Chapter 23

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Before this chapter starts, I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has read this story! Originally I made this fan fiction for a friend and I didn't plan on continuing it until I saw all of your reactions to this story! I love all of you so much for having patience with me during the times that I was on hiatus and vacation. I also am deeply sorry for the VERY long wait on this chapter, I was trying to figure out how I was going to steer this story and had to deal with some issues (also this chapter will be short) and I finally figured it out! This will be the last official chapter and the next two will be the endings you will be able to choose from.


Worry not, everything will be explained for Yuu in his ending, and for Mika as well! I'm sad to end this story.. and I really had such a ride writing it! But don't worry! I already have the first chapter for my newest story written out! And I hope that you'll all like it!~ Again, thank you all so much for supporting this story and without further ado, I'll stop my rambling and begin the chapter!

The squad yet again had another mission to complete. It was like any other mission that they had. Yet no one knew, it would go wrong this time.

"(Name)..? (Name)!" Yuu called, snapping (Name) out of her trance. (Name) turned towards Yuu with wide eyes.

"Oh! Coming!" She responded, running up to Yuu and attempting to pick up the pace with the others, realizing she had fell behind from the group. Ever since the girl found out Mika was being held captive in their own headquarters, (Name) was going crazy trying to figure out how to get him out of there.

"I know you're worried about Mika, but you have to focus on the task at hand." Yuu told (Name), kissing the top of her head and gave her a weak smile. (Name) sighed and then nodded at Yuu.

"We're here." Shinoa announced. (Name) averted her attention away from Yuu and gaped at the extravagant vampire orphanage in front of them. Guren had assigned the squad to kill all of the vampires that were inside this orphanage and if they were lucky, save the children there as well.

"There's bound to be a lot of rooms to get lost in here.. we'll have to split up," Mitsuba exclaimed. "Kimizuki, Yuu, and Yoichi, go together and Me, (Name), and Shinoa will go together so we can all split up." The six all nodded and went their separate ways.

One group going in one direction and the other group going in the other.

Yuu, Kimizuki, and Yoichi walked inside the orphanage, much to their dismay, the hallways were long, and looked like they could go on for miles. It took a while for them to round the corner, which led them into an extravagant entrance room.

A large chandelier hung from the ceiling that looked like it would fall any minute and the windows were battered and broken. There was a staircase in front of the three that would lead them to the second floor.

"God.. Why is it so quiet in here..?" Yuu mumbled, averting his eyes out the windows. He then returned his attention back up the stairs. "We should see what's up there." Yuu exclaimed, and with that, he made his way quickly up the stairs.

"Oi! Wait for us, dumbass!" Kimizuki shouted, clearly annoyed at the raven-head for going up without them, and quickly followed behind Yuu. Yoichi close behind Kimizuki. The three found themselves looking around rooms as they climbed to each floor. Finally, they had surprisingly made it to the roof of the large orphanage.

The sky was a firey pinkish orange. The sun was beginning to set. "Man...Do you ever stop and wonder why we stopped watching the sunset?.." Yuu asked, stretching his arms behind his head. The raven-head's emerald orbs glistened as he watched the setting sun.

"Maybe it's because the world went to shit?.. Now come on, we have to go find the others and tell them we couldn't find any of the orphans. Maybe they had better luck than we did." Kimizuki responded coldly.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to do that~" A voice cooed behind them. On cue, the three turned their heads towards the source of the voice only to see Crowley standing there.

"W-What? What do you-?" Yoichi's question was interrupted when a loud boom sounded from far away. Yuu darted his head towards the sound and his eyes widened to see a huge explosion and a cloud of smoke tainting the sun that he was just admiring.

Yuu's mind took only a few seconds to process and realize that where the explosion came from....

Was from the Imperial Demon Army's Headquarters.

Hotaru, Kyosuke, Rin And everyone.. Tears began trickling down Yuu's cheeks.

Yuu felt time stop and his hearing fade. He knew Kimizuki and Yoichi were shouting something. The raven-head just couldn't figure out what. Slowly, his eye sight began to blur until he saw nothing but darkness.. and a huge sound.. that was almost like the one that came from their headquarters.


"Begin test number 8" The scientist told the other. The other scientist was reluctant to flip the switch again. No matter what they did to the blonde, Mika would remained unfazed.

The other scientist sighed before flipping the switch, sending another shock of pain traveling through the wires hooked to Mika. This time Mika yelled out in pain and growled as he breathed heavily. His chest rising with every breath. Suddenly, Mika broke out in laughter, alarming the two scientists in the room.

"You lowly humans! You make me laugh!" Mika laughed, until his face grew into a serious and more dark expressions. "No matter how many times you try to hurt me, you never will. You humans are weak." He growled.

The scientist was about to respond when suddenly...


Mika groaned as he slowly opened his eyes looking around at the destruction before him. Luckily the glass around him had shattered from the destruction. What the hell was that? The two scientists that were experimenting on him lied dead on the floor and the three soldiers.

"Tch, serves them right." He grumbled, stepping out of the glassless tube and dusting himself off. Mika made his way out of the destroyed buildings, his eyes averting to the various dead bodies piled under rubble. Once he made it outside, he squinted his eyes to adjust to the sun. Once they had adjusted, he looked around with a grin. "Let's get started~."


(Name) grit her teeth as her vision cleared. She soon began to hear voices. They were calling her name. What happened...?

"(Name)! (Name)! Please! Wake up!" A female voice shouted. The (Hair Color)-haired girl groaned as her eyes slowly fluttered open to see Shinoa and Mitsuba kneeling down in front of her.

"Shinoa..? Mitsuba..?" (Name) asked. Their faces were disheveled and they looked terrified. Shinoa looked to have a wound on her arm and Mitsuba looked to have one on her leg to match Shinoa's.

"Oh thank god.." Mistuba sighed a breath of relief.

"W..What happened..?" (Name) asked.

"A bomb went off in the orphanage... everything's destroyed.. it also seemed a bomb went off somewhere else too.." Shinoa responded, helping (Name) up.

(Name) looked around distraught, everything was destroyed. Her eyes then widened... Yuu, Yoichi, Kimizuki... She really hoped Mika was alright too from the other bomb.

"We have to go find the others.." Mitsuba told the two other girls. Although that sounded like it was the obvious answer, (Name) still wanted to find Mika as well, and save him.

Mika or Yuu?

Your choice determines your fate..

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