Wait, What Did He Do?!

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Hermione sat in the common room with a huge headache. Due to her being unconscious, she missed Harry ' s name get picked out of the Goblet of Fire and she wasn't allowed to watch the first task. Hermione sighed and snuggled closer to Crookshanks. "I hope he's alright. He has a tendency for getting hurt, y'know." Hermione said. She stood up and went to the library. She picked out a book and turned the corner to find a surprise. She saw a familiar ginger and bleach blonde snogging. Hermione giggled as she saw Ella and Malfoy finally suckling each other's gums out. "Ella?" Hermione giggled. Ella and Malfoy jumped apart. Ella's face was as red as her hair and Malfoy's matched. "Hermione? Aren't you... umm... supposed to be watching Harry?" Ella wringed her hands. "I am not supposed to be active after the accident and that means walking to the task is not allowed." Hermione smirked. Malfoy turned more red at this. "Carry on you two, I'm not standing in your way." Hermione smiled and winked at Ella. Ella smiled sheepishly. Hermione smirked and walked out of the library. Halfway down the hall she heard a voice call out to her. "Wait, Hermione!" Hermione spun around to see the familiar ginger girl running towards her. Once she caught up with Hermione she took a few deep breaths and continued, "Please don't tell anyone. Not even Ginny or Harry. And especially not the twins. They will kill me. They're so overprotective of me! It's like I'm there little sister! So please don't tell them, or they'll go all crazy on either me or Draco." Ella sighed. Hermione nodded and gave her younger friend a hug. Ella smiled, her friend who was so depressed with her break up was finally happy. "Ok, thanks Hermione." Ella smiled and skipped back to the library where her snogging partner was waiting. Hermione sighed. To feel love. Truthfully, she had a crush on Ron. He was just so... she didn't even have the words to describe him. She hoped he asked her to the Yule Ball. She pictured the perfect night with him, wearing the perfect outfit. She smiled and then ran into a wall. She looked up and saw a Durmstrang boy staring down at her.  "I'm so sorry!" He said in his thick accent, "I was looking for Ellie Vhite. Do you know where she is?" Hermione looked surprised. This guy had a crush on her little Ella! To save him from the despair of seeing Ella and Malfoy, she shrugged and walked off towards the dorms. Hermione sat in her favorite chair in the common room. She watched the roaring fire, her eyelids getting heavy. She wanted to stay awake, but she couldn't. Her eyelids finally closed bringing her off into a sweet, dreamless sleep. When she woke up, she was in her own bed. She sat up, stretched and then fell back down. Ugh, she didn't want to get put of bed. She felt SO good. She sighed and swung her legs over the side of the four post. She pit on a fresh pair of clothes and headed down to the common room to see the twins, Ella and Rory sitting and talking. "Hey Hermione!" Rory waved at the tired girl. Hermione waved and went to sit down with them. Hermione smiled. George was on the couch and Ella at his feet. Rory was sitting next to him on a pillow and braiding is longish hair. Fred sat on the floor across  from Ella. They might not be the perfect group, but they were special.

A/N: Hey guys! So I'm gonna start creating Ella and Rory ' s Yule Ball outfits, but first they gotta have dates! So who should they go with? Comment to tell me!

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