The Reason Harry Potter Is The Most Awesome Friend

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Hermione smiled as she ran towards the brick wall. Okay, those who have not read Harry Potter are probably thinking what the hell?! But I'm guessing most of you have read it, so you'll understand. Okay, sorry. Hermione did not collide with the wall, but she knew this would happen. Her smile grew wider as she looked at the read steam engine. Another year of school was waiting for her, and she knew that something exciting was going to happen. All because she was Harry Potter's best friend. She climbed aboard, her cat Crookshanks in her arm. She loved her cat so much. Her friends on the other hand... hated him.  She was excited for her fourth year. She knew she was going to ace it this year, because she had basically read all the books. She started down the aisle to find her friends. "Hey! Look! It's Mudblood!" She heard snickered. She just ignored it. She was used to it. She heard more snickers as she was pushed into a cabin. She stumbled and fell on to her butt. But she fell on to someone. She looked up seeing George Weasley looking down at her. "Gee Hermione. I like you, but not like that..." he grinned. Hermione turned red. She got off of George's lap and sat down far away from him. "Oh c'mon 'Mione! Loosen up a little bit!" George smiled, throwing his hands up in the air. Hermione just scowled at him and walked out of their compartment. She went to find Harry and Ron and succeeded on that mission. She flung open the cabin door and took a step in and started sobbing. Ron, being Ron, looked alarmed and sat there frozen. Harry, however, shut the door and pulled Hermione into his arms. "Oh Harry! They called me a Mudblood and usually I let that roll off my back but they shoved me into a compartment and I landed on George's lap! Then he teased me about liking him and oh Harry!" Hermione sobbed. Ron sat there frozen looking stupid. "Wow. That was bad." He finally blurted out. Hermione turned to face him, anger rising up in her. "Bad?! BAD?!?! RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU EVEN SAY BAD! IT WAS AWFUL AND YOU JUST SAT ON YOUR BUM WHILE HARRY ACTUALLY TRIED TO COMFORT ME!!!!!! REAL FRIEND YOU ARE!!!!!" Hermione screeched. Ron jumped a little bit and the sound of her screaming. Hermione huffed and sat back down with her arms crossed over her chest and a scowl plastered on her face. "'Mione..." Harry started. Hermione shot him a look and he immediately backed off. "Well, looks like we're here." Hermione muttered and stood up and left the compartment.  "Must be that time of the month." Ron said after Hermione left. Harry glared at him and went to find Hermione.

A/N Sorry for such a short chapter. But I just wanted you guys to get kinda used to the plot and stuff.

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