Chapter 17

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Mika stood on a ship, leaning his arms on the hand rail and a blank expression on his face as he stared out at the sea. The cool breeze felt good to the blonde as he smelled the sea air.

"We should be there soon, Mika." Ferid interrupting Mika's thoughts, walking over to the blonde and standing at his side. The blonde was once again traveling overseas to destroy the surviving groups that experiment on Seraph of the End. Though the experiments are harsh, the remaining cult groups pale in comparison that of Hyakuya Sect and the Demon army. Both of those organizations erase the memories of experimentation from those that were experimented on. The blonde vampire ignored the silver-haired vampire, continuing to gaze off into the distance. Ferid chuckled shaking his head. "Ah Mika~ Don't worry, once we exterminate all of the organizations, (Name) and Yuu will understand that you do this all for them~" He cooed as he pat Mika's back, then walked away from the blonde.

Mika thought about what Ferid said. He knew Ferid was right in a way. Humans experimenting on their own kind, what a sick and twisted thing. The worst part was, (Name) was one of the subjects that were experimented on. Since he was getting rid of the organizations that still do that, he shouldn't be feeling so bad. He was doing the right thing.

Wasn't he?

(Name) had a frown dancing on her lips as she walked through the dark tunnel, littered with children and others sitting against the wall. Shivering and hungry. She couldn't help but imagine her own family like that. Hotaru.. and Rin, everyone.. She shook her head.

"I wish we could bring them all back.. they all look so hungry.." She said aloud to everyone.

"I do to.. But Lieutenant Colonel Guren always has strict orders. Unless we're going on a rescue mission, we don't save anyone." Yoichi responded.

Yuu glanced over at (Name), giving her a weak smile before returning his gaze back in front of him.

"Guys, look up there." Mitsuba declared after a while of silence and walking. Everyone picked up their heads and looked to see light coming from up above the tunnel, a ladder was hanging down from the hole that the light was coming from.

"A ladder? Why the hell would a ladder be there?" Yuu asked raising a brow.

"Only way of finding out." (Name) stated and ran ahead of everyone, and began climbing up the ladder. Yuu's eyes widened.

"(Name)! Wait for us!" Yuu shouted and ran after her, everyone trailing behind him, trying to catch up to (Name). Once the five made it up the ladder, their eyes began to wander.

It looked like it used to be an old shopping center. The vampires must have been hiding in there all this time. Which explained all those kids back in the tunnel.

"(Name)! Where are you?!" Shinoa shouted.

"Jeez Shinoa, you probably just attracted like vampires from a mile away, you're so damn loud!" Mitsuba snapped at Shinoa. Shinoa stuck her tongue at the golden blonde.

"(Name)?!" Yuu shouted also.

"Okay then! why don't we all just-" Mitsuba was interrupted when everyone heard a scream.

"(Name)!" Yuu shouted before running as fast as he could towards the source of the scream.

"God damn idiot! Yuu! Get back here!" Kimizuki ran after Yuu, and soon enough, the rest began following after Yuu with their weapons being drawn out. Yuu halted to a stop, and a look of horror washed through him. And his skin turned white. Crowley, a vampire noble, was drinking out of (Name)'s neck.

He pulled his mouth away from her neck, a grin twisting onto his lips. "Mm~ That's good." He cooed as he looked up at the five that were standing there before him. "Oh hello~ Come to join in the fun?~" He asked teasingly. Yuu drew out his sword and let out a yell, and began running at the red-haired noble. Crowley chuckled at the raven-head and dropped (Name) to the ground.

"You look like fun~" He cooed as he drew out his own sword. Crowley was about to run at the raven-head when Yuu stopped in his tracks, and began yelling in pain, clutching his chest.

"AGH!" He shouted before a dark wing-like structure began shooting out of his back. His left eye turning black and began bleeding.

"Ooh what's this?~" Crowley asked.

"Die.." Yuu exclaimed before running.

"Oh you poor thing~ You must be one of those experiments." Crowley exclaimed as he clashed swords with Yuu. "Don't worry~ I'll make this nice and qu-" The red-haired vampire was interrupted when the arm that he was holding the sword in was cut off. Unfazed by the gesture, he laughed and looked to the side to see (Name) standing there with sword in hand.

"Don't... hurt.. my family!" The girl exclaimed. Crowley chuckled and picked up his arm as if it was nothing.

"Hm, you're interesting as well~ Oh well, I'm off!" The red head said before jumping up high and out of the building. (Name) turned to Yuu, only to see him raising his sword to stab her.

"Y-Yuu?.." She asked.

"(Name)! Watch out!"

Ah! So sorry for the delay today!
I was really busy! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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