Hello Fred!

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"Oh hello, Fred!" Ginny smiled cheerfully. Hermione could feel her cheeks burning up out of embarrassment. God, she was going to kill Ginny Weasley.

"Hey..." he looked at her strangely. "Anyways, me and Geroge were going to Diagon Alley later, we were wondering if you two would like to come?"

"Sure, we would both like to come!" Ginny responded automatically. Hermione glared daggers at Ginny, though both she and Fred didn't seem to notice.

"Cool!" Fred said cheerily before leaving the room. Once the door was closed, he could feel his cheeks burn up. Did Hermione really like him or was Ginny just playing around with his heart?

He almost didn't want Ginny and Geroge to come along on the Diagon Alley trip. He wished it was just him and Hermione. God, she was so beautiful, hanging upside down off her bed. You could see her pretty hair and all it's greatness that way. 

Fred sighed and went to his room. There wasn't much to do in the house until they left for Diagon Alley. He cracked open a book about potions that he bought due to it seeming useful for his products.

Time didn't seem to pass by fast enough. He felt as if he waited for days to see Hermione. Or, wait, no. To leave. Yeah, to leave. To Diagon Alley with his brother, sister and his sister's friend. That's all Hermione was or could be. A friend of his siblings'.

Except every time he saw her, his heart skipped a couple of beats and he realized how in over his head he was. Even if he liked her, which he didn't, she would never like him back. Hermione didn't like boys or girls. Just her books.

"You look miserable, mate." George commented on Fred. Fred simply glared at him.

"Have you finally realized your feelings for Hermione?"

"If you mean feelings by there are none, then yes."

George groaned. "Man, she'd totally go for you if you just told her how you felt! And you realized how you felt! Everyone can see those feelings. You're practically transparent, dude."

Fred simply responded by throwing a pillow at his brother before returning to his book.

A/N: Guys, I want you to look at this map of demographics of my readers. You guys are bringing my story throughout this world and it makes me so happy that I can share this worldwide. I'm so thankful for your guys' support and love throughout this book. It makes me want to write more! Anyway, I love you all and I hope you have a good day!

 It makes me want to write more! Anyway, I love you all and I hope you have a good day!

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