Chapter 16

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"Oi! Guren! Guren! Are you there? Hel-"

Guren was snapped out of his trance in remembering his fight with Mika when he heard Yuu's voice.

"God you're voice is as annoying as you." He snapped at Yuu, interrupting him.

"You were spacing out, I had to call your name fifty times to finally get you to wake up." Guren looked at Yuu before shaking his head with a sigh and turning in the other direction, beginning to walk away. "Wait Guren! Why'd you ask about Mika?!" He asked with a frown. The raven-head did not respond to the other raven-head, he just continued walking away, leaving Yuu completely confused. "Damn that guy.." He muttered. "He never tells us anything."

Yuu sighed before walking back into (Name)'s room, a clearly confused expression on his face.

"Yuu.. are you alright?" (Name) asked frowning.

"Oh uh, Yes I'm fine, don't worry." The girl gave Yuu a doubtful look, but sighed.

"If you say so."

Mika was in the middle of no where, there was nothing except miles and miles of white smoke. "Where.. am I?" He asked himself.

Hello, Mika.

Mika was frozen in place, he couldn't move at all. His eyes widened upon seeing his young self walk right in front of him and give him a closed-eye smile.

How are you doing?

Mika grit his teeth. "Shut up! You're the one doing this, aren't you?!" He shouted, trying to move. His young self then laughed with a wide grin.

It's funny how naive you are, Mika. It wasn't me who did that to your family..

Mika looked down at his young self who was grinning at him from ear to ear. Mika was completely scared of this "thing" that was pretending to be him. His eyes then bulged wide open when he felt a huge wave of black mist stab through him, holding him up in the air. Mika struggled to gasp for air.

It was YOU that lost Yuu's trust.

Mika yelled out in pain when yet another wave of black mist stabbed through him. His young self's voice was more demonic than before.

It was YOU that killed your family.

Mika was in complete agony. He'd die from the pain if he didn't try and get it out.

It was YOU that raped (Name)..

"NO! I DIDN'T!" Mika shouted as he opened his eyes before sitting up and breathing heavily. He was shocked to feel warm tears trickle down his cheeks. He gulped and let out a shaky breath as he wiped his eyes. What the hell did that thing mean he raped (Name)?! He would never do that!

"God dammit.." He muttered to himself. It was just a dream. "Just a dream.." He whispered. He then darted his head towards the door once it opened to see Ferid standing there with that same grin on his face as usual.

"Mika-kun are you okay?~ I heard you shout~" Ferid asked teasingly.

Mika gave Ferid a glare before returning his long gaze at the wall, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Fine." He simply responded.

Ferid chuckled before holding out a cup of red liquid. "Here, drink. That wound of yours wouldn't heal, so we had to put bandages on it~"

Mika looked towards Ferid again with an emotionless expression and back down at his bandages chest before sighing and taking the cup of red liquid hesitantly. He looked down at the blood, looking at his tiny reflection.

"Is it human..?" He asked.

"Well of course~ It'll help you heal the wound." Ferid answered. The blonde winced a tiny bit at the thought of this being from humans.. (Name) and Yuu were humans. It was basically like drinking from Yuu and (Name) to Mika. But, he had no choice. Mika then gulped down the blood from the cup, drinking every last drop of it.

"You'll start feeling better very soon~ Once you do, come find me.." Ferid's voice trailed off as he began to walk out. "You'll be making another trip for me." And with that, Ferid walked out.

Surprisingly enough, the perverted vampire was right. Mika's wound had started healing a few minutes after he drank the human blood and was feeling much better. Mika got up out of his bed, and took off the bloody bandages that were wrapped around his chest. The blonde was shocked to see the wound completely healed. Mika then decided to put on his vampire's uniform and head out of his room, since he was feeling a lot better than before.

"You have another trip to take for me, Mika~" Ferid told him with a grin.

"Except this time, I'll be going with you.."

The Two Knights and One Princess (Mika x Reader x Yuu)Where stories live. Discover now