We've Made It To Chapter Twenty

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A/N: Yay! Chapter twenty! I liked this fanart of Ginny, so deal.

"'Mione... wake up..." Hermione groaned and put her pillow over her head. Suddenly, her sheets were off her. She curled around her pillow for warmth.

"No... don't make me." Hermione moaned. A sudden weight was put on top of her, or more like thrown.

"Wake up, you idjit!" Ginny yelled. Hermione cracked open an eye to see the ginger on top of her.

"Give me one good reason." Hermione said groggily.

"Oh, well... Fred will be at breakfast..." Ginny said innocently. Hermione knocked the younger girl off of her, leaving Ginny cackling on the ground.

"I hate you." Hermione flipped off Ginny, crawling out of bed. She strode over to her trunk and opened it, picking out a purple sweater and a pair of jeans. Ginny was already shucking off her shirt and putting on a blue one. Hermione got dressed and brushed her bushy mess back into a ponytail.

"You didn't put much effort in, did you?" Ginny raised an eyebrow. Hermione rolled her eyes and left the room, slamming the door behind her before running into a wall.

"Woah there Hermione!" someone steadied her. And out of what seemed like the thousands of people who lived in this house, it was Fred Weasley.

"Hello, Fred." Hermione gave a weak smile. He smiled down at her, revealing bright white teeth. Hermione's heart banged loudly against her chest. What was he doing to her? Was it some kind of spell?

"Are you ready for breakfast? Mum is making it. But that's no different from any other day." he furrowed his eyebrows up. Hermione laughed. He held out his arm.

"M'lady." he grinned. Hermione curtsied.

"Good sir." she said before taking his arm. He led her down the stairs and into the dining room. There, they found Ron, George, Mrs. Weasley and Tonks.

"No- Mrs. Weasley- no, no I don't like Bill like that!" Tonks protested, her hair a bright shade of pink.

"Good morning, mum." Fred released Hermione's arm, making her heart sink a little bit. This was definitely some sort of spell. She felt someone's hands appear on her shoulders.

"It's not a spell, 'Mione. You're in love." Ginny whispered into her ear.

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