Chapter 14

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Mika trudged through the night, (Name) still fast asleep, content in the blonde's arms. Maybe he was making a mistake, maybe he should just bring the girl back to Yuu and leave. After all..

It'd only be a matter of time before he turned into a blood lusting demon, as Krul once told him.

"Mmmnh.." The girl stirred as rain began shooting down from the sky, pelting the two with water. Mika cursed himself and quickly made his way into a nearby building, making his way inside the living room area. Mika placed the girl down on a dingy and stained couch that reeked of an unknown odor. As he placed her gently down, (Name)'s eyes opened.

"Mika..? W..Where are we..? Where's Yuu?.." She asked, slowly sitting up.

"..." No response, she only received a guilty expression from the vampire.

"Mika.. please... I-"

"You weren't safe there! (Name)! Why can't you see? Those humans will corrupt you! Oh wait, they have already!" Mika interrupted with a shout, a low growl managing to escape his lips. His crimson eyes beginning to glow a deep red. (Name) quickly got up off the couch and stepped back away from Mika in nervousness.

"Mika.. C-Calm down.." She pleaded as the blonde began walking towards her.

"You're afraid of me.." He stated.

"No! I'm-"

"Liar!" He growled and in a swift move, he had the girl pinned against the wall. At that moment, the girl realized something, this wasn't the Mika she met all that time ago. The lust-filled look that craved blood he was giving her, it wasn't Mika. Just the look in his eyes, it sent shivers down her spine. She tried squirming in his hold, any god damn way to escape his iron hold. He wouldn't budge. "You should be afraid of them! And what they did to you.." His voice became low and filled with venom. He brought his mouth towards her collar bone. "I won't forgive them.."


It all happened so fast. So god damn fast. It was that bite from Mika that drove (Name) over the edge. It hurt, it hurt so bad.


After he bit the girl, he proceeded to rip her clothes off of her, leaving her bare and despite her begging him to stop, he didn't.

"P-Please! Mika! Stop please!" She pleaded once more.

And then more pain, this time, it hurt way worse than before. With every thrust, the more pain she felt. (Name) saw red. The only thing she could see was the red radiating from Mika's crimson eyes. She felt like she was going to die. Right here, she'd die, and wouldn't be able to say goodbye to the people she loved. (Name) then began to grow weak and weary. The girl's vision faded to black, all she could hear was Mika's grunts and groans. Soon enough the girl had passed out, her cries and pleading diminished.


(Name) sat up straight and winced upon feeling her neck. She remembered she had passed out from before, but had trouble recollecting what had just happened. The girl then began hearing voices outside the building, Mika's voice happened to be one of them. The girl wobbled her way over to front door, creaking it open just a bit, but enough for her to be able to hear and see just a bit.

"-I'm going to make this easy on both of us. Now, give me (Name) and no body gets hurt, Understand vampire?"

Guren? What was he doing here?..

Mika laughed. "You humans, I thought vampires were the cold and heartless ones.. Conducting experiments on your own kind.. I will not give you back (Name), just so you can conduct even more experiments."

"I guess we're doing this the hard way now.." Guren chuckled. (Name) watched as Guren drew out his sword, it glowed red in his hands.

This was her chance! (Name) could escape now and find Yuu. Yes, she would do that. The girl turned around and looked around frantically, there had to be some other way than exposing herself and going out the front door. Her eyes lit up when she saw a window that was cracked open. She had no choice. (Name) carefully crawled through the window and yelped as she got a few scratches from the shattered window.

Once she managed to make her way out of the window, she staggered away from the building, she felt an intense burning pain between her legs as she walked. God.. how did things get like this? She felt like it was yesterday, getting to meet Hotaru and everyone at the orphanage. She just wanted everything to start over, when the world didn't go to shit, and Hotaru and everyone would have their parents again. But (Name) was stuck here, cut up, bruised, and in pain as she made her way towards the headquarters.

Moments later..

After a while, (Name) was beginning to see the headquarters in the distance. Oh thank god.. seeing that headquarters made the girl feel so much better. She picked up the pace a bit, when suddenly, she bumped into someone. The girl looked up and to her relief it was Yuu..


"Oh god, (Name)! W..What happened to you? Where did Mika take you?! Are you okay?! God damn I was so worried!" He asked as he frantically scanned his eyes over the girl.

"I... I'm fine.. I'll explain everything once we get back inside.." She responded.

Once the two had gone inside, Yuu was bandaging her up as she sat on her bed. That's when she began to tell him what happened.

"Yuu... There's something wrong with Mika.. His eyes scared me and.. he acted differently.." She began explaining.

"I thought he was acting different to.. (Name) it looked like it hurt you to walk before, did Mika hurt you..?" He asked concerned as he finished bandaging her up. Tears began to form at the corner of (Name)'s glazed over eyes. "(Name), W-What did he do?" He repeated, his voice stern now and concerned.

"He.. He raped me. B-But Yuu-"

"I'll fucking kill him! He seriously did that to you?!" He interrupted, now fuming.

"Yuu, p-please let me finish.." She pleaded.

"What's there to fucking say? He raped you, (Name), you should be scared." He responded.

"I-I want to help Mika.. He's not right. Even if he did do that, he's still family. He's our family. Family is suppose to help each other, aren't they?" She asked. Yuu gave the girl a stern glare. Yuu didn't know why (Name) still wants to help him, even after all he's did. But even so, inside, Yuu was hurting. Mika was his family still, and it hurt Yuu to see Mika act so different. After a moment of contemplating, the raven-head sighed.

"Alright. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to kick his ass."

The Two Knights and One Princess (Mika x Reader x Yuu)Where stories live. Discover now