Ginny Weasley Knows Too Much

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A/N: I NEED FANART!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE SEND ME SOME!!!!!!!!!!!

I ended up sharing a room with Ginny, which at the time seemed fun and that it would be great. Ginny was really the only girl that liked me. Plus it would be weird to share a room with the boys. That's when I found out Ginny knew too much. We were getting ready for bed when she smiled at me.

"I know a secret of yours, Hermione." she giggled as she tugged a lavender t-shirt on. My face immediately flushed.

"A secret? I have none. I'm an open book." I didn't look towards Ginny but towards my luggage, wanting to escape with it.

"Lies!" Ginny jumped on top of me, making me yelp.

"Ginny! What the hell?!" I yelled and pushed her off, which resulted in her laughing.

"You have a secret! And you're going to tell me!" I looked at the ginger haired girl from the corner of my eye. Her shoulder length, straight, orange hair hung in her face. Her blue eyes looked at me.

"Fine." I sighed and flumped onto my back. She clapped and jumped back onto my bed.

"Do you like someone?" Ginny raised an eyebrow. I immediately blushed.

"Oh, 'Mione! You are going to have to tell me now!" Ginny pushed her hair back and grinned.

"Well... I kinda like Neville." Hermione said with a straight face.

"What?!" the ginger screeched.

"I'm kidding, Gin. Honestly. Neville? Do you see me with him?" Hermione laughed, making her brown eyes sparkle.

"Nope." Ginny bit the inside of her cheek, "So do you like anyone?"

"Not really. All the guys I know enough to like are my brothers basically."

"Well, Harry's really cute. But he's mine, so paws off." Ginny looked at me menacingly, making me laugh. Suddenly, there was a poof sound and suddenly the twins were in the girl's room.

"Girls!" they said in unison.

"Dinner-" George smiled.

"-is-" Fred continued.

"-ready!" George finished before they poofed away. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"They're always using magic now." she jumped up and straightened out her shirt. I giggled and stood up as well, following the ginger haired girl down to the dining hall.

"Mrs. Weasley? When is Harry coming?" I asked as the mother of all the gingers entered the room.

"I'm not sure, dear," she said as she sat the steaming pot of food down on the table. I nodded.

"I hope it's soon," Ginny commented. I looked over at her.

"I hope too, Ginny, I hope too. With those horrible monsters taking care of him... The sooner he's out of there the better." I smiled and dished out some stew onto my plate.

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