Fred's Turn

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Fred's P.O.V.

She sat there, her eyes full of tears and hopelessness. If there was one word to describe Hermione Granger, hopeless was not it.  "'Mione..." he thought. "Not my beautiful 'Mione." He stopped himself. His  'Mione?! No, definitely not. She was not his. He didn't like her. She was just his brother's annoying little friend, right? "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!!!" he yelled at the voices in his head.

"Fred," a quiet voice interrupted Fred's thoughts. He looked at the bushy haired girl in his arms.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Thank you," she whispered before burying her face into his chest. God, she was going to kill him. Literally cut his chest open and rip out his heart, keeping it for herself. Fred caught a whiff of her scent. Vanilla and book pages. It smelled wonderful.

"Anytime 'Mione," he whispered. God his voice sounded awful. He probably smelled awful and god- he was probably overwhelming her. What was he doing?! God, he'd talk to George about this later. He'd probably know what this feeling was.

The door slammed open, revealing Ginny Weasley. "Oh, what do we have here?" she said with a smirk and her hands on her hips. Hermione's arms left their grip around his torso and were currently draped at her side. A pain shot up through his heart.

"Nothing!" Hermione yelled, her eyes wide. Fred narrowed his eyes at his little sister.

"Whelp, I was just leaving," Fred said as he scrambled off the bed. He felt the eyes of the two girls on him as he walked out. He slammed the door shut behind him and leaned up against it, his face flushed.

"Umm... you okay there, Fred?" It was Ron. Fred looked up and met the blue eyes of the younger boy. He nodded slowly, swallowing the lump in his throat.  Ron shrugged and headed towards his room.

Fred stood up straight and did the same. He opened the door to his room to find George sitting on the ground.

"Georgie, what'cha doing?" Fred raised an eyebrow, jumping onto his bed.

"Waiting for you, Freddie. We need to talk." George, who was looking at the ground, looked up at Fred with a serious expression. It looked quite unusual on him. George was meant to wear a smile.

"What do you mean? What do you want to talk about George?" Fred tilted his head to the side and scrunched up his eyebrows, extremely confused.

"We need to talk about a Miss Hermione Granger and your relations with her." George said with an emotionless face.

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