Chapter 24: Mika's Ending

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Read this chapter if you chose Mika's Ending;
Read Chapter 25 if you chose Yuu's Ending.

Mika looked around nervously, hugging himself as tears trickled down his pale cheeks. Why did his Mommy and Daddy leave him like this? Why didn't they love him?

He was thrown out of his parents moving car and landed right at the front door. The small blonde shakily looked up at the sign to the side of him. It read "Hyakuya Orphanage". It was pretty big for just a children's orphanage. No matter. He slowly raised his hand and knocked on the door; it soon opened, revealing a woman. "Oh you poor thing.." The woman frowned, her eyes averting to Mika's wounds. "Let's get you inside and cleaned up."

Thus began Mika's life at the orphanage. The woman that brought him in became almost like Mika's mother. Always making sure he was properly fed, sometimes fed even more than others. It's not like the others were fed that much either, the head of the orphanage could care less about the children. The experiment that would soon arrive was the only thing he cared about.

"Mikaela, this is Yuichiro! Maybe you two could be friends!" The woman introduced. One day the woman had brought in a boy Mika's age. He had raven-colored hair and emerald eyes. The boy that was called Yuichiro looked to have an annoyed expression on his face, and had his gaze averted in the other direction. Deciding to have a positive outlook, the small blonde smiled and stuck out a hand for Yuichiro to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Yuu-Chan! I hope we can become friends!" Mika smiled widely. Yuu then raised his brow at the blonde.

"Huh?... Yuu-Chan?" He asked in a confused tone. Mika nodded with a laugh.

"Yeah! Yuu-Chan! It's a cute name for you!" Mika answered smiling. Yuu glared at Mika.

"Well I don't like it, don't call me that." Yuu responded coldly, faint pink slowly appearing on his tan cheeks.

"Oh... well! Okay then Yuu-Chan!" Mika said back giggling.

"Oi! What did I just say?!" Yuu glared as he grabbed Mika by the shoulders. Mika just laughed, happy to finally have a friend.

Mika and Yuu spent their days together, messing around and playing together. It was the first time Mika actually felt happy, it was Yuu's also unfortunately. One night, as Yuu and Mika were getting ready for bed, Mika heard voices coming from the other room. Curious Mika got up from his bed.

"Mika..? Where are you going..?" Yuu asked sitting up in his bed.

"Oh, Yuu-Chan. I just have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back!" Mika lied, smiling.

"Oh ok... goodnight, Mika."

"Goodnight, Yuu-Chan." And with that, Mika left the room to go investigate those voices. As Mika moved closer to the room, the voices became clearer, and once he was in front of the door, he put his head against it to listen.

"-please! You can't do this to them. They're only children!" A woman's voice.

"You are not the one to make that decision. You know it's the boss'. I'm afraid there is nothing that we can do. This experiment is for the better future, you must understand that." A man's voice.

"But they are only children! Please! You can't-" The woman's voice was cut off by a whimper and a gurgling sound.

"No one must interfere." The last voice was the man's and a loud thump came from the room. Mika covered his mouth to quiet his crying, and soon tears came trickling down his cheeks. That was the woman that was like a mother to him, she was trying to protect them. He could recognize that voice from anywhere. But from what? And what was the experiment? Mika's train of thought stopped when footsteps began making their way towards the door. The blonde gasped and quickly made his way back to his room, and swiftly shutting the door behind him. Mika would definitely be having a restless night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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