Bread Krums

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A/N: Since no one voted on who Rory and Ella were going with, I decided. Ha! Deal with that!
Hermione walked down the hall. The Yule Ball was coming up and girls were getting asked left and right. Hermione wanted Ron to ask her. Hermione walked into a wall. Not exactly a wall, but Viktor Krum. "Herminninny." Viktor greeted. Hermione nodded to him and ran off blushing. She reached her destination where three girls were waiting for her. Ginny was leaning against a tree and Ella was sitting cross legged while Rory braided her hair. "Hermione!" Ginny called. Ella looked up and waved. Rory smiled. "Hi." Hermione said breathless. She sat down in the grass.  Ella looked at Hermione, "Guess who asked me to the ball!" Hermione shrugged. "Aleksander! Aleksander Dimtrov!" Hermione gave the younger girl a confused look. "He's a Durmstrang boy. He's your age!" Hermione smiled. She remebered the boy with the accent who wanted to find Ella. "And Rory, Ginny?" Hermione asked. Ginny just shook her head and Rory ' s face turned red with anger. "Rory?" Hermione inquired. "Roger asked Fleur DeLaclour. (A/N I hope that's how you spell it.)" She muttered angrily. Hermione nodded. "And you Hermione?"  Ella said. "Oh shut up, Elle, everyone knows either Krum or Ron are going to ask her. I bet with George, so it better be Krum, other wise you lost me five galleons!" Ginny said exasperated. Hermione turned red in the face. Ella giggled along with Rory. "Claire got asked by Oliver Wood. She didn't tell me what she responded." Rory said, "And Keegan asked a pretty girl with blue hair named Melina. She is absolutely beautiful." Rory babbled on. As she babbled on, Hermione noticed someone approaching them. "Herminninny, I need to ask you something." The figure of Krum said. Hermione looked up at him. "Vill you go to da boll vith me?" He said in his thick accent. Ginny grinned, Rory had an eyebrow arched and Ella had her hand over her mouth surpressing  giggles. Hermione nodded. All three girls squealed. "I vill pick you up later then." He said and he walked off. Then, the girl armies came in, asking thousands of questions.
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Just wanted you guys to get the gist of things. Sorry if I got Krum's accent wrong. And if I spelled Fleur's surname wrong. If you're asking why Ella isn't going with Malfoy is because their relationship is still a secret. Shh. Ok, bye lovelies! Oh, Melina will show up more later and is based off of TheDeadAreAmoungUs and Rory is based off RoryPhillips. Me friends!

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