The Dream of Death

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Hermione shivered as she was put on a hard surface. She was wet. Soaked. She opened her eyes to see Viktor Krum, Ginny, Ella, the twins, and Rory staring down at her. "I'm cold." She grumbled. Everyone let put a small laugh except for Krum.  Hermione faced the twins. "Will one of you carry me to my room?" Hermione lifted up her arms. The twins just stood there. "Georgie. Carry me. Now." Hermione snapped. George nodded and scooped a wet Hermione up in his arms. Hermione wrapped her arms around George's neck. She really didn't care he was holding her or anything, he was like her big brother. The Weasleys were her family, so she had no problem at all. Next thing Hermione knew, her eyelids were drooping. She let out a yawn. "You can fall, asleep Hermione, it's ok. I got you." George whispered. Hermione nodded and cuddled into her non biological brother's  chest. She eventually drifted off into a sweet sleep. Hermione  woke up screaming. She jolted up on her bed and she whipped visiously around. She had just had a dream where she was forced to watch all of her loved ones get tortured.  She quickly rushed downstairs not caring she was in pajamas to find her friends. She found Harry first so she gave him a hug. "I had a bad dream." Hermione  explained. Harry nodded and just hugged her back. "You ok 'Mione?" He asked. Hermione shook her head and started sobbing. "They started with the oldest, and that would be Molly and Arthur..."
Hermione was tied to a chair. She reached for her wand, but it wasn't there. She let out a desperate cry. She then heard the door open and Death Eaters marched  in dragging Molly and Arthur with them. They made the couple get on their knees. They started yelling out the unforgivable curse. Hermione watched as her parental figures were tortured. Hermione sobbed as she watched the words 'Blood Traitor' get cut into their wrists. Finally, they couldn't take it, so they died in each other's  arms as Hermione let out strangled cries. Then her parents came in, and received the same fate, Hermione couldn't watch her parents die, so she looked away. The Death Eaters marched in with George Weasley. George, her beloved older brother like figure. They made him get down on his knees. They brought Fred in too, but they tied him to a chair like Hermione. George had the Imperio curse put  on him and Hermione watched as he tortured his own brother into insanity  and finally killed him off. Seeing his brother dead was enough for George so he killed himself. Then Ron came in. Ron, her beloved Ron. He was tortured so horribly that Hermione couldn't recognize his face anymore. He was killed shortly after. Then Rory was brought in, her beautiful golden hair matted with blood and dirt. She actually was putting up a good fighg, kicking and screaming. They killed her instantly to make her stop screaming.  Then Harry came in, and he had the same fate as Ron. Ella was next. Ella came in with fright written all over her face. She got a fate worse then death. Hermione sat and watched in horror as the Death Mark was burned into Ella's  skin. She watched as the little girl screamed and jerked all over the place in pain. She finally passed out from the pain. And finally, her dear friend Ginny. Ginny saw her family, friend and love scattered on the floor dead. She saw Ella's  mark and just begged them to kill her instantly. And they did. Hermione sat and sobbed as she looked at all her loved ones dead. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she hoped she was dying.
Harry looked at his friend shocked. She just sat there and sobbed. Eventually, everyone had come in and was giving Hermione a hug. Hermione was so relieved none of her friends were actually dead. Hermione sat and cried into Ginny's  shoulder and Ella stroked her hair while Rory rubbed her back. Hermione didn't deserve these good of friends, but she was glad she had them.

A/N: PLEASE COMMENT ON WHO SHOULD GO TO THE YULE BALL WITH RORY AND ELLA!!! Also, Rory is based off of my good friend, Rory Phillips. Also, the Yule Ball outfits are done so please comment on who you think Rory and Ella should go with. Thanks!

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