Ella Is As Important As The Rest

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Ella's P.OV.

It had been weeks since anything interesting happened at Hogwarts. The second task was coming up quick, and I really hoped Harry would be ok. I hadn't talked to Draco since he had seen me at the Yule Ball with my Durmstrang boy. I broke up with him, though, because all he would do was kiss me. Rory was still dating Justin, believe it or not. She was actually enjoying it, but she still was madly in love with Roger. Hermione was mad at Ron, and poor Harry was stuck in the middle of it. Really, life was boring at the moment. The twins were pulling pranks, like always, and poor McGonogall had to deal with them. Quidditch was good. I mean, as good as it can be. I hate being on the same team as Malfoy. It's so awkward. Whenever we catch eyes, he just sneers at me. You guys are probably wondering how we met? Well, I'll tell you.

Quidditch. It always sounded interesting. I was always a good cricket player. The only position I dreamed of playing was Beater. Only problem, there was no girls on the team. I really wanted to be on the team, even if it was full of sexist gits. So of course, second year Ella with her hair in braids showed up at the try outs and was the only girl. 

"Hey! You! I think you're in the wrong place!" someone yelled at me. I looked around to see a blonde guy running towards me.

"You're in the wrong place." he said out of breath.

"Is this the Slytherin Quidditch try outs?" I asked sweetly. He nodded.

"Then I'm in the right place." I smirked. He gaped at me.

"Umm... you realize that the whole team is male?" he asked like I was the dumbest person at the moment. I nodded.

"You just need a girl to keep you in your good graces." I stated. Man, where had all this confidence come from? I kinda liked it.

"Ok," he sighed, "What are you trying out for? Assuming you know what positions there are."

I shot him a look, "Beater." He nodded.

"Well, let me show you where they try out. Maybe I'll even be the one judging you." he sneered. I pretended not to hear the last part.  Truthfully, I hated this boy. He was cocky and arrogant and he was so damn sexist!

I sighed and took up a club that was on the ground. I swung it around a little bit, to make sure it was the right one for me. It was alright. I mounted my broom and kicked off from the ground. I silently thanked Keegan for giving me all those Quidditch lessons this summer. He was a Ravenclaw Chaser. He always told me I had a natural talent for Quidditch.

"Alright," shouted the boy, "I'm going to release the Bludger and see what your arm is made of!"  And with that, the Bludger came flying at me, so I swung with all my might.

"Holy shit!" someone yelled, "That's probably the best shot I've seen in years! Malfoy, who's the one trying out right now?"

"Ella White, she said her name was." the boy, whose name apparently was Malfoy, explained.

"A girl?!" the "someone" yelled.

"Yes, Flint, a girl." Malfoy said, annoyed.

"Fine, let me discuss with her." Flint said warily. I started flying towards the ground and then ran once I hit the ground. Huh. That sounds like something my father would say quote style.

I marched up to Flint and stuck my hand out,"White, Ella White."  He shook it kinda suspicious.

"You're the best Beater who has tried out today, or in years. How am I supposed to let a girl on the team?" he asked, looking down at me. I'm short.

"I don't know..." I said sarcastically, "But you know where to find me when you make a decision! I'm gonna go hit the library, I have homework." I said with a smirk plastered on my face. I marched off to the castle and went into my to get changed into normal clothes. Then I headed to the library.

But I got stopped on the way. "You're on the team." said the person who I knew to be Malfoy.

"Great. When's the first practice?" 

Then, I didn't realize I was going to be absolutely mad about him, I thought I hated him. But, I was so wrong. I still kinda miss him. Oh who am I kidding? I can barely live without him. I barely speak anymore, or eat. George was the first one to find out how depressed I was. Because Fred was way to busy with- wait. I can't tell you that. I have already gotten myself into deep. I really need to go find the twins.

But, I'll keep speaking for you guys. I met the twins through Quidditch too. When I beated their asses fair and square. Draco was impressed, so was the twins. They just kept following me around. It was weird at first, but I learned to live with it.

Ok, now I really need to find George and Fred. I'll see you guys later. Ta ta!

A/N: How was that? Changed it up a bit for y'all. Comment suggestions and what you liked or disliked and remember to vote! I always like comments and votes, it makes my day.

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