mika-Chan! Can you come back tomorrow?!" Hotaru asked a little loudly.

"Shh, Hotaru you're going to wake up everyone else.." (Name) told her with a small smile.

"Eheh! Sorry!"

"Hotaru, I'd love to come back tomorrow." The blonde replied.

"Yay!" The little girl squealed with joy.

The Two Knights and One Princess (Mika x Reader x Yuu)Where stories live. Discover now