I'm Not Your's

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A/N: Hey guys! So... I was wondering if you had any fanart I could use in my story? If you do, please share it with me! I would love to feature it in a new chapter. Also, share with your friends, I'm hoping this story will make it to the high ranks for the tag #fremione so make sure and share! Anyways... hope you enjoy!

My eyes fluttered open to meet dazzling ocean blue ones. This particular pair of eyes belonged to my freckled friend, Ronald Weasley. He looked down at me, concern washing over his features.

"Ron? Is everything okay?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. His face fell and he looked down at his freckled hands which were sitting in his lap.

"Not exactly... 'Mione, how much do you remember from last night?" He said in a grim voice. I pushed a piece of my bushy brown hair behind my ear.

"Well... not much..." I said truthfully. Then it hit me. The memories of last night. "Cedric..." I whispered. Ron nodded sadly. I scrambled to sit up and Ron looked at me. "How is Harry doing?Where is he, Ron?" I gave Ron one of my "looks". He winced at the sight.

"He's by the lake, up in the tree trying to get a break. But 'Mione, you might want to change." Ron pointed at my outfit as I was half way to the portrait. I looked down at my clothes, realizing they were a pair of pink pajama bottoms with snowflakes on them and a shirt that had an AC/DC band logo on it. I liked their music. I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah... maybe you're right." I headed up to the girl's dormitories to get changed. There were four beds per room. I shared my room with Lavender Brown and the Patil twins. The beds were four post beds with dark, red, velvet curtains and red, silk sheets with gold patterning on them. I opened the wardrobe that I shared with Lavender. I picked out a comfy sweater and a pair of jeans. I shrugged my clothes on and put on a pair of socks with cats on them. I slipped on my white Chuck Taylor's and tied them. My hair was messy, but I took care of that. I brushed it out so it looked softer and prettier. It wasn't as pretty as when Ginny did it, but it would do. I headed down the stairs to see Ron talking to Dean and Seamus. I waved to them when they looked over. I swore I heard Seamus telling Ron something about how he needed to get me fast. The lake was glistening today. It was sunny. It was funny, it felt like there were rain clouds over your soul, yet it was bright out.

"Harry, I know you're up there." I looked up in the tree which was famous for being Harry Potter's hiding spot.

"Go away, Hermione." the voice came from up in the branches. It was too late, I was already half way up the tree, wand in my hand.

"Harry James Potter, do you really think you can tell me to go away?" I pulled myself up onto another branch. I could see Harry, he was way up. More climbing for me. I didn't get an answer so I kept on climbing. I finally reached the branch he was on, out of breath. Harry helped me up. I leaned against my messy haired friend.

"Hermione, what are you doing?" Harry looked at me through wire-rimmed glasses. I sat up and looked him straight in the eye.

"What do you mean? I'm being your friend. Hermione Granger." I motioned with my arms to get my point across. Harry had no emotion on his face, it was a blank slate. I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck and hugged him, breathing in his scent of pine. "I'm sorry Harry." I felt a tear drop on the top of my head. Tears started trickling down my own face. So we just sat there, crying and hugging in the tree, the sound of school surrounding us, but not daring to touch us.

A/N: Again, I want some fanart! Please send me some! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, Hermione's outfit, http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=221917326

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