Chapter 11

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"(Name)!" Yuu shouted in shock as his eyes widened. What the hell was wrong with her?! He watched as black began shooting out of her back, he was frozen in place.

With a simple swing of her sword, the gas station (Name) was on top of exploded, sending her and Mika tumbling to the ground. As fast as he could, Mika got up from his limp position and darted his head towards (Name). Before he could run to her aid, he saw Yuu running towards her.

"(Name)! (Name) are you okay?!" He asks her as he kneels down beside her. Right before, Yuu's eyes, (Name) staggered to get up and turned towards Yuu. "All... s-s-sinners... must die.." She stuttered her words as she raised her dual swords.

"(N-Name)?..." Yuu asked completely stunned.

She brought her dual swords down, attempting to stab Yuu, when someone stepped in between the two.

"M-Mika.." Yuu's eyes widened.

"N-No! You can't kill humans, (Name)!" Mika sputtered his words as the sword was stabbed in between his chest.

"Yuu!" Yuu heard someone call his name. He darted his head towards the source of the voice to see Guren standing there with a grin on his face. "You better do something to save her!" Guren added.

Without thinking, Yuu got up from his frozen form and ran behind (Name), hugging her from behind. "No! Get away from her, Yuu-Chan!" Mika shouted in anger. Yuu ignored Mika and buried his face into her back.

"(Name) I know you're in there!" Yuu shouted over her screaming as she struggled in his hold. "Fight it (Name)! Fight it!" He continued, as he held on tighter to her. Her screaming slowly subsided and her body went limp. Her sword pulled out of Mika, causing Mika to fall to the ground. Almost like dominoes, (Name) fell onto the ground right after Mika.

The black disappeared off of her and her eyes returned to their normal (Eye Color) color. Her eyes shut and she lay limp in the raven-head's arms.

"(N-Name)?!" Yuu asked her as tears began forming at the corner of his eyes. He darted his head towards Guren that was standing there with a grin dancing on his lips. "Oi, Guren! What the hell did you do to her?!" He yelled angrily as he stood up, with (Name) in his arms.

Guren walked over to Yuu with a smirk. "The question you should be asking, is what I did to both of you." He replied. Yuu was holding back the urge to punch the shit out of Guren right now. But he couldn't, Guren basically saved his life all those years ago. But for what?

"Yuu-San! We have to get her to the hospital." Shinoa told Yuu running over to him. Yuu looked down at (Name) then at Shinoa. "Yeah- Yeah you're right." Yuu sighs. He then averts his gaze over to Mika, who was standing there with a shocked look contorted on his face. He held his stomach in pain.


The blonde looked up at Yuu. A deadpanned expression on his face. "Aren't you going to leave me, Yuu-Chan..? you've won (Name), so just leave me and go." Mika asked.

"Come with me." Yuu simply stated. And with those three words, the blonde sighed and walked over to him. "I can't believe you want me around, but okay." He replied.

"Why wouldn't I? You're my family aren't you?" Yuu asked as they began walking back to the headquarters. The raven-head only earned a grunt in response from Mika.

Moments later, the raven-head and the blonde found themselves sitting in chairs beside (Name)'s bed. The silence was eerie and uncomfortable, so Yuu decided to say something. "Where were you?.. All this time?.." He asked breaking the silence.

"... I was with the vampires..."

"Well obviously, but why?.. How are you still here?" Yuu pressed. "When I left you, I thought you were dead.."

"I was turned into a vampire, Yuu-Chan. That's how I'm still here. And I don't want anyone else to be killed, especially (Name). I can't go through losing someone special to me again." He replied with a pained look painted on his face as his intense gaze never left (Name).

After a few moments, Yuu finally replied. "I guess we feel the same."

A week had past where it felt like (Name) would never wake up. The blonde and raven-head would sit there, occasionally making small, but they were both pondering the same thing. When would (Name) wake up? They were both worried sick.

One day, they sat in the chairs like they always did. Concerned frowns and worried faces were the only things they could express. Mika was in a train of thought when he heard groaning and he instantly looked up to see (Name) sitting up.

"(N-Name)?!" He asked in shock as he instantly got up.

"...M-Mika?.." She asked. And moved her head to see Yuu sleeping on the foot of her bed. (Name) then returned her attention back to Mika. She was caught off guard when Mika wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Y-You're finally awake.." He smiled happily. He pulled away from her.

"Mika.. w-what happened?.."

"Well, I-I don't know what to say, but you had turned into some sort of demon, and-"

"I don't think it's safe for her to be here." The two heard a masculine voice say. The blonde and (Hair Color) looked towards Yuu who had waken up. Seriousness was laced in the raven-heads voice.

"Yuu.." (Name) whispered.

"I don't know, I just- I just feel like Guren did something to her. But how could that be? She was in the orphanage for the majority of her life." He continued.

"It isn't safe for her here, knowing she could turn into something like that again." Mika muttered. Yuu averted his gaze over to Mika. Trying to ponder what he was trying to say.

"What do you mean, Mika?.." He asks.

"I'm saying, maybe (Name) should go somewhere safe, so she won't turn into that again. I can take her someplace safe," Mika replied. "Whether you're coming with me or not Yuu-Chan,"

"I'm taking (Name) back with me."

*sees that hasn't updated since November 14*
For shame on my soul!
Im sorry this chapter took so long!
I had such bad writer's block and this chapter had to be the most longest I've ever taken on
Writing it!
Again I am so so sorry! I hope the next update won't take this long again!
Hope you enjoy!

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